View Full Version : Mk1 SR and GTE Exhaust Front Section Differences

04-08-13, 03:19 PM
Can anyone tell me if there is any difference on the front sections of exhaust pipe between SR and GTE systems.

I've just bought a Piper system to replace my second hand stainless system (both are supposedly SR systems)

The new one is a Piper system but the bend on the end of the exhaust is a different angle. Does anyone know just from looking at them what they are off.


04-08-13, 03:32 PM
There is difference to the flange angle on GTE systems and SR ones - they are not interchangeable unless you change the downpipe.

The bottom one in your photo looks to be a GTE one, top SR. A GTE system often has three silencers, an SR two.

12-08-13, 10:02 AM
Yeah the gte an Gsi items have more of a bend on the front pipe. But As said above you can use the gte/gsi down pipe to get round this problem.