View Full Version : Nova storage tips.

28-03-15, 05:14 AM
Hi all, just after some advice on storing my nova. Due to current health complications and work/other project commitments, I've decided that my current GTE rally car build should be preserved and paused instead of being left there with the promise of 'getting round to it next month'.
Realistically I need to be able to store it for a year at least until I can finish another project then there will be some nice dry storage it can live in. But here's my situation,, it's currently outside on a concrete floor with no cover, it's reasonably weather proof but does have polycarbs so seeps in a little water and the inside gets abit mouldy :rolleyes:
Now with the nicer weather approaching and some time off work looming I have a good week or so to sort it out.
Fortunately my GTE isn't that bad Nick rotworm wise and seems to have had some generous rust treatment in its life, so ideally I want to keep it that way. So I have two questions...

1) what's the best rust treatment/waxoil purely for a stint of storage to preserve it, can/will be taken off once the project starts to go again. Also any tips for storing a rolling shell (engine is being rebuilt), dos or donts etc, anything to put inside to keep it dry etc.

2) Cover or not to cover, I hear good and bad things about covering cars long term. I'm hoping the attached picture works showing its current location. I was thinking either a decent car cover that I will put on it autumn time for the winter, or perhaps building a tempory structure using a wooden frame and a Perspex or similar slanted roof, like you see on the side of some houses, as I can't put anything permanent there but something like a small wooden carport with a roof to keep the majority of the rain off I could probably get away with. My other option is to store it on a trailer, and putting a cover on it? Meh I don't know lol.

Here it is in its sorry form.:cry:
Anyways sorry for babbling on, and thanks in advance for any answers.
Any general tips or links for covers etc would be much appreciated :thumb:


28-03-15, 10:24 AM
Enough room for a temporary garage from the likes of machine mart?

Outdoor cacoon

Or just a regular cover and frequent airings. If its a rally car I imagine the paint finish isn't the first priority

paul james
28-03-15, 10:32 AM
Get a couple of those moisture trap box things to stick inside the car and absorb the damp up. You can pick them up in super markets/bargain shops.
If you have some spare crappy wheels stick them on so your current tyres don't get wrecked. Failing that over-inflate them a bit and periodically move the car/wheels so they are less likely to get flat spots. Or stick it up on axle stands.

28-03-15, 02:02 PM
Iain I was thinking that. Only thing is, that it's not my yard, so he said I can knock up a simple wooden frame with so perforated Perspex roof or similar to keep it small. And they may need to move it around so was thinking the wooden frame could be removable quite quickly etc. Plus will cost peanuts to make, when I'm home I'll get a pic of what I'm thinking. If not I was thinking of making a storage cover (budget shuttle) out of similar materials and then store it on the trailer.

Tyres are only off the scrap pile, I'm taking these off and putting another set of spare wheels to keep it rolling.

Thanks for the replies so far :)