View Full Version : ANYONE RACED MK 2

12-02-01, 06:54 PM

12-02-01, 07:03 PM
errr a mk2 saxo???? all saxo 1.6 8v engines are the same 98bhp and nova gte/gsi beats them every time the just don't have any grunt!!

12-02-01, 07:11 PM
well my 1.3 sr beats the older ones,so unless the new ens are better,id say id still whoop there ass

12-02-01, 08:06 PM
No 1.3sr will beat a saxo, ive got one, and until a few weeks ago had a 1.3sr with zorst, filter, lowered etc and my mate has one with a well kept engine.
There is no way a 70 or so BHP Sr will keep up with a 100bhp saxo!!!
Im not after an arguament, I used to think saxos were slow til I test drove one...I ended up buying it within the week!
A Nova GTE has got the same bhp figure of about 100, so there isnt a lot in it.
You've got to remember that saying a 1.3sr is as fast as a vtr is like saying its the same power as a GTE...
Top speed of a GTE is 119mph
The top speed of a VTR is 115mph, so there is not a lot in it!
Im not going to argue with anyone over this, im not being biased - because Im not saying either is better.
It all comes down to drivers, they are similar engine powers, tweak each and they can fly!
The 0-60 time of a GTE is 9.1 seconds, a VTR is 9.3.
The GTE is only a tad faster, but the majority of them out there are thrashed!
Stop putting down cars that you know nothing about!!!
This isnt aimed at ANYONE!!!
Im just laying the facts on the table for all to see.

12-02-01, 08:47 PM
so does my 1.4sr! no probs!!!! you aren't considering weight! nova's weigh as much as an unused comdom!

12-02-01, 10:32 PM
but novas are wank :) well mine is ne way :p

12-02-01, 11:57 PM
So your saying a saxo is heavy?!!! Think again.
They are heavier yes - because they have more gadgets and stuff on them!
A 1.4sr has about 80bhp standard, even with a 'kin k&n and a 'kin Big Bore it will only be up to 100bhp top whack!!! And that will beat a vtr or vts...standard only!
SST have a turbocharger for the vtr to make it 270bhp!!
And the vts 330bhp....I rest my case!...Add some nitrous and nothing will touch it!

13-02-01, 12:12 AM
Torque perchance?

13-02-01, 12:27 AM
don't u mean 170bhp vtr and 230 vts other wise thats pritty much physicaly impossible without loads of ther work

13-02-01, 01:38 AM
Well, sorry to piss on your parade m8, but i test drove a Saxo and i didnt like it. I'll stick with SRi thanks, which incidentally, does beat VTR's (cue loads of no it doesn't blah blah, BHP, zzzz).

13-02-01, 02:25 AM
Your all biased wankers!
The fugures speak for themselves here! Its in every mag, every brochure! The handling and braking is 2nd to none! The torque is plenty!
And you are all comparing your modified novas to standard saxos - fair??!!!
Think not. Now I love novas to bits, and only got a saxo because I wanted a newer motor to modify. The nova has been around for 19 years this year! Its had loads of time for performance mods to be tested and brought out.
The figures from those turbos are correct - ask SST themselves - they cant lie on an advert its illegal!
Why lie to yourself?! You test drove a saxo, was it a vtr or a vts? If your under 21 I doubt it would be as Citroen insurance doesnt cover under 21s on test drives! If it was a 1.1 - totally different car! Suspension, gears, wheels, performance - everything is different!
The torque on a saxo is the same if not more than a sri as well if you really want to know!
Dont fool yourselves - grow up!

