View Full Version : Quick antifreeze query.........

23-10-13, 07:45 PM
Hi guys im running the pink 5yr protection antifreeze in my 1990 c20xe but just been told it could cause a reaction because it should have the blue stuff in anyone running the red stuff or have any gen on this??.


23-10-13, 07:48 PM
As far as I know it is mixing the red and the blue stuff that causes a reaction so if it's got red in it then should be fine?
See if anyone else knows anymore or if it is rubbish?

23-10-13, 08:14 PM
GM always spec blue afaik but that will partly be because it's cheap! The red stuff isn't miles different and is quite often sold as a long-life 'upgrade'. VW cars of the same era always used the red stuff as factory fill.

Certain cars do struggle a bit with cheaper/different spec coolant, so that may be where your mate got the idea from. My old E34 BMW TDS are famed for eating heater matrices on blue/red stuff as BMW spec stuff is a bit special, think it was actually developed around that time as recommended fill for my 88 Alpina is blue, so chances are it had to be sourced as they started eating heater matrices. lol

Bottom line; you will be fine with the red stuff imo, as above it's normally mixing coolants which stuffs them up as they can react and make all sorts of sludge/solids appear.

23-10-13, 08:34 PM
Yea cool good ive ran it for about two years but it was just mentioned today lol.


23-10-13, 09:24 PM
gm is pink.
dont worry

24-10-13, 05:42 PM
Im a little carmer now andy it was just the age of the engine an the fact it supposed to have blue in it lol.
