View Full Version : Has facebook killed the forum?

27-12-16, 04:33 PM
I remember a time not so long ago where this was the epicentre of all things nova related.

Now no one seems to post or reply any more.


27-12-16, 04:45 PM
Was thinking the same thing! Nothing happens on here anymore. It must be face ache !!

27-12-16, 04:48 PM
I remember a time not so long ago where this was the epicentre of all things nova related.

Now no one seems to post or reply any more.


Facebook is shit💩

27-12-16, 05:00 PM
Its gutting to be honest. It still a mint forum just seems quiet all the time.

27-12-16, 05:08 PM
Yep it's very very quiet, the last two years since I've been active on here again it's been like a library most days, I haven't even bothered to update my build thread, as there just doesn't seem any point, but i guess that's part Of The problem if everybody feels that way.

27-12-16, 05:08 PM
It is there was a time i was on here everyday checking out new cars/projects and asking advice. Now lucky if you get replies or anything new happening. I know people have lives to live so do i lol.

27-12-16, 05:12 PM
Well I promise to update my build thread later, just to help the forum outlol

27-12-16, 05:34 PM
Legend this evening il have something to look at then

27-12-16, 05:59 PM
Facebook is killing everything its just full of gobshites . not been on facebook for about 5 years much prefer the forums .

27-12-16, 06:24 PM
Second that don't know what's so special about facebook! Never been on it never will be on it!!

27-12-16, 06:34 PM
Me and liamnp have been saying this for years.iv been on here before and been the only active member online ffs lol
forget getting a response for anything on here anytime shorter than a week.
I was told to stop the negativity though.Whatever it is im posting it's still more than what was online to view previous haha

27-12-16, 06:46 PM
No one listened to constructive criticism and it was ram into the ground because of it. Amount of nova owners I've meet over the past years that refuse to use forum because of stuff people raised is staggering. Rules finally got relaxed but it was to late....Facebook didn't kill it

27-12-16, 08:21 PM
Yah I killed it, of course :roll: not being able to swear or post eBay ads was hardly the reason but hey.
Facebook is just people spamming adverts and fuck all actual interaction. And I'm sure it'll explode in my face in a few days when I make use of the two groups we have there to make one an all out sale only hell hole and one to be non sales and only what the forum should have on it lol

27-12-16, 08:30 PM
It would also appear that mass apathy or People growing up with youths not wanting anything over 10yrs old as a car has killed the Vauxhall scene.
Sure the odd model is worth big cash but it's not like the vw stuff or even the fords etc, plus those lot have proper shows unlike the toss that we get in the main lol

27-12-16, 08:59 PM
Exactly the whole scene is embarrassing.xr and rs owners clubs have more members than the entire showers at billing/pod.
People just didn't value gte gsi Sri of any of the vaux stuff preferring to break them to make their catty covered crap faster lol
id buy one now but I think what's the point? Nowhere to show one properly anymore and a following of half a dozen people.
im serious when I say they have a bigger following on the ovals.

27-12-16, 09:02 PM
The users that also say hardly get time to go on anymore etc are hilarious cos they will have a zillion facemuck posts though talking about what's for tea or how much toilet roll they didn't use

27-12-16, 09:05 PM
Tbh an app to get on Fb does make it 'easy' to spout crap. And sure tapatalk exists on here but frankly that's an awful interface IMHO lol

new notbilling will be interesting to see if it still pulls what it has for the past few years, but alas change is never good lol

27-12-16, 09:07 PM
The Land Rover show that moved was ok but look at the following that has,compared to Vauxhall.
Lack of input from people and blanking/bitching each other at shows etc doesn't help lol

27-12-16, 09:08 PM
The Land Rover show that moved was ok but look at the following that has,compared to Vauxhall.
Lack of input from people and blanking/bitching each other at shows etc doesn't help lol

Well yeah, childishness is always a winner on that front.... Sadly it seems well ingrained in some of our lot :(

27-12-16, 10:17 PM
I've only been quiet because I've not done anything to my nova and some how managed to buy a ford what have I done

27-12-16, 10:25 PM
No way what you doing buying a :cry: ford??