13-02-01, 09:19 AM
Just to clear something up, 1.4SR's aren't 80BHP as Standard(I wish they were!) There around 72BHP. I went to the recent rolling road in my J Reg 1.4SR, it had a full performance exhaust on it as the only modification and managed to get 80BHP on the rollers. To get anywhere near 100BHp in a 1.4, your talking about adding a set of twin webbers. I've never raced a Saxo so I can't say if my cars quicker. You are right, alot of the time it comes down to the driver and how hard you want to push your car. Personnally I'd like to keep my car for a while so I don't go around racing people. I'm not a biased wanker Mr. Boy Racer, If I see a nice car I'll respect that car. I do happen to like the saxo's, It's a massive improvement on their last hot hatch, but for the meantime I happen to own a Nova which I love to pieces. Everyones allowed an opinion and if someone comes on this site claiming to have beaten an Escort Cosworth in their 1.2 Nova, then who am I to judge, I wasn't their so I can't deny it. I'm sure alot of people get a buzz out of beating cars that on paper would normally thrash the Nova, so let them have their moment of glory, It's all just a bit of fun. Don't take these comments personnally Boy Racer, just understand that people might have beaten a Saxo and they might be able to do it again. If they get thrashed next time, then they've learnt something new. Chill out mate, don't get yourself all worked up, you'll die of a heart attack before you get to modify your Saxo.

13-02-01, 09:38 AM
Well said that man !!

13-02-01, 09:44 AM
Sorry but those figures for turbos from SST are wrong mate. My mates got a VTS and is looking at having it turbo'd. At the moment the maximum they've managed to achieve is 185 BHP.

13-02-01, 09:49 AM
Yeah alright mate.
I just wanted to put the facts up so everyone knew what was what.
Im not saying these people didnt beat the saxo - were they really trying??!!
Sorry to all you innocent guys and gals out there, but this forum isnt to slag off other cars! I agree with Jim, but youve got to admit this post has got out of hand.
:-) Lets just leave this be...

13-02-01, 10:59 AM
show me a 2.0 16v/2.0 16v turbo/200bhp+ saxo and maybe we might have a fair chalenge on out hands

13-02-01, 12:48 PM
They dont need to be 2 litre!
A 1.6 with carbs and a turbo will outdo a 200bhp car easily!

13-02-01, 01:04 PM
hahaha whatever. saxos are slow and made of tinfoil.
i seem to remember that sst put their saxo on the rollers for a magazine shootout, and it did 160bhp hahahahahahaha
boy racer you are on the verge of being kicked off here, with your comment of "you are all biased w###ers" and before you start moaning you started the obscenities.
face it saxos are bought for 17yr olds by their daddys cos of the free insurance.
dont come on a nova site slagging novas and thinking saxos are the greatest, they are not- get a grip, and yes i've raced them in my gte and i have also test driven a vts, they are not that quick!

13-02-01, 01:10 PM
BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT ian , would a saxo beat a 1.2 nova? - cos if it would, then a saxo would beat your 2.0 16v nova. LMAO,

all i am saying is that they are both lovely cars, for starters free insurance only came on 1.1's. Also does it matter who would win, cos if you go fast you can tse the ladies, plus my pug would beat you all. LMAO only joking. Saxos are well built and can handle corners well.

P.S i am in the middle so no saxo owners or nova owners punch me, its just that i am bored and need summit to do. lol

pointless message really. lmao

errrm , wonder how long this is, errr, quite long i presume.

anyways, hit me back just chat, truly yours your biggest fan this is st----Davo


13-02-01, 01:12 PM
but, I like Saxo's :(

Kev :D

13-02-01, 01:37 PM
quote from kev on the phone"they are nice cars but they are slow!" hahahahaha
free insurance was available on all saxos.

13-02-01, 02:28 PM
I dont remember slagging of any novas do you?!
There is no free insurance on under 21's for starters!
The magazine shoot was a short while back, and Gary Stones (SST Saxo) was not completed, it was just a test run to try out things.
If your saying that saxos are not well built and made of tinfoil you are mistaken.
They have the same build quality as the 106, no vtr or vts is badly built, the 1.1s are...same as bottem end novas.
I never said I was against the nova, Im just fed up of people talking about stuff they dont know!
Have they ever driven a saxo? On a test drive your not allowed to push it!

