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View Full Version : Sad end to one of my old novas

31-07-17, 09:31 PM
Been looking through my old photo bucket pics getting the pics I want off there while I still can and come across these I forgot all about.

So 17 years ago I had a mint 3 door saloon in blue .
Before they were cool and right about the time novas wereworth peanuts I stupidly sold it for £12
To the local bad lads who drove it around the area for the day then set fire to it in the local woods .

A few years later I went for a walk to see if the shell was still there and it was along with a few others lol.


Good news is the original bonnet off this car has been stored im my mates garage for years as we removed it and fitted a dented one before selling . The bonnet is now skinned and on my drag car .

Just one of around 30 novas I have owned if only I knew what they would be worth now.

01-08-17, 12:30 PM

01-08-17, 12:34 PM
That's a shame but at least it made mine worth more lol

01-08-17, 12:40 PM
True lol

01-08-17, 03:57 PM
Think of it this way, any time you want to take a trip down memory lane you can pop out and go and see your old car lol

01-08-17, 04:13 PM
There is a few novas down there . I might go looking for parts;)hahaha

01-08-17, 06:42 PM
Haven't the council or land owner cleared them?

01-08-17, 09:28 PM
There were some burnt out cars abandoned on an old railway embankment at the back of where I grew up in hull,withoutbsome serious work you would never get them out of the places they were in lol
Was some moneys worth down there

05-08-17, 09:55 PM
Same here down the side of a viaduct totaly impossible to get them out without a helicopter or somthing. Im going for another look tommorow lol see what state there in now