27-12-16, 10:37 PM
It'd better be a good ford lol

27-12-16, 10:51 PM
I've been quiet on here recently due to being busy nothing to do with face ache as I don't have it lol

27-12-16, 11:02 PM
I've only been quiet because I've not done anything to my nova and some how managed to buy a ford what have I done

I've been looking at xr2's a lot recently........

27-12-16, 11:46 PM
It'd better be a good ford lol

It's a orion ghia it's got heated screen remote central locking and electric windows lol. I've got a rs2000 lump to go in it it's a nice car tbh

27-12-16, 11:49 PM
I've still got 2 mk2 astras and I've got a deposit on a nova pickup just need to get my heart back in cars as my personal life has took over yes she has got me under the thumb lol

27-12-16, 11:57 PM
I've been quiet on here recently due to being busy nothing to do with face ache as I don't have it lol

I've been quiet for a couple of years and I to do not use facebook or any of that twaddle. Alas after mincing with nova's for the past 24 years things like family and work have slowly taken over the majority of my life. You would think as kids got older they would become more independent but its the opposite, with one at 13 and the other fast approaching 17 the workload is only increasing lol. Work wise, years ago when it was just a case of running a gang of blokes or running a site, things were very simple with targets and straight forward hours/working days. Many years later and rocking the Contracts Managers role, with the lack of skilled labour that was around in my day out on site, means things will never be simple again or as easy as they once were for people in my current position. (a long way to say I am now probably classed an old fart lol lol)

As per my updates at the end of the summer I still own my car and bits etc and it will get used again, we are closer now than we have been in the last 6 years, which I suppose is testament to wanting to do something, knowing its sat there, and still not being able to do sod all about it.

We all knew the forums would tail off in time, social media and what not would have broken the original mould which just created a disjointed social scene of them and us (facebook and no facebook). We used to discuss this probably 10 years back just as we had the mini revival on the scene. As a single model we knew we would slow down rapidly when the time came (about the same time as the xrtwo.com forums tbh), but even MIG and a few others have slowed at a similar pace which surprises me. As was mentioned above, kids nowadays don't want to spent lots of money on cars that they stopped making over 20yrs ago, its just the few that want to rekindle an old love for them or getting a car they always wanted to try but never got around to.

28-12-16, 12:01 AM
Everyone tells me I need to stop living in the 80's my mrs hates old cars nearly walked away when I picked her up when we 1st met in a white nova saloon slammed on white compomotive th's she hates that I have old cars as a daily but I don't care the kids love my cars lol

28-12-16, 06:55 AM
The answer to the question is definitely Yes - most forums not just PNG.

I will continue to post details on my car here but been usually zero replies so never sure whether lack of interest in what I post or other reason.

I tried to keep interest in the club by putting up the 2016 events in region (members only) but very few views or replies and those that did reply were known are from facebook anyway. Facebook has similar issues of the same group posting/ liking. Sure in a few years time facebook will be replaced by another site which no doubt will be even better.

Not sure I will be putting up 2017 events on PNG as when I suggested an event it was made very clear by Admin that it was not to an official PNG event which is a pity since looking at over 20 novas on stand - many of which are paid PNG members.

28-12-16, 07:56 AM
I still pop in regularly and pop in the occasional post.

Hopefully wiil catch up with a few of you over 2017

28-12-16, 08:47 AM
It's not just on here that's not busy,I'm also on the R32oc for my golf and if you hit the new posts button on there it's a bit more active but not by much.it could also be that novas are no longer within the reach of a lot of people that the used to be with the way prices of the cars/parts are going.

28-12-16, 08:49 AM
It's not just on here that's not busy,I'm also on the R32oc for my golf and if you hit the new posts button on there it's a bit more active but not by much.it could also be that novas are no longer within the reach of a lot of people that the used to be with the way prices of the cars/parts are going.

I guess you can't really finance a nova and get free insurance lol

28-12-16, 09:13 AM
I guess you can't really finance a nova and get free insurance lol

And that's it exactly,when i passed my test i had a mk2 fiesta.my first years insurance was twice what the car cost me and that was third party fire & theft.nowadays they're all driving around in brand new corsas on finance with free insurance..kids today will never know the struggle lol

28-12-16, 11:00 AM
I come on here most days and click whats new. I am of the same mindset that there isn't any point updating a build thread on a forum any more, maybe I'm just getting old.

