View Full Version : help with astra zlet

14-08-13, 02:23 PM
hello i have an Astra zlet but its started smokeing out of the breather pipe on top of engine,if i block it of with my hand its smokes very bad out of the exhaust.?
anything it could be.oil change maybe? Head gasket :(

14-08-13, 05:27 PM
I'd do a compression test to start with. What sort of milage has it done ?

14-08-13, 06:33 PM
not yet.going to try one tomorrow. Its done 72000

17-08-13, 03:38 AM
If I remember correct there was a larger bolt/union you could get to allow more engine oil and lower oil pressure through the oil feed to the turbo. That used to make them smoke a bit or the turbo seals could be worn

17-08-13, 07:31 AM
it sounds like a holed piston or similar. definitely get a compression test done