View Full Version : F28 gear linkage

07-06-15, 08:27 PM
Hello, I'm having difficulty getting my head around how the F28 gear linkage connects to the Nova gear rod linkage selector. Anyone know what to do here?

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/11377258_10206007636182899_2405157285920483160_n.j pg?oh=1a85b6112c352d1b454205aa4fe266a9&oe=55F5A5EC

For reference to what I'm talking about, it's the section on the right hand side that looks like it needs something to slot inside it in order to connect to the gear linkage rod. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


07-06-15, 08:44 PM
Found this (...) the part on the bottom left of the picture looks like the part/section that I need to add to the F28 linkage. Just what this is off and where I would find one eludes me!


07-06-15, 08:53 PM
Bit of googling soon solved that. Turns out the second picture I posted of the part I was unsure of, but which I need, is off a Cavalier gear linkage. There's one on eBay, but at 198 bucks I think I'll hold out for a second hand one or make something out of a bit of round bar lol

20-06-15, 01:37 AM
did you make the linkage in the first pic? Ive not used my let nova for a long long time but part of the reason is the gear linkage

20-06-15, 02:30 PM
did you make the linkage in the first pic? Ive not used my let nova for a long long time but part of the reason is the gear linkage

I did, yes. It's just the standard F28 linkage with the old linkage rod replaced with a bit of M10 or M12 threaded bar, female rose joints, misalignment washers/spacers and button headed bolts.

Setting up the F28 linkages on the Nova can be troublesome - I had a couple of issues getting all the gears on my last one, but with a bit of adjustment on the gear stick end (i.e., trimming the plastic guide for reverse) and on the adjuster on the end of the clutch cable, I managed to get all the gears. 1st gear was a bit of a bugger, and generally found selecting gears quite tiresome (i.e., there was a lot of travel from gear to gear), though that could probably be solved with a short-shifter, which I'm unsure/dubious of fitting.

Like much of the work carried out in doing these conversions, it will be trial and error once I get it running and go from there.

I see you're only across the bridge, so perhaps once I get it running at the end of the year/beginning of next year I could give you a hand if I'm successful with mine :)

20-06-15, 02:56 PM
What bits are you using?

You need a nova gear linkage, which you shorten on one bit to fit the F28.

21-06-15, 02:32 PM
What bits are you using?

You need a nova gear linkage, which you shorten on one bit to fit the F28.

Just the F28 linkage, which I take it won't work (i.e., get all the gears?) despite the fact that it's fitting the rear Nova engine mount bracket when bolted to the gearbox? Not fitted the engine and box to the car yet, of course, so perhaps I will need to get a standard Nova gear linkage and modify it to fit the F28 once everything's in situ, though was kind of hoping not to have to.

You know, it did occur to me that it might be needed ... only after I sold my old engine and gearbox, which still had the linkage left on it (d'oh!). I don't suppose you have a spare one knocking around, do you Benn?

22-06-15, 01:58 PM
Normally you don't use any of the F28 (which will be Cav or CAlibra) gear linkage. You use all Nova linkage and cut part of the rod down.

Oh and iirc where you've rose jointed is good. But you really want the main two (in the plastic) rose jointed as they give all the feel and movement.

Sadly i dont have a spare linkage. I should really get one tho.

22-06-15, 09:56 PM
Normally you don't use any of the F28 (which will be Cav or CAlibra) gear linkage. You use all Nova linkage and cut part of the rod down.

Oh and iirc where you've rose jointed is good. But you really want the main two (in the plastic) rose jointed as they give all the feel and movement.

Sadly i dont have a spare linkage. I should really get one tho.

So, there's nothing to say what I've done won't work?

Take it you've not utilised the standard Nova linkage either in your conversion?

22-06-15, 10:04 PM
Well the Cav one in your pic wont connect to the Nova shifter rod.

I have a std nova linkage that is shorted. As you need to do that to fit it.

22-06-15, 10:16 PM
Well the Cav one in your pic wont connect to the Nova shifter rod.

I have a std nova linkage that is shorted. As you need to do that to fit it.

Wondered about that. Definitely not, as in not a hope in hell?

Standard, shortened, Nova linkage being the only way forward, then, yeah?

What if I use of piece of round bar that connects the Cav shifter to Nova shifter rod - would that not work equally the same? Or is the angle different?

23-06-15, 11:23 AM
Well you'll need to cut off the end that connect to the Nova rod, i think the center bit will be wrong the shape of it. THe nova one is in your 2nd pic, its a S like shape to get he right throw and pull...

So all you'd use is the end that connects to the gear box.

You should be able to use your rose joints on a Nova linkage tho.

23-06-15, 12:08 PM
Well you'll need to cut off the end that connect to the Nova rod, i think the center bit will be wrong the shape of it. THe nova one is in your 2nd pic, its a S like shape to get he right throw and pull...

So all you'd use is the end that connects to the gear box.

You should be able to use your rose joints on a Nova linkage tho.

I see what you mean about the end on the F28 linkage, which connects to the Nova linkage rod, possibly having a slightly different shape. Though from what I recall, the difference is very small - so small I'm not sure that it would be an issue if I was to use, say, a bit of 13mm (or thereabouts) round bar to sleeve inside the end of the F28 connector to join it together with the Nova linkage rod.

If, however, it is the throw and pull which would be an issue in using the F28 gearbox linkage with the Nova rod linkage, I see your point in having to use the Nova S-like shaped linkage in the following way which you explained.

Bit of a bummer that I might not be able to use the F28 linkage, as I spent ages polishing and cleaning it up lol.

I'll try sourcing a Nova gearbox linkage, but will persevere for now until I get the engine and gearbox fitted to see if what I have will work - you just never know; unless, of course, you are dead certain that it won't work.

23-06-15, 12:12 PM
Yeah it's all about the shape of it. I'm not 100% it wont work maybe 95%.

You can still use your rose joints tho, so all isn't lost there. Sadly its your time that's lost.

23-06-15, 12:29 PM
Yeah it's all about the shape of it. I'm not 100% it wont work maybe 95%.

You can still use your rose joints tho, so all isn't lost there. Sadly its your time that's lost.

I suspect you're right good sir. Not the end of the world if I need to change it once fitted and find it doesn't work. I am, however, willing to give it stab and see if I luck out - I'll soon find out lol.

Cheers for the responses - helpful as always :thumb:

23-06-15, 12:31 PM
Always good to try it and see how you get on.

And any time, it's why i/we're here.