View Full Version : The Turbos almost there now!

Rick Draper
30-08-03, 03:48 PM
Just got my 6 speed gearbox and casing back so i just need to put them together, finish off putting the turbo engine back together then it will all be ready to fit in the engine bay once that has been painted which shud be this week i hope if its not done already :lol: Hopefully the final few bits will be trouble free as nowt has been up to now :roll: . All going well it shud be back on the road within 2-3 weeks at most :lol: :lol: Cannot wait! Rick

30-08-03, 04:28 PM
good news Rick!, oh i found a well easy way to put the casings bak together! take the main spline drive roller bearing race and the other larger bearing race off their splines and insert them onto the top casing (one which you will be lowering on) and use leccy tape to hold them in place then when the casing has meet up with the bearing race you simply pull on the tape and hopefully it will all come off :lol:

went to visit my car the other day at the body shop :lol: only needed the driverside re-sprayed but when i got there the passenger side is in primer aswell :o he found abit of rust inside the arch--bugger! :roll:

Rick Draper
30-08-03, 05:52 PM
Nice one Dan, will yours be done for Trax? I am going to put the F28 case together this week as first i need to fit a F20 speedo ring on the diff. Then i can bolt them together. I have just put the casings together to make sure everything works ok and ran them through the gears and everything seems to be sweet. Rick

30-08-03, 06:09 PM
not for trax Rick as wallace dont have any vernier pulleys in untill next friday :roll: bin on order for ages! says he has to go to germany to get them so ill have to wait!
got any more pics? look nice in the feature section!

Rick Draper
30-08-03, 06:36 PM
Got some pics on my digi cam but i need to get them hosted somewhere. Rick

30-08-03, 07:07 PM
try getting them from regal instead then?

only 6 miles to next rebuild rick?

30-08-03, 08:15 PM
lager only sell them in pairs ian :P and im in northern mode and 2tight to buy 2 when i only need one :lol:

Rick Draper
30-08-03, 08:47 PM
lol no one will let this 6 mile shit lie will they! Just wait till the turbo beast smokes your car at York Ian! Rick

31-08-03, 09:57 AM
Sounds Good Rick.

What Phase is it?


Rick Draper
31-08-03, 10:41 AM
Its phase 0 at the minute Jim till its all ran in then i will fit phase 3.5 or vmax 5 to it when i am happy its running right. Rick

31-08-03, 12:20 PM
im abit buggered realy as ive already got my phase kit i need to get some one to lend me a std ecu so i can run it in safely and get the fueling spot on! think im gunna get aqua mist before i start putting my foot down aswell :cry:

Rick Draper
31-08-03, 12:41 PM
Dan with the phase kit you can always turn the boost down so its lower than standard on the adjuster thing. Just fitted my F20 speedo ring onto my F28 diff so i just need to knock the seal out of the other side and replace it then i can put the case back together and its ready to be fitted. Have you tapped out all the holes for the FWD conversion kit? My mate did all that for me along with fitting the speedo drive hole in the gearbox as it was a ABS driven speedo one. Rick

31-08-03, 01:11 PM
yes Rick ive tapped out all my holes didnt like all that ally swarf going every where tho! :roll:
yea i could run the power wheel at 0 but isnt it like the evo kit where by the engine is automaticaly but under higher pressure and then the over boost is even higher? that was one of the main reasons i didnt get the evo 5/6 kit i think as i didnt want to run my engine at a constant 1.5bar?
or i think that was the theory!
i just need that vernier so i can do my timing and whack it in!- could just retard it 1 tooth but ive heard to get it spot on it only needs 1/2 a tooth?
dam turbos thses things aint easy :x

Rick Draper
31-08-03, 01:27 PM
Not sure how the EDS and Vmax chips work but i have been thinking of Autronic management as RDS and Rob F off MIG will be using this on there LETs and i think this is the best way to extract big BHP from the engine as has been proven by the ATC nova running a 12.6 second quarter on a 2ltr 8 valve engine, no lsd and a big turbo! I just need to save up some serious dolla to get it :lol: :lol:

Just fitted the F28 back together with all the bearings in and i have to say i have no idea why people say its hard to do, i put some sealer round the case and then lowered the top half onto it with one bearing held in with grease (the bigger bearing of the 2) then i pressed the 2 half together and then dropped the center shaft bearing in when the 2 halfs were bolted together as you can undo the center piece that the clutch release bearing runs on and drop the bearing in. Rick

31-08-03, 06:03 PM
well the only part of the g box i found hard was getting them dam bearings to line up!
m8 just picked up his cav turbo today and i just took it for a blat, well fun :D was abit weird tho as imo it didnt feel that fast and its a bitch to get 1st and 2nd!
how much is autronic managment? ill be happy as long as i have 300bhp, other wise theres no limit and i cant be arsed to waste any more money on a poxy nova! :lol:

Rick Draper
31-08-03, 06:11 PM
Think autronic management for the one for on a nova is around ?2k i think all in but i cud be wrong! Waiting to get a price off ATC. Rick

Chris S
03-09-03, 12:24 AM
when u off to york dan? think there's 1 not this sunday cumin but next