13-02-01, 02:29 PM
You liar!

Kev :D

13-02-01, 02:32 PM
I`ve taken a VTS for a spin, and was encouraged to put my foot down. It was a very capable car, but was a tad too refined for me. I wouldn`t like to say which is quicker, but they deliver their torque in different ways. It all depends on your own tastes!


13-02-01, 02:32 PM
Thats funny coz my m8 was 17 when he got his saxo and he got free insurance so nurr :p

13-02-01, 02:33 PM
one problem with them is the same as many hot hatches is the arse end is very twitchy

13-02-01, 03:20 PM
show me the goods!!! show me a 2.0 16v saxo!!!!! or a 2.5 v6 saxo!!!!!!!!!! or for that matter any saxo over 200bhp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13-02-01, 03:21 PM
and then and only then will i bother test driving one!!!!

13-02-01, 04:05 PM
Cannot be bothered to argue any more.
It all comes down to taste!
As long as you are happy with your own cars, then thats the main thing!
Im sure you can understand me trying to defend my car - wouldnt you all!??:-/

Lets forget about it guys. ;)

13-02-01, 04:27 PM
Errr, talk about contradiction!!! Look Boy Racer, If you have an opinion then post it, but if your going to say Saxos are better than Novas, then expect some comments in defence of the Nova. Whatever you do, don't come out with comments and then totally contradict yourself in a later message as people will only pick up on it even more and keep hurling replies at you. Of course you've got a right to defend your car, but I'm confused...If you own a Saxo, why are you even bothering posting messages on here? This is a website for Nova enthusiasts where we help each other out and try and arrange meets so we can all meet up. I know you USE to own a 1.3SR, but you've moved on to a Saxo, feel free to offer your advice to people wanting to get more out of their Nova, but, whatever you do, don't come on here and say "I use to own a Nova, I now think there shit cause I've got a better car". So you've got a better car than your previous, who cares? If you upgraded to a GSi, then we might take more interest in your messages. For the moment, just think before you type, this is a site where people still own a 1.3SR and they probably cherish their car, so let them cherish it and say how great their car is.
Nuff said, Jim.

13-02-01, 04:30 PM
u tell im Jim ;) :D :O B-) .............dont worry about me i am bored.

13-02-01, 04:38 PM
well said jim! B-)

13-02-01, 05:07 PM
I did not say to anyone on any post that a saxo was bettet then a nova!
The reason Im on the site is because I know a fair bit about novas! I owned 5 of the things in one year!
I never said I own a better car either!
Your just twisting my words around.
I actually said the GTE standard and GSI WERE faster then the saxo, if you read my messages properly!

13-02-01, 06:48 PM
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :>

14-02-01, 12:18 PM
difference between a saxo and a nova is the fact that even though ur sayin saxos r 2nd to none in handlin blah blah they also cost say about ten times the cost of a second hand nove.For instance my nova will hurt VTRS an Sri with a few choice mods in the place of high lift cam manifold etc.It cost ?1500 includin mods.A new vtr saxo is around ten grand I think??So really a nova beatin a saxo ain't that bad.The saxos handle better coz they r newer and cost more.Full Stop

14-02-01, 04:13 PM
second to none? i think some scooby and mitsubishi evo drivers may have something to say about that, and i wont mention vx220 drivers!

:D I hate pugs and saxos :D

14-02-01, 06:48 PM
ste@tecy there are mk2 saxos have u never seen the new front end on them, and the mk1's are 90 b.h.p, mk2 98 b.h.p

14-02-01, 07:07 PM
i like saxos too, strangely though they are very similar to novas....

e.g grille/lights

14-02-01, 07:41 PM
wots up with boy racer?? talking about saxos on a nova site!!!!!!
anyway a cars speed has a lot to do with the driver. 9.3 - 9.1 less than reaction time at lights! so come on please not everyone buys a car to race it with and say my car is faster than yours! no mine is etc....