View Full Version : Perspex

08-02-01, 07:34 PM
Does anybody know where you can get perspex windows from?

08-02-01, 09:15 PM
wouldnt they get scratched easy?

08-02-01, 09:20 PM
nah I saw a bloke in fast car with a rear perspex window, he had the filler in it and the glass used to crack. His looked alright I suppose if it was good quality it wouldn't scratch

08-02-01, 09:51 PM
I just wanna reduce weight. Does anybody know?

08-02-01, 10:27 PM
i use persex @ college so i'll ask my teacher where he gets it from

09-02-01, 01:10 AM
perspex is too soft for a window youd have to get a harder material because it would scratch and look shite.try a hardend plastic material like they use in buses or you might even be able to skam some but for any rounded windows like the front your have to have tham specialy molded

09-02-01, 09:20 AM
You want Acrylic I think, It's not as flexible as perspex. Go down to your local sign makers (check your yellow pages) they will tell you what will be the best plastic to use and you could also get pre-tinted plastic in a range of different colours which will save you having to use window tinting film. Also the sign makers might cut the plastic to the size of your windows. Let us know how you get on.

09-02-01, 12:54 PM
its fecking expensive!! :) i wanted a piece of acrylic frosted for a light box A3 size and they wanted ?20 quid for it.

10-02-01, 04:04 PM
no you can actually get perspex windows,not sure where u get em from,try looking in ccc mag,there well lighter,dont shatter,but u cant use it for the front windscreen.ive got to get some soon as the wide arch kit im getin hasnt got a filler space,so im putting it in the rear quarter

10-02-01, 07:46 PM
Novaparts, what arch kit are you gettin? (my Magnum Motorsports arch didn`t have a filler hole in it but I blended a filler hole from an old nova rear quarter from the scrappies and bolted a modified filler neck to it, a lot of messing about but i can still use a std filler cap)