View Full Version : im gonna get fuked on insurance

26-09-03, 05:33 PM
how much will it cost a 17 yr old with a 1.3 sr! :o

26-09-03, 05:35 PM
come on

26-09-03, 05:39 PM
You've been on here 2 mins and have asked the same question 3 times, dont be impatient, I've replied to your first post. Dont do multiple posts asking the same question again or else you will find yourself banned!


26-09-03, 05:39 PM

26-09-03, 05:42 PM
lol @ Jim

All depends on where you live, whats your situation etc etc, give us more info.

26-09-03, 05:57 PM
sorry i didnt mean to upset u

26-09-03, 06:12 PM
ring some insurance companys u spasticated fool :!:

26-09-03, 06:25 PM
ring some insurance companys u spasticated fool :!:


26-09-03, 06:41 PM
"how much will my insurance be?"

muppet! thats like asking "how much will it be to get my bathroom refitted"

every one is different, phone some insurance companies and change to a more polite tone for a slim hope of even an affordable quote

26-09-03, 06:59 PM
how much will it be to get my bathroom refitted :?:

26-09-03, 07:01 PM
every one is different, phone some bathroom companies and change to a more polite tone for a slim hope of even an affordable quote

26-09-03, 07:03 PM
How much are GSi dashs to post? :lol:

26-09-03, 07:07 PM
probably not a problem to the recipient if they have already paid weeks ago in good fatih on the back of good prior service!

send it you fucker lol

26-09-03, 07:10 PM
woo no swear filter.

I will post it when i can be arsed :lol: :lol:

Did i mention im on holiday for a month after christmas :lol:

26-09-03, 07:11 PM

26-09-03, 07:13 PM
Glad you find it funny :twisted:

26-09-03, 07:16 PM
no need for everyone to bite at the lad, yeah he was impatient but still. mot of you lot always bum on about how helpful u r, he aint asking for a exact quote is he. just a estimate.

26-09-03, 07:18 PM
speaking of chimps...

26-09-03, 07:24 PM
I'd also like to know who much to fit a conservatory AND I don't want to change my tone, will this still affect my quote?

AND leave Rob alone he has a good point!!

26-09-03, 07:24 PM
Prob looking at 1500 or more depends where you get it from

26-09-03, 07:25 PM
Well I have waited aleast 10 seconds is no-one going to answer me??

26-09-03, 07:26 PM
thats a cheap conservatory :!:

26-09-03, 07:26 PM
Well I have waited aleast 10 seconds is no-one going to answer me??


26-09-03, 07:27 PM
When you coming to fit it Du Nova ? - Whats the guarantee like??

26-09-03, 07:28 PM
hurry up n reply lol

26-09-03, 07:31 PM
Yes, hurry up I'm waiting!! :lol:

26-09-03, 07:39 PM
alrite mate mines either ?1700 wiv tesco's on tpft dad main driver me named wiv all mods declared 2k worth.

or 980 full comp cis wiv dad main and policy open to every1.

26-09-03, 08:03 PM

26-09-03, 08:07 PM
What's Illegal Alex?

26-09-03, 08:12 PM
Its called fronting. you are misleading an insurance company, informing them that the main driver is your mum or dad, when in fact they rarely drive the car and you are the main driver. This leads to insurance being void, therefore you are driving with no proper insurance

26-09-03, 08:17 PM
Oh That's Illegal - Makes sense now bud...lol

26-09-03, 09:09 PM
rofl no offence like but you cannot give someone an estimate on how much their insurance will be, what car, ncb, age, where car kept, immobiliser, alarm, modded, pass plus, (actually passed or prov driver) main driver, how long been driving, accidents....just like 300 things they ask you!!!!!! :|

27-09-03, 12:50 AM
depends if i get u a quote or not

if u get it urself then ?1500

if i help you then it WILL be under a grand

alex: pah fronting, i know every1 does it, 17 yr old insurance is gay

i did it myself when i was 17, who gives a fook, the insurance is still valid if u need to claim they might ask qns but TBH its still a valid insurance policy.

