View Full Version : 1300 starter problems

17-07-15, 11:09 PM
Since the engine has gone back in the starter motor has been hit and miss. Some times it works, sometimes not. Is there any way of testing it?

A previous owner has fitted a shite push button start thing where the ciggy lighter should be as they had ignition problems. I dont think this is the cause as the bettery light goes out when its pressed as it did before engine was took out.

I have noticed this is hanging free. Anyone know where this plain black wire goes. Back of the carb somewhere.

http://i142.photobucket.com/albums/r116/bighed123/Mobile%20Uploads/20150717_164423_zpsw5hbeoff.jpg (http://s142.photobucket.com/user/bighed123/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20150717_164423_zpsw5hbeoff.jpg.html)

I had a friend on the phone about a week ago talking me back through what wire goes where so I have either missed it at the time or its come off again. Possibly not used?

Also on the bottom of the carb (varajet 2) at the back seems to be a breather. Where does this connect to?