View Full Version : PETS- my cat

30-09-03, 12:27 PM
My cats just bowled into the room, digi cam is on, so i fought i wud take a photo of it. im really bored. lol



Got another one too, but don't know where that is. lol.

Damn, im really bored. :(

30-09-03, 12:32 PM
Looks a bit like one of my cats actually...
I also have another cat which looks just like Fester's cat :lol:

... and newly aquired 5 fish, although there will probably be a few more this weekend as the tank looks a bit big for them, they look lost in there and i am too inpatient to wait for them to grow a bit.

30-09-03, 12:35 PM
lol, my fish tank is huge.

got bloody goldfish in the thing.

My mum wants tropicsal fish i think, so i sed freeze the things, but she says dats cruel and we sud wait for nature to take its course.

U cant mix tropical and goldfish...

30-09-03, 12:44 PM
you can mix tropical and goldfish.
you just have to increase the water temperature slowly over a few weeks for the goldfish to get to tropical level > but you better hope your tank is VERY big because goldfish exposed to warm water can become very big > and i mean like a koi sized fish!!

Seen a black moore (spelling??), the ones with the twin tails and bulging eyes once that someone did that to and i shit you not it was a foot long!

30-09-03, 04:06 PM
i got a couple of fish still not allowed anything else co the g/f is afraid i'd kill it don't take any animal advise from tilly, she told me my fish was all gonna die horribly an i beleived her :oops:

30-09-03, 04:22 PM
I mixed tropical and goldfish for a few months then i put some weird tropical fish in there that killed the remaining goldfish...

30-09-03, 04:28 PM
lol @ dave's missus not letting him have stuff.

So far i have killed off 8 goldfish / variations thereof - had one kitten die due to dehydration because it got really bad diahreoah all of a sudden and also had a fluffy bunny rabbit that i bought for the missus die the day after I bought it.

Still got my eldest cat though - three years old on new years eve, and the younger one is now about 2 n a bit. SO not doing bad lol. Both are very healthy too at the moment.

30-09-03, 07:15 PM
my cats are about 5 or so i think, ones fattish, smudge dat one above the others a skinny fucker. lol

30-09-03, 11:20 PM
i hate cats............and dogs for that matter.

at this very moment i have a little hamster running around in a ball on the floor next to me. i swear if he bangs into the door one more time i'll skin the little fuck :twisted: :lol:

01-10-03, 04:45 AM
I mixed tropical and goldfish for a few months then i put some weird tropical fish in there that killed the remaining goldfish...

pirahna? lol

My cat:



01-10-03, 08:45 AM
It was this red fighting fish, the bloke in the pet shop said they would be fine. He was obviously wrong

01-10-03, 09:19 AM
I h8 cats.. I want a dog, a PITBULL or BULLDOG :twisted: :twisted: ...

4 of my m8 has PITBULL's, they are good dogs..

01-10-03, 01:25 PM
I got a tortoise called Cid. Mike Oxford always says hello to him when he comes round for a cuppa (Thats Mike, not Cid, cuz Cid drinks water..not tea)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :D

01-10-03, 01:29 PM
i know someone with a tortoise called Sid :lol:

05-10-03, 05:09 PM
my house is over run with fish
i got a tropical tank
another tank with pirahna (gettin big now) :twisted:
and 2 goldfish

am not alowed a pond cos of the kids and owt r lass wud probably kill or shes frightened of

06-10-03, 10:48 AM
i hate cats and dogs cant stand having cat fluff all over me. :o

06-10-03, 11:31 AM
you allergic to em Tilly - had a bad episode with something as a child or something?