I still enjoy being able to help someone if I can though. Sometimes they even say thanks.

28-12-16, 11:34 AM
This place is mostly fucked due to not being able to have a laugh.
That's it. Plenty of other forums are still thriving, even car ones. With much more of a niche audience than here.

What else doesn't help is that many who had only ever owned Vauxhall's have had their eyes well and truly opened by the superior stuff out there.

I only know about this thread, because Andy told me. lol

28-12-16, 11:51 AM
Oh noes, the forum is dead, thread about it, cue pages of people posting saying they don't post lol self fulfilling etc

28-12-16, 11:53 AM
Oh noes, the forum is dead, thread about it, cue pages of people posting saying they don't post lol self fulfilling etc

Think about how many members the place has lost. Only here.
*insert Kev mum's server/hoover joke* lol

28-12-16, 11:53 AM
Self fulfilling prophets we are as sloth once pointed out hahahahahhaaha

28-12-16, 12:38 PM
It's a shame it really is, totaly get the lack of appeal of scabby old granny hatchbacks to most younger owners. And face book will have played a part in it, with its easy to use interface and the ability to get almost instant responses. But in fairness it's us the members that ultimately determine if the fourm is 'dead' Im on here pretty much every day, I may not make loads of posts but I do reply and try to help where I can. And if I do have to ask a question I'd rather ask on here because I'm not going to get some Ted in a shed who once changed a pollen filter on his mums lanos telling me why my engine isn't makin as much power as I want.

28-12-16, 05:06 PM
Sheer boredom brings me here lol not owned a Vauxhall for around a year now, last Nova was 2008 or 9 i think.

What else doesn't help is that many who had only ever owned Vauxhall's have had their eyes well and truly opened by the superior stuff out there.

And this to an extent^ Mrs Mike chopped in her Astra Sporthatch for a brand new Fiesta ST2 (with a forces discount of £2500!). 180bhp as standard. Ford/Montune remap takes it upto LET power. Im still rocking a VAG TDi & would never go back to old primate motors tbh.

28-12-16, 05:07 PM
I still have a nosey through once a week or so. The specialist knowledge here is far better than the rubbish some people spout on facebook thanks to having rules. It stops a lot of spaming rubbish too.

It is a lot quieter and not as instant as facebook but it doesn't mean the end, just means it is a bit quieter. i still think it's a great forum.

28-12-16, 05:20 PM
I also have a look at what's going on here and update my escort cosworth thread.
Always hate it when a Facebook group is opened for a forum as it splits the information.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

28-12-16, 06:01 PM
To be fair, the forum ~10 years ago was ruled tighter than it is now, I've had enough bans in my time for spamming lol. But then the nova-owning active membership was larger, there were more novas out there, the average age was probably a bit younger too. I think in general forums are slowing partly due to easier access communities (e.g. on FB - it's a one stop shop for most people), especially for older cars as the yoof moves onto other/newer cars. Some of the others I use have quietened down, some have gone completely. Look into what happened with the GT4OC over time if you think this place is bad, especially for bickering and what not!

As for shows and things, we do have to be careful due to requirements from the VBOA which mean we need to have official responsibilty and organization - we don't want to get booted out after all the effort it took to get in, dan wearing a suit etc lol

28-12-16, 06:49 PM

Always meant to ask you, are any of the GT4's Rev 3? I have a forged Rev 3 3SGTE in my rev 2 turbo MR2 now. :thumb:
Maybe I should MSN Messenger you. lol

28-12-16, 06:59 PM
The st205 engine is as close to the rev 3 mr2 engine as it gets. Most part numbers are the same however there are a few that are different. The have different Ecus and different intercooler setup. You often see rev 3 guys using the gt4 charge cooler

28-12-16, 09:17 PM
FB is killing every forum. Cause its "easy"
Prob is no one leans anything and they all ask the same questions over and over and over.

The best things about forums was reading and learning.

