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01-09-03, 12:38 AM
alright. did anyone from here go to the farnborough cruise last night? i was there and saw a few novas that i recognised from novaload.

02-09-03, 02:44 PM
I went until my Clutch and gearbox blow up! It was the first time ive been. It was alright. Fast Car was there werent they?

02-09-03, 06:05 PM
so u were the geeza with the black nova saloon? ur box made quite a mess dawg. cruise was wikid, got my motor photoed by fastcar so watch out 4 it next issue!

02-09-03, 11:16 PM
i was there too! Lucky or Ben wouldnt have been going home!

Hows it going has it drop on the floor yet??

03-09-03, 09:18 AM
Yeah that was me in the Black Saloon! Yeah my box went bang big time. It looks like the EBC Sports clutch wasnt up to the power of the engine and fell apart and went through the side of the box. And Dan I dropped it out Monday afternoon just after you left. Its taken a chunk out of the starter motor aswell! I took the clutch back to EBC last night and the tech bloke is gonna have a look at it!