View Full Version : EPAS Questions

04-01-16, 08:07 AM
Looking to fit Epas to my rally Nova, I have a few questions to be answered though.

Corsa C racks seem to be cheaper than Corsa B racks, which is the better option and which fits into the nova with least messing around?
What is done with the indicator stalks when a B or C rack is fitted? Do I fit the corsa stalks and connect up the wiring? Or will the Nova stalks still fit in some way?
Anyone who has the speed related control box, when it reaches the speed threshold is the change of steering assist sudden or gradual? Ie if im around the threshold speed will the steering assist be flicking between two settings?

Any help is much appreciated, I have done a few searches but cant really find the answers to these questions! Id rather get this right first time!

04-01-16, 08:56 AM
1. It's the column not rack and b is a lot easier.

2. Corsa b and nova stalks are interchangeable

04-01-16, 08:59 AM
Regarding question 1, it's the column you are looking for not the rack.

I think the C columns are cheaper and more reliable, at the expense of slightly bulkier and maybe more weight. Fitting depends how you plan to install, whether you're attempting to slot it in or fabricate custom mounts to straighten the column, where your fusebox is and what type of dash you are using.

There's no speed related control box as far as I'm aware, there's:
1) Input controlled sensitivity, from the RPM and speed signals
2) A controller faking said inputs, which fixes the sensitivity at a given value. It's not a threshold (unless you've found a product I've not seen before)

04-01-16, 09:08 AM
Sorry my bad, I knew it was the column not the rack. Far too early on a Monday morning! Il edit the post.

So as far as the indicator stalks are concerned im better to go for a B column.

I will probably just be looking to fit the column straight in, as the car is painted I cant be bothered with cutting and fabricating to straighten the column, I have got used to the way they are!
My fuse box is currently just cable tied to the cage as I had to remove part of the dash to fit around the cage, so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'm using Mk1 Dash.

So would both the B and C column just fit onto the existing Nova Mounts?

Will F
04-01-16, 09:11 AM
Use a B column - they are much easier to fit and are lighter.
It will bolt up - but you'll need to fab a third mount point to the Corsa column (as only 2 of the 3 line up)
It will also sit too high and foul the dash and you cant fit the cowling back on - so you need to space it down - and even then you'll need to modify the cowling to fit...

04-01-16, 09:13 AM
It does sound like you'd be better off with a B column

29-02-16, 10:47 AM
Right, I have acquired a corsa B column.
Offered it up into the car over the weekend and its obvious there are a few things I need to do to get it to fit properly.

I have seen people use 30mm box section as spacers to mount the top mounts to the original nova mountings.
What is done about fixing the bottom of the column to the car? Has anyone got any pictures?

Also the shaft is different. I have the Universal joint section from the corsa B. Just wanted to know the best and safest way to adapt the corsa B shaft to the Nova rack.

Any pictures will be a great help.

29-02-16, 12:20 PM
My bottom bracket lined up with an existing thread in that area, but if yours doesn't it'll be job to weld on a bracket and bolt it through.

Box section sounds fine for the top, or maybe some threaded tube.

I've just bolted the UJ to the Nova rack pinion, it slots over fine and the funny oval bolt clamps it tight. It's not ideal as if it loosens it could slip off at a slight angle but it seems OK.

02-03-16, 07:39 AM
Sounds good for the mounting, il have to check out if I have a thread in that area.
As for bolting the UJ to the Rack pinion, not ideal for me if there's a chance of it slipping off. Its a rally car so loosing steering at 100+mph in a tight country lane is not an option.