28-12-16, 09:35 PM
The st205 engine is as close to the rev 3 mr2 engine as it gets. Most part numbers are the same however there are a few that are different. The have different Ecus and different intercooler setup. You often see rev 3 guys using the gt4 charge cooler

Aye, I have an ST205 charge cooler core that I may fit. My mk1 turbo also had one.
Celica's go FMIC and we go CC. lol

I have never looked under the bonnet of an ST205 since owning MR2's, but I remember some being Rev 1/2, like Project Binky.
I guess that was an ST185, though.
Actually, now that I think on, this engine came from Lee H, and it was originally in a GT4...

Funny thing about the ECU's. When I was repinning the Rev 2 loom on my car to Rev 3 ECU, The MR2 ECU had loads of pins for controlling the CC pump etc and from what I could see with the lid off, they were terminated.
Looking forward to getting mine on the dyno and seeing if I can run 23psi from the CT20B, like the USA lads do.

What's yours running?

paul james
28-12-16, 10:17 PM
Facebook is a crap resource though, 5 minutes after posting something its praticaly lost forever under a pile of other nonsense. If forums allowed easy hosting of photos it would make a big difference I think. Most forums have suffered in recent years.

28-12-16, 10:32 PM
Agreed hosting on a pic site and then transferring on here is soul destroying.I can't believe after all these years there's no alternative.

28-12-16, 10:47 PM
Aye, I have an ST205 charge cooler core that I may fit. My mk1 turbo also had one.
Celica's go FMIC and we go CC. lol

I have never looked under the bonnet of an ST205 since owning MR2's, but I remember some being Rev 1/2, like Project Binky.
I guess that was an ST185, though.
Actually, now that I think on, this engine came from Lee H, and it was originally in a GT4...

Funny thing about the ECU's. When I was repinning the Rev 2 loom on my car to Rev 3 ECU, The MR2 ECU had loads of pins for controlling the CC pump etc and from what I could see with the lid off, they were terminated.
Looking forward to getting mine on the dyno and seeing if I can run 23psi from the CT20B, like the USA lads do.

What's yours running?

im still using the cc on mine but have a fmic to go in at some point. Cc gives those engines a few ponies I think. Aye the 185 is like the rev 2 I think. Aye you need a rev 3 Ecu to run the cc. I use an apexi power fc with mine and an avcr and held 21 psi @326bhp

shes not doing too well just now. 40 psi down across all 4 cylinders, sounds like a v8 and some major overheating issues. It'll be getting forged as soon as I have the pennies lol

28-12-16, 11:10 PM
Still have a nosey every other day on here and still use the site for information and enjoy watching project threads. Facebook is good for parts though

28-12-16, 11:33 PM
I came, I got banned, I came back, I went, I've come back again, bought membership this time! Hell I've even shown with you guys!

It's not just here that is suffering, I know of other sites that are very slow due to having their own issues shall we say. One of which we're trying to get going again, but with the main man saying he can't keep going it could be curtains for a 30+ year old club and that's not what this scene needs.

I think it's not just down to twatbook, which has made things easy access but completely pointless to try and complete a build thread, but I think the Vauxhall scene has splintered into small sections of single models.
Take the Astra, I'm on Aon for my daily, but do I see any old models? No mk1s, mk2s maybe the odd mk3 GSI but mainly mk4s, mk5s, mk6s and probably now mk7s and all of these will be wearing a VXR badge.

We only have to look to the chevettes and clubs like the vx4/90s, we are the next model to go down that route, a hardcore bunch that will try to keep the club and cars in the club going for years to come!

29-12-16, 07:14 AM
Image hosting has always been easy if using Tapatalk I have found.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

29-12-16, 09:46 AM
Agreed hosting on a pic site and then transferring on here is soul destroying.I can't believe after all these years there's no alternative.

Another forum i use (the hunting life) aslong as you are a paying member you can upload pics direct from phone or pc no messing around with photobucket makes it alot easyer

29-12-16, 10:18 AM
Another forum i use (the hunting life) aslong as you are a paying member you can upload pics direct from phone or pc no messing around with photobucket makes it alot easyer

Same as Audi sport forum. Upload direct from phone to forum.

