View Full Version : 1.2i, conked out, now wont start and cam pulley is jammed?

16-09-03, 10:46 AM
Before I start I am nowhere near mechanic status when it comes to cars :)

Right, my bird has a 1.2i Nova Merit+ and I was getting a lift back home. Pulled off the drive, drove about 5 metres, and the engine just dies and car jerks a bit as it does so as you'd expect when all power was lost. No strange engine noises or anything.

So we wheel it back onto the drive and dare to try and turn it over and all we get is the usual starting noise accompanied by a noticable tinkling kinda noise... we had a look under the bonnet and when you try and turn it over the top pulley wheel connected to the cam no doubt simply doesnt spin. It looks like it's trying but nothing happens. Everything else *seems* fine bar that top pulley. As I say I aint no mechanic so there might be other pulleys which aint spinning too but the top cam pulley deffo doesnt spin - you just get the tinkling noise like a light tickle kinda thing and yer normal starter motor noise. Checked the distributer and all that and it looks fine.

As a sidenote, for a while the engine had been making a strange noise as though a belt was too tight. Say this in ya head lol: wackawackawacka - it was like that kinda thing, along with normal engine noise... plus the car was also very jerky when driving, jerkyness being in time with said weird noise.

I believe my girlfriends dad sprayed some WD40 in the area where cam belts etc are, so is it likely this caused the belt to slip and now the engines a bit dead? :p If so, are the valves likely to be shafted or is it a 'safe' engine.

Mucho thanks to those who might be able to shine some light on the problem.

If worst comes, I'll buy the car for 100 and GTE it up :D

16-09-03, 10:53 AM

Doesn't sound the least bit healthy. If the cam pully ain't turning then the crank ain't tuning which means no piston travel. Is the cambelt still on???

I doubt you will have snapped a crank though. Could be the actual cog on the starter motor not turning the ctrank, that could be the tinkling sound.

16-09-03, 11:00 AM
Yeah the belt was still on, still tight with good tension aswell :(

Tis strange, cheers for the suggestion - something else to look at :)

16-09-03, 11:05 AM
That is the only thing I can think of, albeit a snapped crank or seized engine. Have you checked to see if there was any oil in??

16-09-03, 11:30 AM
Yer theres oil in.

I want em to sell it me piss cheap really... its a 5 door, looks pap but be mint with a GTE engine and std looks :D

16-09-03, 12:13 PM
we wont sell it to you Dave :evil:

the car has been towed to a garage this morning (well...thats what i think because when i looked outside the car wasnt there :o)

ill let u know what it is :)

if the engine has gone....anyone got a 1.2i engine i could buy?

16-09-03, 12:15 PM
if the engine has gone....anyone got a 1.2i engine i could buy?
Nope, but I know of a sweet 2.0l XE for sale :wink:

16-09-03, 12:32 PM
did u try turning the cam with a spanner?

16-09-03, 12:51 PM
as far as i remember u couldnt move the cam wheel. dont quote me because i had to run about making phoen calls/getting things

16-09-03, 01:20 PM
it's fucked :P

16-09-03, 01:20 PM
Apparently its fixed, the WD40 that was sprayed in the area stopped the cog from turning?!?!?! lmao... also the timing belt was worn so thats fair enough.

Dunno the details but the missus might reply with more info. No doubt it cost more to fix than chucking in a new engine :P

16-09-03, 01:23 PM
lmfao if it was that easy then ur bird should have been able to do it

16-09-03, 01:27 PM
i had that happen to me one night the engine died on me went to run it over nothing

thought the cam had broken or dropped value or somthing like that

but the only thing wrong with it was the cam belt had stripped of its teeth

new cam belt and its fine now

16-09-03, 02:46 PM
the cam belt had stripped of its teeth
if the teeth were missing from the bottom pulley it wouldn't spin the top pulley but the alt belt would still spin giving the impression the camshaft had got stuck :)

16-09-03, 03:28 PM
no the teeth on the belt had been stripped

16-09-03, 04:42 PM
according to my mum, they have replaced the timing belt as it has worn and put a new back cover on the timing belt :o oh well...all i know if we are going to pick it up in a min :lol:

i think Dave has added the nova as his car....take a look ;)