View Full Version : VW coil pack, no part number??

jeremy fisher
03-01-15, 10:47 AM
I have just received a VAG coil pack I ordered of eBay (p/n.06B905115R). It was sold as a genuine part, unused, purchased in error. It came in the correct packaging with the right part number on the label but the part itself has absolutely no markings or part number or anything I can see. This seems very odd to me. I'm sure any genuine part, regardless of manufacturer would surely have the part number marked on it? Though I would get a few opinions before sending it back. So... opinions??


03-01-15, 11:11 AM
Does it matter?

jeremy fisher
03-01-15, 11:29 AM
Well.... yes, as it was sold to me as a genuine part, and I can't see a genuine part not having a part number. I could have got a pattern part a lot cheaper. But I wasn't sure if this is normal. And coil packs of all things are known to be useless if not of decent quality.
If people have seen this before and think its normal not to have part number markings then I shall stand corrected (insert Partridge joke) but in my experience even OE replacement parts are marked.
Also this is not just a replacement, so I can't just fit it and see if it works. It's for some 'development' work on my Nova, and I don't wan't to mess about with a duff coil.

03-01-15, 11:41 AM
Nothing is made by who you'd think.

I've had gen Vauxhall stuff with Payne logos on and the same the other way.
Things like coil packs, one company will make them for about 12 others.

Fuel parts make them for...
Cambire, firstline, Mobiletron and about 3 other companies. Yet fuelparts don't make anything them self's...

But i'd have thought there would be atleast a sticker on it... If you're worried ring them up.

03-01-15, 11:51 AM
Thats why I was asking. If you had bought it on ebay for half the price of genuine and it works then there isnt really an issue. But since you have given more detail it does seem to matter to you but dont assume that just because it doesnt have a VAG stamp on it that its in some way an inferior product.

im with Benn.

jeremy fisher
03-01-15, 12:09 PM
Well I'm aware that the actual manufacturers tend to be the same a lot of the time. I'm just really surprised that a genuine part wouldn't be marked up and if you look at similar parts on eBay, all the ones that have a photo at the right angle appear to have part markings.
I may contact a dealer to see if they can shed any light. I have a feeling that if I contact the seller I will be told that they are in fact genuine parts, regardless of the truth. Maybe I'm being over cautious but I just can't believe that there's not even a VW badge or any markings present.

03-01-15, 01:29 PM
Say you make coil packs, you sell them them to four different companies. Would you wanna have a special mould for all of them? Or just sticker them? A sticker saves alot of time and money...
Yours might have just missed a sticker...

jeremy fisher
03-01-15, 01:58 PM
All other parts I have seen (though only in photos) have embossed part numbers rather than just a sticker though. So it would be part of the moulding process. I see what you're saying, and it certainly makes sense, but in my (limited) experience of polymer moulding you have interchangeable parts that slot into the mould for things like part numbers or the little bit that's on most plastic parts that tells you when it was manufactured. I'm not even sure a label (I work with automotive labels sometimes and people get very annoyed for some reason when you call them stickers!!! Haha!!) would be cheaper, it'd probably depend on the quantities being produced, which if very high, a few parts for a mould would be cheaper than vast quantities of labels. And also any label used on genuine OEM parts would have to pass some pretty strict testing before being allowed for use, so some cheapo paper label wouldn't cut it. I fear I may be over thinking this...
I have ordered another one now (from a different source) so I can compare anyway. I'll hopefully need four before too long anyway.

03-01-15, 10:12 PM
genuine ones are marked with the vw and audi badge i believe. Would only ever buy genuine vag coil packs as pattern parts are well know for only lasting a few thousand miles. likelihood is if it's on ebay it ain't genuine lol just go to a dealer

03-01-15, 11:57 PM
i would believe everything you read on the internet

jeremy fisher
04-01-15, 01:31 PM
As it happens... I found the problem... it was me!! The part number is on there, exactly where I was looking, but rather faint, and the lighting wasn't very good!!
I took it with me to my local autofactors as I was popping in anyway, thought I'd ask if they've seen this before. I took it out of the box to show them and in the very bright lighting I saw some markings, just as I was asking, so very sheepishly told them it doesn't matter and swiftly left... so mystery solved, I'm a blind eejit!
Thanks for the input!!

04-01-15, 09:24 PM
I love it when stories have happy endings.