29-12-16, 02:26 PM
Agreed hosting on a pic site and then transferring on here is soul destroying.I can't believe after all these years there's no alternative.

Another forum i use (the hunting life) aslong as you are a paying member you can upload pics direct from phone or pc no messing around with photobucket makes it alot easyer

Same as Audi sport forum. Upload direct from phone to forum.

But you can on here. you just click the add photo, but pick upload from computer, rather than from url....


Did that from this/my work pc...

29-12-16, 05:40 PM
Was gonna say, there is the attachment option on here :) It's limited on file sizes though.

Maybe I should MSN Messenger you. lol
Send me some lewilolz lol

29-12-16, 10:38 PM
I love these threads lol Times have changed and novas are rarer so are now only understood by true fanatics imo, if you can afford to fix them and run them you'll be on here and Facebook will be your source of parts these days.

We had a laugh years ago at meets when novas were commonplace and you'd pass info on easily as there was plenty kicking about, sadly now people are looking for decent parts which has knocked the prices up.

Tbh I'm glad I don't own one as it must be a mare to run day in day out but l do miss that clutch croak lol

30-12-16, 09:18 AM
Facebook has contributed that's a fact

Can't understand why people post stuff to be lost forever on there tho

Much better I think to post on here and have it to look at whenever

Obviously the resident Hitler admin throwing toys out the pram at the sight of a eBay link or a swear word is the other reason :d

30-12-16, 06:26 PM
Yoofs can't be arsed to search though. It's easier for them to ask a question (usually the same ones over and over again, day after day) than look back through old threads.

And ebay/swearing has been allowed for a while, catch up lol

30-12-16, 06:48 PM
This is an old skool forum for old skool people for interest in old skool novas. So its up to us old skool people to keep this forum going lol.

30-12-16, 07:43 PM
And ebay/swearing has been allowed for a while, catch up lol
Best fucking thing ever to happen.lol

02-01-17, 11:54 AM
Self fulfilling prophets we are as sloth once pointed out hahahahahhaaha

came here to post this....


ben doodar
02-01-17, 09:42 PM
Still browse on here regular.

I enjoy this forum really is great resource of info and a friendly helpful bunch. I use trialsforum (push bike trials) it's quite active but I never post, it is the bitchiest place on the whole of the Internet I honestly don't know why a group of people who are all interested in the same thing can't get along and just try to hold back on the bitching to make it a better place.

Id say Facebook has killed the forum a bit, but.. It is also helpful for quick responses from people and good for parts etc, I'd say that has pushed prices up tho as its a quick turnaround on there and people are often desperate for things so will pay higher prices.

Ive thought for a while now that maybe the admin should do a post or sticky on the Facebook pages advising people to visit the forum explaining the benefits, how to guides etc as the old "how do I wire my redtop up" questions etc come up quite often.

Im going to make an effort to post and reply on here more often now as ill often read but rarely post as I think there's little point as its so quiet, but if everyone thought the same the forum truly would die.

Long live the vauxhall nova and the 'novaload' forum...

P.s Am I the only one to still call it novaload?

02-01-17, 10:00 PM
I would say the forum represents the Nova scene/ownership in general. Young kids aren't interested in old rustboxes, numbers are dwindling all the time, prices are rising, older members no longer own them etc etc...

So aside from a small number of new members we are relying on a core of established members (many who either no longer own a Nova or have just moved on completely) to keep the forum going. Most folk on here know how to fit a redtop, which gearbox to use and so on...the mechanical section has died a death along with other parts of the forum.

Novas are old hat, sure we still love them but they just don't have a big following any more.

02-01-17, 10:13 PM
Ive thought for a while now that maybe the admin should do a post or sticky on the Facebook pages advising people to visit the forum explaining the benefits, how to guides etc as the old "how do I wire my redtop up" questions etc come up quite often.

P.s Am I the only one to still call it novaload?

ohh cunning idea, I likes that :) will look at doing something later on in the week.

its nova load as far as I'm concerned lol it's what I started with in ye olde days

02-01-17, 10:26 PM
Iv always called it novaload.i still say marathon bars and work in thou.

