View Full Version : Top Gear

29-05-16, 09:26 PM
Who watched it?

The first 10 mins was painful with Chris Evans poor jokes and shouting. Kept watching it and gradually got a bit more into it.

Think it always was going to struggle to get a good reception after all those years with the original trio. Matt Le Blanc was ok but a bit too wooden and scripted. If both presenters just relaxed a bit it would be better.

Shame as the content was actually pretty good, along with the change to the celebrity lap

29-05-16, 10:09 PM
Crap, Chris Evans hasn't got it and Matt LeBlanc was just reading the auto q

29-05-16, 11:59 PM
Evans is a twat,trying to be clarkson and ruined it...if he buggered off and someone less annoying took his place it might have a chance.

30-05-16, 06:37 AM
It was lame, the features were no bad but that's as far as it goes for me

paul james
30-05-16, 11:23 AM
It did seem wierd to start with, but I enjoyed it and will keep watching it for sure. I think people were expecting/hoping it would be a disaster, but so far the balance of changes and keeping what works seems to be about right. I think Matt makes a good addition, the studio bits not so much, but in the filmed sections he was entertaining.

30-05-16, 05:52 PM
Matt LeBlanc was a bit wooden in the studio, but he held up well in the bit about the Nomad. Thing is you have to remember it's pretty much the same production team as previously, so of course Chris is going to sound like Clarkson, it's the same people writing the script.

Give it til next series I reckon at least - the first 'new' season with Clarkson as primary host was rubbish. Remember Jason Dawe? Thought not lol

30-05-16, 07:36 PM
Lasted 5 mins turned it off.

30-05-16, 07:37 PM
I would rather spend the time watching car shows on YouTube miles better....and loads of mega fast yank tanks

30-05-16, 08:19 PM
It was painful, there was no rapport and whilst Leblanc can drive, Evans clearly can't. He also hasn't yet learnt to present well. It may warm up in the future but I doubt it. I guess in two years we will be saying RIP top gear.

30-05-16, 08:52 PM
Something different to watch in an old style to me, there's now two car shows that I can watch.

Dont mind Chris Evans but I used to always watched tfi Friday and I listen to him on radio 2 so maybe biased lol

30-05-16, 08:52 PM
ExtraGear on BBC3 is half the length and twice the program.
Its got Chris Haggis presenting and there are lots of close ups of Sabines crotch strap on her seatbelt while shes driving.

30-05-16, 11:13 PM
Top gear seemed very American audience focussed, which is to say garbage. Just tried to watch extra gear, got as far as Evans showing up and turned off. Chris Harris sounds horrifically patronising, I can't listen to him, and Rory "that's how we roll" Reid, no thanks mate. Gutted, used to look forward to Sunday nights. Just going to have to keep watching Bad Obsession Motorsports bonkers mini builds on YouTube

31-05-16, 07:10 PM
Unfortunately, despite how bad it is there is little else worth watching on a sunday night on television.

31-05-16, 08:08 PM
Netflix have clarkson top gear...

04-06-16, 07:15 PM
Whoever calls the shots at the BBC has got it all wrong.

You don't replace a trio of aging men who's sole purpose is to troll each other and just happen to derp around in cars with one British presenter and an American actor.

Prime example of why interaction makes for entertainment is Impractical jokers. Google any clip from any series of the american version then watch some of the UK counterpart.

04-06-16, 09:54 PM
Chris Evans is a complete muppet