View Full Version : anyone been involved in a crash recently

04-10-14, 03:12 PM
Dont worry I'm not going to offer you legal help and promise you money.

I was involved in a crash that wasn't my fault long story short the guy admitted fault, just been on the phone to his insurance company (got a letter through the door from them AXA) While on yhe phone the guy asked about injury sustained etc so told him my shoulder was injured, he asked a few questions then said he would give me 500 now and after I've seen a doc from a group called doctors chambers I'd be given the final amount depending on my injury.

The only thing I thought was odd was he asked for my sort code and acc number so I gave him one of an account I have but don't use (savings account so cant do anything with it) just curious if this is standard procedure these days?

04-10-14, 03:33 PM
Yep, quite normal to offer money upfront for injury as its a nice earner :-( I was shouted at for not claiming injury money when a power ranger ran into the back of my car.

04-10-14, 03:42 PM
Who shouted at you? Oh he also asked for my national insurance number dunno why he needed that but theres not a lot anyone can do with that.

04-10-14, 05:20 PM
The insurance sales/claim monkey

04-10-14, 05:22 PM
they cant do anything with your account number and sort code. only pay in.

usually only get asked the other card details when paying out

04-10-14, 05:37 PM
Well that's that sorted. Cheers folks