Some companys have cottened onto this and wont do good quotes for young named drivers on cheap cars at tpft as its obvious wots going espec if u dont give ne NCB with it being the mum or dad etc.

when i was at college EVERY1 used the CIS any driver under there parents thing on 1.2 novas and 1.3 fiestas as there 1st car etc

didnt know one bugger who payed over ?500 for insurance: mine was ?360 with 0 ncb and any of me m8s could drive it as well, bonus when ur at college and ppl wana have a go after they passed


27-09-03, 10:20 AM
i was lookin at an rs turbo a year ago rung cis 4 a quote and they said itd cost ?1000 with me dad as the main driver and me as a named BUT me dad would have 2 sign a form 2 say he wud drive the turbo more than me if it was found other wise i wudnt have ne insurance

27-09-03, 11:42 AM
wot do they class as more?

just get him to drive it roudna dn roudn the block at night, lmfao

how the fook are they gona prove it


27-09-03, 11:58 AM
wot do they class as more?

just get him to drive it roudna dn roudn the block at night, lmfao

how the fook are they gona prove it


:lol: :lol: :lol: gud idea i mite get the turbo after all :lol: :lol: :lol:

i just spoke 2 my mate he's got a modded punto its a 1.1 on 17's nice body kit which is all declared on his insurance :!:
hes after a corsa sxi which is heavly modded so he rung axa his insurance company
told them the moddes said the corsa was lowered on 17's
axa said we dont insure lowered cars
me mate said yes u do ur insurin my lowered punto which he declared
to cut a long abusive story short he has bin drivin around with no insurance for 9 months due 2 them not listerin
they will insure cars with kits and wheels but u cant lower them wtf :!:
he said ok ill put me standard springs back on is that ok
they said yes but u need and engineers report from 1 of there listed companies
his dad's a police veichical (spellin) inspector and they wudnt let him do it
so he's payin ?25 for a report
so in my opinion dont try axa for a quote

so about the length of this post just had a lot 2 say :lol:

27-09-03, 01:18 PM
these standard companies like AXA dont have a fackin clue what theyre doing, i'd steer well clear

when i set up the policy with flux I had to send off pictures of the car from different angles and fill in about 7 sheets on it, including the type of tyres fitted etc i know its covered properly

29-09-03, 12:00 AM
fuk u fester get ur tounge out of slim jims arse all i wanted was a average get back in your pram u dik head.cheers rob and others who r on the same wave lenth.

29-09-03, 12:11 AM
hmm not a good reply. not a good idea to upset regulars.

I paid ?1080 TPFT on a 1.2i sx when i was 18.

29-09-03, 01:57 AM
fuk u fester get ur tounge out of slim jims arse all i wanted was a average get back in your pram u dik head.cheers rob and others who r on the same wave lenth.

lmao :roll:

sod off u jumped up little tosser :evil: :evil:

29-09-03, 10:30 AM
ar5e h0le

i hope u get banned for that comment, totally out of line..........

p.s. sort ur own insurance out we wont help you now,

enjoy :lol:

29-09-03, 01:03 PM
If that car in your avatar is yours denya, then i also hate you, because i was going to buy it.

barstool. :x

by the way, your insurance will be exactly ?1456.78p, thats the standard for all 1.3sr's, but it will go up to ?1457.98 if you put on max power seatbelt covers because these add at least 15bhp

29-09-03, 01:21 PM
epo - tell your mate with the punto to check his insurance certificate becuase if his mods etc are listed on his policy, and the suspension is listed on there he has a vailid insurance policy and there is nothing they can do about it! They issued the certificate, their fault they didnt pay attention. That would stand up in court too - they cant say they werent prepared to insure with lowered suspension if its listed in his policy that he told them about it!

As for the arrogant new boy - he can fcuk off if he thinks i am gonna let him behave like that!

29-09-03, 01:25 PM

the internet should be restricted from neighbourhoods with a low mean IQ

29-09-03, 01:44 PM
Fester - get a bit of money together and run for primeminister > i love that as an addition to your manifesto!


30-09-03, 09:30 PM
epo - tell your mate with the punto to check his insurance certificate becuase if his mods etc are listed on his policy, and the suspension is listed on there he has a vailid insurance policy and there is nothing they can do about it! They issued the certificate, their fault they didnt pay attention. That would stand up in court too - they cant say they werent prepared to insure with lowered suspension if its listed in his policy that he told them about it!

As for the arrogant new boy - he can fcuk off if he thinks i am gonna let him behave like that!

i will mate thx will let u know (if ne 1's interested) :lol:

01-10-03, 03:58 AM
My insurance company has made quite a few fuck ups, which resulted in me getting all sorts of freebies.

For example - i insured my car as modified (listed mods and they said i can spend a further ?3k on bodywork and ?2k on i.c.e. and it'd be covered). A year later, i got a 'if youd like to continue your policy you do not need to do anything...we will automatically debit the premium of.... by direct debit on the....'.

Despite the fact that this is illegal, as there is no liability for silence (you cant enter a contract by 'NOT doing/saying something', and i only contracted for 12 months of insurance with them in the first place), they fucked up because i did exactly that (nothing) BUT the letter was an automatic computer response, and they never actually renewed my insurance. And i didn't get the certificate sent to me.

