View Full Version : hull is the next city of culture..... what does this actually mean???

20-11-13, 09:04 PM
so mr spudly, having beaten Leicester into submission, please explain what being the city of culture actually means..........apart from some new roadsigns.

are they opening a yoghurt factory or a petri dish production facility?? cos that's what people thought Leicester was going to have when we 'won' it

20-11-13, 09:11 PM
Usually means its wick with foreigners

20-11-13, 09:26 PM
Leicester has loads of foreigners already

20-11-13, 09:29 PM
Actually Hull won because they have a 'Cult Cinema Night'. Last month about 50 of us sat through 'The Room' and got drunk. Also, Nick Barmby is from Hull.


20-11-13, 09:34 PM
Leicester has something very similar to a cult night ................ and there are lots of them out on the streets every night lol lol

20-11-13, 09:38 PM
There's lots of culture in Hull, especially on a Friday and Saturday nights when the clubs kick out:cheers:


20-11-13, 09:41 PM
There's lots of culture in Hull, especially on a Friday and Saturday nights when the clubs kick out:cheers:

The culture judges just couldn't resist Hedkandi @ Pozition ;)

20-11-13, 09:48 PM
Liverpool 2008 city of culture
Great events but a lot of council money spent improving the central areas must say its lots better now

20-11-13, 09:48 PM
I notice its always norven places that get it... Seems the north lacks culture loL

it must be just a way to blag money from the lottery etc.

20-11-13, 09:59 PM
What we lack in culture we make up in being fun people

I'd take that any day LOL

20-11-13, 10:03 PM
What were the choices for this year lol I thought Hull was bottom of a list a couple of years ago for the worst place to live or something like that lol

20-11-13, 10:13 PM
What were the choices for this year lol I thought Hull was bottom of a list a couple of years ago for the worst place to live or something like that lol

considering there isn't an actual place called Hull, i'm confused anyway......but according to wiki, about half of the towns in southern England put their names forward for consideration.

ps. its a load of bollocks on a par with town twinning

20-11-13, 10:16 PM
Liverpool 2008 city of culture
Great events but a lot of council money spent improving the central areas must say its lots better now

Yer but once they built the echo arena and Liverpool one they ran out of ideas but never fixed any if the pot holes lol

20-11-13, 10:23 PM
I notice its always norven places that get it... Seems the north lacks culture loL

it must be just a way to blag money from the lottery etc.

Cos Government gives us **** all, and takes back the little bits they do give :mad:

20-11-13, 10:28 PM
you are mistaking the European city of culture with the uk city of culture....

I could spend several hours going on about the decline of the Liverpool area from WWII onwards, but any amount of public money thrown at the place will struggle to make Liverpool anything like a shadow of its former identity. the decline of the british empire started its fall....the cutbacks of naval engineering, the dock labour(with no irony at all) scheme and the unions trying to put a stop to container freight, are but a few things to mention..

21-11-13, 10:16 AM
geography "expert" mikemowgli should know kingston upon was dropped from Hull a long time ago.
or shal we go back even further and refer to its original name wyke on hull from the 1100s?
i think its good the place has the award.
better than the previous "worst place to live etc"
2 super league rugby teams,a premier league football team,olympic gold medallist pro boxer..
we have good things these days.
whats leicester have? gary big ears lineker? a stolen body from york,walkers crisps and gunnys nova hahahaha

21-11-13, 10:21 AM

21-11-13, 12:19 PM
Awarding cities labels like that is all utter chuff. FFS Bristol has been awarded the 'green capital of Europe' for 2015, yet its the most traffic congested city in England. lol

21-11-13, 12:37 PM
green is also street slang for herbal cannabis...........

21-11-13, 06:36 PM
geography "expert" mikemowgli should know kingston upon was dropped from Hull a long time ago.
or shal we go back even further and refer to its original name wyke on hull from the 1100s?
i think its good the place has the award.
better than the previous "worst place to live etc"
2 super league rugby teams,a premier league football team,olympic gold medallist pro boxer..
we have good things these days.
whats leicester have? gary big ears lineker? a stolen body from york,walkers crisps and gunnys nova hahahaha

the council may have rebranded the place as hull, and fair play to them, but on all the maps, and legal crap, its still officially Kingston upon hull...

ok, Leicester... birthplace of the jet engine...

grave of king Richard...and its perfectly legal for him to be there too, (like York needs another tourist attraction), how the chuff should a man who died in a battle in 1485 in west Leicestershire have been taken to York for burial???? he lost the wars of the roses, he was buried in a piece of consecrated ground, which is quite remarkable considering the tudors spent years making out he was a murderer etc....

home of walkers crisps & also samworths.. you've probably never heard of them, but if you buy a ginsters pasty or a garage/supermarket sandwich, its one of theirs.. yes, gary lineker is a Leicester lad, I don't see that many ex footballers making such a success of their second career...

