View Full Version : Rear Axle Mounting Bolts - Removal ?

16-03-16, 10:49 PM
Best practice for removing rear axle mounting bolts please.
Axle in it's "road" position, or otherwise ?
Mine is disconnected other than these - I suspect the bushes will be difficult to overcome . . . .


paul james
16-03-16, 10:57 PM
Long breaker bars either side if you have them, and enough space for you to get to it. Its when putting it back together your supposed to torque it up with the wheels on the ground. I just used a blow torch to persuade the old bushes out.

17-03-16, 08:28 PM
First one - with good access - came off pretty easily . . .
Doubtless the other - with half as much space for me - will be twice as bad . . .


paul james
17-03-16, 09:25 PM
A suitably long spanner might be a better bet if space is an issue, think thats what I ended up using actually.

21-03-16, 08:17 AM
I struggle to get a breaker and torque wrench on them due to the sill no one side and fuel tank on the other. It doesn't matter where the beam is for undoing them though.

t really is best to tighten in running position, but may not matter quite so much if fitting poly bushes as the rubber (polyurathene) isn't attached to the steel insert.

21-03-16, 10:01 AM
Sorted now thanks.
Access was better than thought as the shell is 50cm above the floor and the tank (plus everything else) is off so it was just a matter of getting comfortable !
A combination of a telescopic wheel wrench and 1/2" ratchet sorted it fairly easily.

Thanks for the tips !