View Full Version : compression test results ??

22-04-16, 01:00 PM
iv been having a bit of blue smoke on start up and under hard load so I did compression test on my x16xe theses were the results

1.250 psi
2.255 psi
3.245 psi
4.250 psi
would these readings suggest that the rings or fine ??

22-04-16, 01:06 PM
looks high to me, more like diesel pressures, how did you take the figures?

Valve stem seals may be the issue, is it drinking oil?

I would expect @120-150 psi on a petrol

22-04-16, 02:36 PM
Tbh the gauge could be lying lol.

They key is that they are close, which is a good thing.
A leak down test would help to determine the rings. But as above, seems like stem seals if it's startup smoke

Will F
22-04-16, 09:39 PM
Start up smoke is probably stem seals as the oil seals through as the seals cool down and lose their suppleness... Hard load smoke is either rings or a blocked breather. They do suffer with both rings and stem seals though!

if you can't do a proper leak down test, try running a small bit of oil down the bores and do the same test. As Stu says, they key is they are all well within tolerance.