View Full Version : Email scams

22-12-16, 05:46 PM
Anyone else had a increasing amount of dodgy emails?

In the last month or so I keep getting scam emails titled as amazon and netflix, asking to go on to a other site if it wasn't me that made a order prices ranging from around 20 quid to 50

Clearly I haven't replied or clicked links, bit thourght I would make some more aware of the scam going about!

Merry Christmas by the way :)

22-12-16, 06:03 PM
And the crappy Manchester police speeding one

22-12-16, 07:10 PM
Lol "Paypal" have been sending me them urging me to click this link to change my password and another saying my payment has been declined.
hmm perhaps il stick to western union via prince ballsack the 23rd of Nigeria,he said he would sort it for me

22-12-16, 09:25 PM
At least the Nigerian prince ones are 'honest' lol

22-12-16, 09:38 PM
And the crappy Manchester police speeding one
Yep, had that one saying I had a speeding fine lol

22-12-16, 10:11 PM
419 emails used to be hilarious.
"yours have inherited 7billion skynet dollars from prince ballsack,he has nobody family and we traced you through your tab end you discarded in the troughs at weatherspoons.ppease transfer 4000pounds via western union to cover legal costs and we release it funds!!!!"

23-12-16, 12:29 AM
These ones are subtle compared to the old skool Nigeria Princes, to be honest I almost clicked the link before googling the link/email I was pissed thinking the other half was spending my money again lol

03-01-17, 10:05 PM
419 emails used to be hilarious.
"yours have inherited 7billion skynet dollars from prince ballsack,he has nobody family and we traced you through your tab end you discarded in the troughs at weatherspoons.ppease transfer 4000pounds via western union to cover legal costs and we release it funds!!!!"

One of lads at work recently got an email informing him that his Nigerian brother had died and there was £80,000 inheritance to be claimed...all he had to do was send £1000 to cover the fees lol

I can't write his reply on here lol

11-01-17, 10:38 PM
I recently started adding those unwanted phone calls to my phone so I save the number and block it

11-01-17, 10:45 PM
I did that,til I noticed them sodomizing 3.00 a week off me for not reviewing a text every Friday.
got my money back and changed my number

12-01-17, 08:20 AM
telephone preference service is your friend.......

re the emails. i always use the junk mail/ block sender option instead of just deleting, and it seems to permanently get rid of loads of spam

12-01-17, 09:50 AM
TPS doesnt stop the determined ones as they are usually outside the UK
I get a call a month from the same oriental bird (from differing geographical locations round the UK) saying they have a record of an accident that wasnt my fault then they ask about details. I say I got a head injury then and cant remeber the details very well, so if they could tell me when it was I'll have a chance.... 8/10 times I get cut off and the other two times I get put through to a supervisor who then cuts me off lol

12-01-17, 10:01 AM
I once described a horrific accident to them I said it was awful it was absolute carnage I must have rolled it forty times.
they then ask what happened and I describe leaving the road and going into the skirting board and they go quiet,then ask what injuries and il say I twisted my ankle putting it back on the track...line goes dead hahahaha
an angry bloke said to me oh thanks for wasting my time,I said not a problem,thanks for wasting mine.

12-01-17, 05:47 PM
Pro tip, anyone using gmail can add a '+' to their email address when signing up to stuff to help identify who's selling your details. So when you sign up to moistboobs.com you can put your email address in as myemail+moistboobs@gmail.com and when you get emails from chickswithdicks.com sent to myemail+moistboobs@gmail.com you know where it came from

12-01-17, 09:04 PM
There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits

12-01-17, 11:18 PM
Today when I was waiting on a call from a courier 2 different numbers called me I wonder if they were tracking my package lol

07-03-17, 07:05 PM
Pro tip, anyone using gmail can add a '+' to their email address when signing up to stuff to help identify who's selling your details. So when you sign up to moistboobs.com you can put your email address in as myemail+moistboobs@gmail.com and when you get emails from chickswithdicks.com sent to myemail+moistboobs@gmail.com you know where it came from
I should have thought of this ages ago. I get several rubbish emails per day from constantly changing sources, despite adjusting my spam filter. I effing hate spam.

sent from my Nokia 6310i using the keypad

08-03-17, 07:22 PM
There are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits

That's not what she told me.