View Full Version : Llandow Track day 18/10

20-10-14, 09:02 PM
Took the Nova out for a blast at the weekend, was an eventful day with a few issues but much fun was had and when it was working not much there could keep up.

First Session with Mike as copilot started well

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_6307.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_6307.jpg.html)

but just as I was getting warmed up I blew a coolant hose.

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_6462.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_6462.jpg.html)

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_6466.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_6466.jpg.html)

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_6496.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_6496.jpg.html)

Resulting in getting towed off track

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_6502.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_6502.jpg.html)

Then Lee jumped in for a go. He got as far as the start line, stalled it and couldn't get her to fire back up.

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_8244.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_8244.jpg.html)

Mike Pushed it back into the pits. Notice me helping lots.... lol

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/65094_10152792393808739_4890643020583079554_n-1.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/65094_10152792393808739_4890643020583079554_n-1.jpg.html)

We managed to bump her and Lee took it out for the rest of the session.

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_8424.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_8424.jpg.html)

http://i125.photobucket.com/albums/p72/wiggardywoo/IMG_8560.jpg (http://s125.photobucket.com/user/wiggardywoo/media/IMG_8560.jpg.html)

The I jumped back in for the last of the sessions. As you can see in the vid she died on the cool down lap. and I was towed back in by the marshals


20-10-14, 09:02 PM
After lots of playing around we (Lee and Mike) managed to get her going again. The day then switched to open pit so I took her back out. All was going well till I got a bit impatient behind the MX5, resulting in a black flag and a slap on the wrist.


20-10-14, 09:02 PM
We the switched to Semi slicks, and Lee took her back out. It was flying, with not much matching it for lap times. Lee was doing consistent 49's.

After a bit of a cool down I took it back out, but I guess it wasn't long enough, as after a few laps it got very hot in there so I pulled off. She then boiled over in the pits so we packed up and called it a day.


20-10-14, 09:10 PM
i'm guessing you haven't got a quick rack fitted... your hands look rather busy on the wheel

20-10-14, 09:11 PM
No. Desperately need one, but obviously its an engine out job on mine.

20-10-14, 09:14 PM
Looking good tho, sticks well and pull off...

You can get the rack out in car tho... Only needs to pull forward about 2 inches...

20-10-14, 09:15 PM
methinks there is a hefty great v6 exhaust in the way

20-10-14, 09:17 PM
Struggle to get a fag paper back there let alone 2 inches. lol

20-10-14, 09:34 PM
Oh. Didn't thought it was that tight.

21-10-14, 11:19 AM
Eventful day! I'm sure everyone in the pits cringed when you went back out and expected another reg flag and tow vehicle lol

21-10-14, 12:10 PM
Either red flagged cause of me or made to look like your on a Sunday drive by me. lol

21-10-14, 01:22 PM
Llandow? As in Bridgend? I'm only down the road from that track what's it like?

Will F
21-10-14, 01:55 PM
Ah - you should've said! I would've popped down... they've resurfaced it right? Any good?

21-10-14, 01:59 PM
Llandow? As in Bridgend? I'm only down the road from that track what's it like?

Is a fun little track. Definitely good value at 90 quid for the day.

21-10-14, 02:03 PM
Ah - you should've said! I would've popped down... they've resurfaced it right? Any good?

Only the main straight, so still a bit of a tyre killer.

21-10-14, 10:33 PM
Llandow? As in Bridgend? I'm only down the road from that track what's it like?
Yea mate I haven't been there in years though, where about are you from

21-10-14, 11:17 PM
Port talbot ... You local?

22-10-14, 12:43 PM
I'm from Blackwood way so not too far

22-10-14, 08:11 PM
This motor turns you into a utter hooligan

Black flagged on trackdays

Told off by marshalls at hill clime events

Tut tut tut...

22-10-14, 10:23 PM
You would benefit from more castor; imagine not having to turn the steering wheel more than 120 degrees throughout the entire circuit.

Seems to be what the Japanese phrase as "under" "under".

22-10-14, 10:26 PM
As in a quick rack?