21-11-13, 06:48 PM
Hull is the next city of culture.... what does this actually mean?

In laymans terms, it means it is far from being the sh*thole that you and a lot of others think, or will happily say that you think it is :p

I thought Hull was bottom of a list a couple of years ago for the worst place to live or something like that http://www.pngclub.com/forum/images/smilies/lol.gif

It was, cant remember exactly when, but it was voted as the worst place in Britain to live, pretty good turnaround from being branded as that wouldnt you agree:thumb:

21-11-13, 07:19 PM
whats leicester have? gary big ears lineker? a stolen body from york,walkers crisps and gunnys nova hahahaha

lol this thread is amazing lol

EDIT: One other thing they have is called "Pork Pie Island" straight up, I drove there years ago in search of these fabled pork pie islanders. Got a parking ticket that I never paid :/


21-11-13, 07:52 PM
I nearly mentioned it actually, mike... the pork pie roundabout is named after the nickname of the southfields library.....
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRitRu6qqH_O1V6QCPMaKSi1Vts2KubY iprZ8_ls7z8gTFoNrOx (http://www.pngclub.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=Nr9rSiT6J1FfXM&tbnid=7HJLtfwXN3htqM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.leicester.gov.uk%2Fyour-council-services%2Feducation-lifelong-learning%2Fleicesterlibraries-home-page%2Flocations%2Fsouthfields-library%2F&ei=JmSOUuSPCuKu0QX8iYHgDg&psig=AFQjCNGO0KoVnL4wW5eFhgzP1LLxQqBStw&ust=1385149862215546)

21-11-13, 07:53 PM
I nearly mentioned it actually, mike... the pork pie roundabout is named after the nickname of the southfields library.....
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRitRu6qqH_O1V6QCPMaKSi1Vts2KubY iprZ8_ls7z8gTFoNrOx (http://www.pngclub.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=Nr9rSiT6J1FfXM&tbnid=7HJLtfwXN3htqM:&ved=0CAgQjRwwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.leicester.gov.uk%2Fyour-council-services%2Feducation-lifelong-learning%2Fleicesterlibraries-home-page%2Flocations%2Fsouthfields-library%2F&ei=JmSOUuSPCuKu0QX8iYHgDg&psig=AFQjCNGO0KoVnL4wW5eFhgzP1LLxQqBStw&ust=1385149862215546)

Porkpies = WIN :)
Libaries = fail :(

21-11-13, 07:58 PM
In laymans terms, it means it is far from being the sh*thole that you and a lot of others think, or will happily say that you think it is :p

most places that go thru a massive industrial decline end up being called a dump, usually because there are lots of empty properties that get vandalised. it takes a lot of years for a place to rebuild itself... my only dislikes of hull are the road to it from the mway, and the extortionate toll charges on the bridge...and I really like big bridges.

21-11-13, 08:08 PM
Well youre going to be happy to hear that theyve dropped the toll on the bridge, its only £1.50 each way now :d

21-11-13, 08:10 PM
Well youre going to be happy to hear that theyve dropped the toll on the bridge, its only £1.50 each way now :d

W00t! M6 Toll is £5.50 one way!

21-11-13, 08:54 PM
and for hgv's????

21-11-13, 09:05 PM
and for hgv's????

M6 toll or Hull toll you mean?

M6 Toll is about £12 daytime and I think about £10 night time for hgv.

21-11-13, 09:15 PM
i meant the bridge

I just can't see the point of the m6 toll rd.... but when the elevated section thru spaghetti finally crumbles, it will be suddenly very popular....

21-11-13, 10:38 PM
hull is the next city of culture..... what does this actually mean???

Means no ones been to Hull...lol

22-11-13, 07:23 AM
In laymans terms, it means it is far from being the sh*thole that you and a lot of others think, or will happily say that you think it is :p
How many police vans was it me n Lee saw...? lol

22-11-13, 10:13 AM
Well this escalated quickly! Let's just diss each other's homes for a while lol

Hull's alright. It's got bits that we're not so proud of but show me a city that hasn't! I can't even remember the last time I got knifed.

22-11-13, 04:10 PM
How many police vans was it me n Lee saw...? lol

But as I pointed out there was a kissball match on, the police presence was because the fans have to fight each other when their team wins/loses, this happens everywhere, not just Hull :p

22-11-13, 06:33 PM
ok, i'll reword the question spud..

apart from tons of new roadsigns/nameplates & a snazzy new page on the city council's website, does the city get any massive financial input for real world improvements for the residents? or are they going to waste loads on some theatre type thing that no-one will want to visit? like what normally happens

22-11-13, 06:36 PM
I dont know, since it only happened two days ago, and im not on any of the involved committee's or teams, then i wouldnt have a clue lol

22-11-13, 06:37 PM
so the local rag hasn't printed anything then??

22-11-13, 06:44 PM
Dunno, i dont get it!