View Full Version : F882 anh

14-06-17, 12:10 AM
Hi all,

This is my first post in this forum and I think it's in the right place.

Im after some help - im looking for a Nova I used to own, I've got an itch and I need to scratch it, funnily enough the guy I sold it too is also interested in getting it back too, we want to check it over and then save it if it needs it.

Its a white GTE, reg is in the subject title. As far as I can see it was last taxed in 2008.
i went to a lot of meets in it, and cruises back in the day. As soon as I find some pics I will pop them up however I'm hoping that as a nova enthusiast would have likely bought it that maybe one of you know its whereabouts or owner. It was mint condition and had thousands spent on it I'm assuming thats why it maybe in a sealed room somewhere!

anyway, thanks in advance.

if I get no joy there's always the classifieds and I will start over!


20-12-17, 02:37 PM



any Info would be great, thanks


20-12-17, 06:52 PM
If it's not been on the road in 10 years but was mint then hopefully it will be locked away in a garage somewhere.
Good luck.

20-12-17, 07:05 PM
everything indicates the car is long since dead

21-12-17, 06:50 PM
Thanks for the replies. It was pretty quick, in the wrong hands I can see it ending up wrapped around a tree. I’m going to hope that’s it’s been garaged - and of anyone who garaged it wants rid and reads this, let me know!!

21-12-17, 09:10 PM
I heard it’s now in Royston Vasey, a local town for local people...

21-12-17, 09:50 PM
Yep and once there they never leave....