View Full Version : Carcoons info needed

14-10-14, 11:35 PM
Hi there, just wondering if any of you on here could give me some help I'm looking in to buying a carcoon for my nova. The problem is, is its in a lock up with no mains, can any of you give me an idea to how I could use one in there?? Could I run one off a 12v battery and if so how long would it last on one ?? Could someone also drop me a link to a place that I could buy one from for a nova. Any help would be very good of you thanks dave

15-10-14, 03:43 AM
Some info in here regarding carcoons for Novas.

Also I've edited the thread title, for future reference it makes people help more if you give your threads a better heading rather than just "hi" ;)

15-10-14, 05:34 PM
im looking into these aswell where in the uk sells them cant find any on ebay

15-10-14, 05:47 PM
im looking into these aswell where in the uk sells them cant find any on ebay
Here you go:

16-10-14, 12:30 AM
Thanks for the help mate :thumb: