View Full Version : Welder problems...

31-07-13, 08:49 PM
First injury yet from working in a welding shop for 6 months..

Was using the blow torch burning out plates, just about finished on the last one and a spark pings and hits me in the eye... before anyone goes crazy I was wearing sun glasses... yes not the best but its the best it gets in a scrapyard.

Now on anti-biotics and painkillers because it scratched the inside of my eye. Anyone any storys for me to look forward to? Lol :wtf:


31-07-13, 08:51 PM
Worra knacker.

If the workplace won't legally supply you with correct PPE, get yor own.
Still grass them though.

This is playing with peoples lives.

31-07-13, 08:54 PM
sunglasses to use a gas axe? sorry but ya deserve all ya get for your own stupidity really.You're lucky,very lucky you haven't lost your sight altogether!

31-07-13, 08:57 PM
Here's me expecting wire-feed issues. lol

31-07-13, 09:12 PM
My boss when at the bodyshop had a rust ring in his eye when he got grinding sparks/bits in his eye. By that time the eye had grown over the bits and they where rusting. Basicly had laser surgery to remove them.

Your think he'd have learnt... But no. Been 4 times that i know of to have bits removed from his eyes. Using a magnet and or twisers.

31-07-13, 09:18 PM
I worked in kwik fit and we had all the ppe including fire proof overalls back then but i had a couple of bits of molten metal go down the back of these overalls and burnt me all the way down my back but couldnt burn its way out so my ass was literally on fire lol

31-07-13, 09:25 PM
Wasn't looking for sympathy at all... lol

Need to rant about something, going to complain about PPE tomorrow.

I have learned my lesson Benn, i was ****ting myself in that hospital lol

31-07-13, 09:28 PM
Good frankly, eyes are the biggest must protect.

paul james
31-07-13, 09:33 PM
You need to be careful even with proper protection, sparks and bits of metal can jump around into tiny gaps. I've pulled a shard of metal out of my eye before, the cut in my eyeball kept me awake for several nights, not fun.

31-07-13, 09:38 PM
This is just the start lol I'm an apprentice fitter but doing welding until my college starts

31-07-13, 10:19 PM
i am a metal fabricator apprentice and got hit in the eyes a good few times with sparks from grinding but they never stuck or did damage. i always use glasses but sometimes they can fly up underneath so bought my own set of goggles.

eyes should definitely be kept protected.

i also got arc eye once when i was about 15 that was not fun!

31-07-13, 10:32 PM
David the first think you need to know is that if you can not be fired for refusing to work due to health and safety.

If you refuse to work due to no PPE or incorrect PPE and your sacked your straight into a claim for unfair dismissal,

The other thing you need to remember is that you only get 2 eyes and they can never be replaced, same goes for your ears
( grinding )

Your eye will be sore for a while and should recover,

31-07-13, 10:55 PM
So many stories spater in eats, burns,heavy sun burns from ill fitting overalls glad I stuck to woodwork and do welding as an when needed but as bazil said you are within ure rights to refuse work if its detrimental to ure health.

31-07-13, 11:04 PM
So many stories spater in eats, burns,heavy sun burns from ill fitting overalls glad I stuck to woodwork and do welding as an when needed but as bazil said you are within ure rights to refuse work if its detrimental to ure health.

True but work is hard to find plus hes only young and dosnt know any better and is doing as he is told, lets face it we have all been there and i done my aprenticeship at borough salvage and it dont come worse than there lol

31-07-13, 11:15 PM
I always wear PPE, even at home. As said, stray sparks etc still get in your overalls/boots/eyes etc.

My thinking is, don't give it any extra help!

01-08-13, 06:47 PM
Said to the boss about tinted goggles for burning earlier today, if he doesn't supply them I'll buy my own set, far too dodgy.

As to Bazil? That's what the hospital said but I've not had a problem all day, was uncomfortable last night but fine all day, maybe luck?

Don't think I had my saftey glasses off all day too lol


01-08-13, 07:14 PM
for grinding, use a full face guard


but for gas cutting, use

i know for simple blowing out of 1 item, most people don't bother, but for repeated gas work, its a must.

worst thing i ever got was a spark came out of a lorry exhaust & hit me in the eye when i was trying to find an air leak on the roadside.... it hurt way more than the previous one, which was petrol in the eye when a fuel line blew off on a car i was asked to fix... it took days till the burn finally healed up & it was excruciating every time i blinked & i couldn't sleep for days either..

01-08-13, 07:47 PM
but for gas cutting, use

This, i wouldnt dream of ever doing it without goggles mate!

02-08-13, 11:19 AM
anti-biotics are evil !

what painkillers they got you on ?

02-08-13, 11:24 AM
for grinding, use a full face guard


mowgli, you are very handsome. We should talk

02-08-13, 06:51 PM
anti-biotics are evil !

what painkillers they got you on ?

Just any random pain killers incase it was sore, not took them, was only uncomfortable that night, been fine ever since, got let of nicely I think lol