View Full Version : DSOP K16 Downpipe

24-08-15, 02:01 PM

In the process of buying a standard (70mm) dsop downpipe. Has anyone had any experience of these or know anyone who has?


They're not the cheapest, but I'd rather spend a little extra if it is worth it: http://www.dsop.net/products/downpipe.php

Or this one: http://www.turbo-parts.de/Abgastechnik/Downpipes/Opel-Calibra/Hosenrohr-Downpipe-o-70mm-Opel-Calibra-Turbo-C20LET-204PS-plug-play::771.html

This one on the Bay: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/70mm-Downpipe-Opel-Vectra-A-Turbo-C20LET-zweiflutig-/121723270392 (looks pretty decent!)

And then there is this one: http://shop.klasenmotors.com/Opel/Calibra-Vectra-A/Calibra-Vectra-A-Turbo-1989-1997/Abgasanlagen/8133/70mm-Downpipe-2-flutig-fuer-Calibra-A-C20LET

Seems to be quite a difference in price, yet all look much the much; the first and the last one's looking slightly better quality.


25-08-15, 05:57 PM
Not that anyone is probably interested, yet I still thought I would share what information I discovered about the different grades of stainless steel used in the first dsop downpipe pictured below.

So, having emailed the sales team from dsop.net about the grade of steel used in their downpipes, they came back with a very short answer which revealed that several types of stainless are used to get the best performance in strain. The grades they said were used are: 1.4301, 1.4541, and 1.4576.

1.4301 is your equivalent to grade T304 or 304L, which is your most versatile type of steel impervious to intergranular corrosion (IC), or, in layman's terms, rusting.

The second type - 1.4541 - is similar to T304 (or type 1.4301), otherwise known in the UK as 321 which, along with containing a good percentage of chromium and nickel, has the additional benefit of containing titanium, which again is known to reduce the risk of IC following heating in temperature range of 415-825C, thus good exhausts and downpipes.

Lastly, from what I read, type 1.4576 is equal in strength and versatility to the former two in that it is comprised of 19% chromium and 12% nickel, so good for averting IC.

If this has any use at all then it is in the simple fact of comparing what grades of steel are used in similar, albeit differently priced dsop downpipes, which tend to use a single type and grade of stainless steel.

All very boring stuff, albeit hopefully of interest or use to some sad bugger out there who might benefit from the little research shared here in terms of product information about the above downpipe from dsop,net, which is pretty extraordinarily priced!