View Full Version : why is it that women..........??

27-03-14, 11:43 AM
why is it that women organise some sort of insurance policy in your name, with their own cryptic memorable date (apparently the first time you did something or other, but are fecked if you can remember, cos it was 20 years ago & you were pissed at the time) memorable place(the place we first bought cushions together or some other shyte), then make you ring up to cancel it cos its in your name, & you spend an hour of your day off with some poor lad from a call centre trying to work out wtf she was going on about to get thru the security questions.......???

please add your examples.

27-03-14, 11:51 AM
her birthday how the **** am I expected to know that?!?!?!

27-03-14, 11:57 AM
I know that one.... and our anniversary too... and the date we first met (I also went to a rally & got a sticker with it on)

she used the day I proposed to her.. I think she was rubbing it in a tad..