View Full Version : Anyone near Guildford? Steering wheel removal help

01-04-14, 08:53 AM
Good morning, I can't find a steering wheel puller locally and need to remove it, anyone got one I could borrow/buy?



01-04-14, 09:09 AM
Loosen the bolt and do the Cadbury's ape on it, normally work's.

01-04-14, 09:28 AM
Haha been trying, is there a preferred method or should I break out the gorilla mask?

01-04-14, 09:33 AM
I have never failed to get one off that way. Leave the nut on and strike the end of the columb a few times first with a 3/8 extension and hammer, then just persevere with it and thump in a different place each time until it pops.

Its not the prefered method, but if you dont have a puller and need it off then crack on.

01-04-14, 09:45 AM
Take the nut off and spray a bit of wd40 down the shaft put the nut back so it's flush at the end or a little rased.
Sit in and put your knees behind the wheel and push backwards then 3/4 extension with a 19 mm socket fitted and a big hammer push Back with your knees and give it a good hit not a little tap hard and true not light and many and mix it up with the gorilla dance never fails ask The lad who fitted his wheel with the impact gun to fit his wheel boss you know who you are I removed your name lol

01-04-14, 04:23 PM
As said apply pressure from behind and give the shaft a good strike.
(that whole sentence could be read out of context) lol

01-04-14, 04:35 PM
As said apply pressure from behind and give the shaft a good strike.
(that whole sentence could be read out of context) lol
Be worse if you said add lube to the shaft first lol

01-04-14, 07:35 PM
oh ffs, you lot have been the lucky ones if you haven't knackered the column doing it this way

02-04-14, 08:03 AM
Well after about ten mins of having a tantrum I was back online and found a place stocking a puller 20 miles away. Went and bought it. Returned to Nova to find the wheel had popped up during my absence. ....

02-04-14, 08:24 AM
So the spring behind the wheel is stronger than you lol
Persistence is the key 10 min is a long time but it's off now

mowgli no one sAid we've never buggered the colum I for one have prob killed 2/3 at least but I've removed maybe 150+ wheels and the ones I killed were from crashed cars so the colum was not being kept just the wheel

02-04-14, 12:45 PM
Yes I was defeated by the tiny spring lol But dash has been swapped now so all is good :)

02-04-14, 01:46 PM
Spring ftw lol

Johnny A
02-04-14, 06:57 PM
I have never failed to get one off that way. Leave the nut on and strike the end of the columb a few times first with a 3/8 extension and hammer, then just persevere with it and thump in a different place each time until it pops.

Do NOT do this, the column has a collapse feature built in (in the event of a crash), by doing this you cause the column to start collapsing in on itself.