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12-02-01, 02:17 PM
WHAT?!!?! "you still screwed one of my mates over"..? I think if anyone should be bitter about the whole thing, it should be Ian, not you. Apart from the fact I had fuck all to do with sum twat at my work uploading pictures to my site (if u sit back and think about it, why the fuck would I take pictures off a site I always go on, which could lead to me getting banned, and why would I upload to my own web site? For fucks sake?I might smoke a bit now and again, but I?m not that thick) anyway, I?ve been coming on here for fucking ages now, so why have u been on here for 5 minutes and your judging people? (I know that sounds a bit petty saying ?I?ve been on here a lot longer than you? but it?s petty to say that I ?screwed Ian over? ?!?!? I?m not like that?)

I don?t want to fall out with anyone, cos when I get a mota sorted I?m gonna start cumin to track days and meets etc?so let?s just forget about it?fairy muff, if Ian is still feeling pissed off with me (even though I was nothing to do with it) then he has the right to be, but there?s no need for you to be bitter as well.

Lets all just sit back and ?cha chill??


12-02-01, 02:26 PM
Lets just say we stick together on here, and as for me been on here five minutes, i'm sure Ian, Kev, Ste, JK, Fenix, Slimjim etc etc would back me up in saying that that is fucking bollocks. Fucking hell if i've only been on here five minutes, i must have been a busy bastard arranging all that i have. I've sorted the rolling road from start to finish which i started in November (lets think, that would be 3 months ago, wouldn't it), I've also designed the stickers for the members of the site, got the fuckers printed and fucking distributed them. So if your dissing me your actually dissing a lot of the members of the site. Hence me saying that we stick together around here. If you want to start making friends around here i'd start growing up mate.

12-02-01, 02:38 PM
All credit to you mate for arranging the RR day and the stickers. I know it takes a lot of preparation and pissing about, well done for that.

Apologies for the ?been here 5 minutes? comment?I take it back.

It?s getting a bit frustrating when ever other day I come on here and there?s a comment about what some nob end at my work did, I know for a fact it wasn?t me, so when people accuse me (ok, it looked dodgy, but I?ve explained the circumstances and I should be believed ;() I flip.

When u meet me you?ll realise I?m a sorted geezer and this has all been blown out of proportion.

Apologies again to all concerned with this fiasco.

12-02-01, 02:43 PM
Apology accepted, just tell your work mate to come on here and take the stick, he sounds like a right wanker.

12-02-01, 04:28 PM
Ged tell me where you work cause i'm going to get your ex mate fired!!

12-02-01, 06:08 PM
i know!
try finding out who hosts his site thats a clue

12-02-01, 06:22 PM
boys just let it go!

13-02-01, 10:51 AM
fucking hell your like a bunch of 5 year olds. Grow up. it was a piccy, GSi boy go and have a wank m8 lol - you seem wayyy tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo stressed. I am sure ian is big enough to fight his own battle, well he may have to stand on a chair. lol - onlu JOKING IAN!!!!

Ged you are a sorted lad.

I think what is needed is a big group hug!

Escimo kiss - lmao

Get along and play nicely or im tellin your mothers!


lmao, have a gooden


13-02-01, 12:23 PM
you on those drugs again davo u smackhead!

13-02-01, 12:46 PM
wow man floating cars, cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooool..

13-02-01, 11:42 PM
He's been driving that pug too much aiii bo selecta :D

14-02-01, 06:34 PM
LMFAO ha ha ha ha

14-02-01, 10:21 PM
this whole thing is just gay

this is th internet lads, not fucking "coronation street" !

14-02-01, 10:58 PM

kev@novaload.net (boss man!)