View Full Version : wiring halfords neon kit

03-09-03, 11:01 PM
Youve seen the Subject so dont bother replying with the remarks that neons are crap blah blah blah. i'll do what i like to it.

Right, Is it difficult to wire these up? Bought a set today and from what i can see its quite complex.

I bought the extra 30amp relay so ive got all the parts required to set them up.

Could someone plz give me afew tips on what to do 1st or, even write a mini guide for me or something?

Cheers for any advice.

04-09-03, 09:23 AM
Is this a joke post?
Cause there is bugger all to it and the intructions are in the kit anyway.

Asusming it isnt a joke post........

I dont know exactly what is in the halfords kit, as i wouldnt ever buy neons from halfords, but generally neon kits are in one of two formats, either a simple 12v input to the tube, or a transformer with 12v input and 9000v (or whatever, it varies) output that then goes to the tube.

Most kits are wired in parellel, but you need to check the instructions for that.

If you havent already bought the kit then DONT, go to http://neonmotion.com/neonmotion/categories.php3

and actually but a decent kit instead, personally i think neons are a waste of time really, but if you are going to do it then at least do it properly, the halfords kits are just poor quality underpowered shite that looks like you wanted neons but couldnt be arsed to do the job properly.

Iceled's are a far better idea if you wnat undercar lighting though, neons are now so overdone that its just sad, they are becoming the modern equivalent of furry dice.


04-09-03, 09:45 AM
there was no instructions in the box thats why im asking.

There is a transformer with 12v input and 9000v.

Whats wrong with the halfords kit? Ive seen afew cars with them and they give a good quality glow.

The only thing i dont like about them is when they're mounted where you can see the tube itself.

04-09-03, 09:49 AM
The reason you can see the tube when they are mounted is because most people who buy from halfords are generally utter k0cks and dont fit the things properly, if you can see the tube you havent done the job right so do it properly in the first place.

I havent seen the latest halfords kits, they werent 9kv on the ones i saw, if the latest ones are now 9kv then they have caught up at last i guess.
Although everyone else is now moving onto iceled's anyway.


04-09-03, 09:55 AM
i wasnt on about seeing the tubes on my car, i ment that ive seen cars with them like that.

whats the difference between the led style tubes?

04-09-03, 10:03 AM
less likely to break, and you can vary the colours

04-09-03, 10:04 AM
I bought mine when they were on offer at maplins, ?12 each or something ridiculous for a 20" tube.

It was earth wire to earthing point.

Live- wire, switch, wire, in line fuse, battery supply.

04-09-03, 10:11 AM
those maplin ones are 12v not 9000v though and give out hardly any light

04-09-03, 10:22 AM
found this pic in the album with the halfords set, i think they look vgood


(top marks to whos this car is, its a minter)

04-09-03, 10:41 AM
i think that looks crap, its just a little patch of light under each tube, not decent coverage of the whole floor under the car

05-09-03, 06:42 PM
thats the problem with neon/flourescant light. you only get coverage to the side's and not at the ends

05-09-03, 09:56 PM
I love neon I think their a laugh, at the end of the day their just lights not a valver turbo so don't slate them.
But yes they can look shite sometimes