Anyway, i got a few producers, and was taken to court (despite me explaining the situation to the police) for not having insurance 3 TIMES for the SAME thing (twice off the same copper - who gave me the second producer just days after the first one - which i got for speeding - ''to make sure that you produce your documents''! If THAT isn't harassment, then i dont know what is.) !!! I (representing myself - a law degree comes in handy sometimes) counter sued the insurance company and recovered my legal costs, and got them to admit that had i would have been indemnified in the event of my insurance policy being called upon i.e. if i crashed/my car was stolen and etc.

Basically i saved almost a years cost of insurance BUT was still actually 'covered' (i knew this, but specifically didnt say anything to the insurance company as i would have had to pay if i was told that they'd made a mistake earlier, and that i wasn't actually insured), AND got that years NCB added to my total.

Also, the new policy didnt say anything about modifications, BUT since it was a continuation of a policy for a modified car, i would have been able to recover things like that too. Since all the things that were 'on' the car when the first policy was in existence, wouldn't have suddenly 'come off' on the last day of the old/first day of the new policy and it was their mistake for charging me for a non modified car (though this isn't an easy point to argue, and would be a moot point, since it is your responsibility to check that the certificate is correct. But it's slightly different than 'keeping quiet' or even denying having modifications/endorsements and etc, so wouldnt be too difficult to argue).

02-10-03, 01:20 PM
im gonna have to pay around ?1200 for mine but it prob not worth telling u

02-10-03, 02:57 PM
good effort marty im impressed after reading that

what i dont understand is how the insurance companys can just renew by you "you dont have to do anything" this always pisses my dad off cause he changes nearly every year cause i find him a cheaper place than the renewal price.......

he has to 1st sort new insurance and then waste his time ringing and cancelling the other, dont see why the fook this should be the case so stupid!

If its illegally shurely they can get foooked over for it or is there some kind of loop hole? :?

03-10-03, 01:11 AM
I tend to change insurers each year, as the 'cheapest one' seems to change. Sometimes the one that gives the the highest quote one year can give me the lowest the next! Fuckin mad!

It is not illegal as such, it's more to do with civil law.

Contract law in particular.

i.e. you can not enter into a contract by omission. There has to be an offer (the insurance company giving you the quote is the offer - you ringing them for a quote is merely an opening to negotioations), and acceptance (you taking the offer), which forms a binding contract.

It depends on whether you say you want insurance for twelve months, as sometimes they can carry it on indefinitely until you cancel, even tho it is only valid for a year initially.

The letter is only an offer for a further contract for 12 months, and you can not enter into a legally binding contract without actual acceptance. HOWEVER. They can claim that you reading the letter and NOT doing anything IS acceptance, as your 'not doing anything' is seen as intention to enter into the contract (and the omission, then becomes an act itslef). BUT, they would have to prove that you actually received & read the letter. Also, if you knowingly pay them, this will also form acceptance and intention.

Best thing is to expressly state 'i'd like to insure my car for 12 months'. If you get one of those letters, they are usually an automatic response, and even if the insurance company carries it on (if you do do nothing, but don't actually want to carry on) you can contact them and (dont mention the letter) say 'whats going on, i've noticed you have debited.......from my bank account. Then, after they tell you about the letter and what was in it (say you never read it/received it) say, ''oh no sorry i dont want to carry on insuring with your company'', and get a full refund.
(Also, if you incur other costs, they could be liable too i.e. - if their debit makes you overdrawn and causes the bank to charge you a fee, without you knowing that they're taking the money out, or any other reasonably incured cost, that is directly caused - causation and remoteness).

Usually you cant just cancel the insurance, as you lose a certain ammount for doing so - depends on whether you pay monthly premiums, or all at once, because you enter into a 12 month contract, and it has conditions of cancellation and etc. BUT if they just carry it on with you not saying you want to carry on (they infact should say what their quote to carry on is, and say that you have to ring them if you want that quote) you are not entering into a contract, and are not bound by any terms & conditions that may otherwise apply.

Basically knowledge of the letter, and failure to act is seen as acceptance of the letter, as the 'do not do anything if you want to continue' is seen as a term of acceptance (implied, rather than expressed).

There IS NO LIABILITY FOR SILENCE in contract. This was made law after cases (cant remember when, it was a fair few years ago) where people would get things delivered to them (like a stack of encyclopedias) with letters saying 'you owe us ?..... for these encyclopedias. If you do not want them, return them to us (which then causes you expense and inconvenience) to cancel the contract. Failure to return them, was seen as acceptance of the contract, which would then be upheld in court, so the people would get sued for failure to pay/breach of contract!! This was then reversed and made illegal. Unsolicited goods basically.

Can apply to insurance contracts, but it depends on the original stipulation. i.e it could be argued that you entered into a string of 12 month contracts, for an indefinite period of time, and have to expressly cancel - with terms & conditions applying. i.e. penalty for doing so withing twelve months.