02-01-17, 10:36 PM
ohh cunning idea, I likes that :) will look at doing something later on in the week.

its nova load as far as I'm concerned lol it's what I started with in ye olde days

If we're going old skool and this place is still Novaload, then does anyone remember this popping up?

Ahh, those were the days, I got a ban for that all those years ago. Basically because there were 3 places to be, Novaload, PNG or RB. Look where 2 of those places have gone. I'd forgotten I had that banner on my photobucket.

If I am to get a ban, I'll take my punishment as I should.... but I wouldn't want to be on any other Nova forum!

02-01-17, 11:09 PM
Always call it novaload!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-01-17, 08:54 AM
If we're going old skool and this place is still Novaload, then does anyone remember this popping up?

Ahh, those were the days, I got a ban for that all those years ago. Basically because there were 3 places to be, Novaload, PNG or RB. Look where 2 of those places have gone. I'd forgotten I had that banner on my photobucket.

If I am to get a ban, I'll take my punishment as I should.... but I wouldn't want to be on any other Nova forum!

Damn, didnt know you were a roybacon oik :p ban hammer ahoy lol

03-01-17, 03:38 PM
Rat out

I still have my Novaload fleece

03-01-17, 05:18 PM
Damn, didnt know you were a roybacon oik :p ban hammer ahoy lol
Woohoo! Ban number 2.

Yes I'm sorry to say I was a RoyBacer. I had the pleasure of meeting Pepe, god knows if that car ever got finished. But I've seen the light, grown up shall we say. No need to be a dick anymore, life is too short.

03-01-17, 10:17 PM
Pepe never existed, lies lol

03-01-17, 10:29 PM
Lol OK OK, Novaload never saw him. However, I did stumble across a lilac Nova that was so low to the ground I couldn't get my foot under the back bumper....

It also had some mule painted on to the bonnet....

03-01-17, 11:14 PM
lol it was some sort of mystical folklore, does it still exist? Did it even move under its own power?

03-01-17, 11:46 PM
Rat out

I still have my Novaload fleece

I still have my Novaload vests somewhere, although I wont be trying them on any time soon lollollollollol

04-01-17, 06:41 AM
lol it was some sort of mystical folklore, does it still exist? Did it even move under its own power?

When I saw it the engine was on a stand away from the car. So no, it never did in the time I used RB.
Was meant to be a crazy spec XE going in, something makes me want to say it was a swindon built engine. Doubt it still exists now though.

04-01-17, 09:51 AM
When I saw it the engine was on a stand away from the car. So no, it never did in the time I used RB.
Was meant to be a crazy spec XE going in, something makes me want to say it was a swindon built engine. Doubt it still exists now though.

I recall the pics of it showing it bastard lows, given the time, i t was way ahead of that game. And the driveshafts were rifle bored to make them lighter etc... lots of impressive bits on show (like Ians car that vanished lol )

04-01-17, 01:02 PM
8 injector setup, btcc style roller tbs.... Hollow drive shafts.

04-01-17, 05:28 PM
I reckon Broadghost owns Pepe...

04-01-17, 05:44 PM
I wish I'd paid more attention to it, think the figure was either -120mm or -160mm static drop. The other issue was the council had just put speed humps in as well so the car would never get out of the workshop.
There was also an Orange one that was one of Grom (?) Mates was also going that low as well.

04-01-17, 09:47 PM
And ebay/swearing has been allowed for a while, catch up lol

Fuck!!!! is swearing allowed?!?!?

04-01-17, 09:56 PM
On the wayback machine Rb snapshots only start from 2004, the oldskool forums were never recorded. Novaload has snapshots from 2000 onwards with a few random forum links that can be followed within the snapshots.

04-01-17, 09:57 PM
I reckon Broadghost owns Pepe...

Mike you owe me a new laptop, just spat my mash potato all over the keyboard!!!!!!

04-01-17, 10:10 PM
Mike you owe me a new laptop, just spat my mash potato all over the keyboard!!!!!!

Is that a euphemism for fapping lol lol

04-01-17, 11:04 PM
Is that a euphemism for fapping lol lol

lol lol

05-01-17, 12:00 PM
I reckon Broadghost owns Pepe...

His Nova is awesome. But not quite Pepe.... Yet.