View Full Version : Tweets from bystander about yesterdays murder

23-05-13, 03:44 PM



Aside from the retarded gangsta talk, I notice he mentions they discharged an ancient handgun, and one of the murderers blew his own fingers off.

I never knew they attempted to attack the police, too. That explains them waiting at the scene then.

23-05-13, 04:03 PM
more fuel for the English drunken league

23-05-13, 05:18 PM
Awesome. Some guy turning a horrendous event into his own spotlight.

The people/crowd/audience in Woolwich should have just turned around and walked away. Pulling out camera phones, posting crap on FB and twitter about all this is tbh exactly what those guys wanted, i.e. to stir sh!t up.

...lmfao @ how that Boya Dee bellend suddenly learned how to speak (vaguely) properly though lol

23-05-13, 05:43 PM
What a fukkin w4nker

23-05-13, 06:08 PM
If he's the bellend on the times Web page with his video footage, then he talks how he types, like an illiterate retarded smack head!

23-05-13, 06:14 PM
Never heard of the fukkin idiot personally but he seems like a total retard.
"breda and bussin"
Who does this oxygen thief think he is?
Plasticine gangster

23-05-13, 06:27 PM
What a cock! Exactly as Jack has said, people like this are adding fuel to the fire those 2 morons started!

23-05-13, 06:37 PM
EDL FTMFW :p lol :d

23-05-13, 06:55 PM
^ oh dear.

23-05-13, 07:17 PM
EDL FTMFW :p lol :d
Strength through unity, unity through faith lol

23-05-13, 07:18 PM
^ oh dear.

Are you at all surprised.

Alex J
23-05-13, 07:34 PM
IMO all Religion should be banned.

23-05-13, 07:37 PM
Read the first few, couldnt make head nor tail of it, skipped off bored, id maybe read it and try to understand it if it were written in english!

23-05-13, 07:37 PM
IMO all Religion should be banned.

It certainly has a lot to answer for

23-05-13, 07:49 PM
Humans would still find a way to 'justify' killing each other

23-05-13, 07:52 PM
IMO all Religion should be banned.

He's a witch. Burn him! lol

Religion is bollocks, I agree. Imo, countries that aren't based on it have a much easier time of things as they are more tolerant nd haveless hang-ups etc.

23-05-13, 08:44 PM
Are you at all surprised.

lol what you trying to say?

I don't for one minute think the EDL actions are good, but can see why some people are driven to retaliation with country being filled up with foreigners, 'Allah ' told me to do it crap etc

23-05-13, 09:50 PM
lol what you trying to say?

I don't for one minute think the EDL actions are good, but can see why some people are driven to retaliation with country being filled up with foreigners, 'Allah ' told me to do it crap etc

At least one of them wasn't a ****ing foreigner....

23-05-13, 09:56 PM
At least one of them wasn't a ****ing foreigner....

why are you arguing against these kind of solid well thought out statement, that are filled with logic and real understanding of the matter at hand :roll:

23-05-13, 10:11 PM
At least one of them wasn't a ****ing foreigner....

You point being? :)

Both are born and breed afaik

23-05-13, 10:20 PM
when i heard the audio of the bloke with blood on his hands trying to justify it, i was livid. he kept saying things like:

'in our country british soldiers are doing this to our people'....

he is british with nigerian heritage ffs..

23-05-13, 10:23 PM
when i heard the audio of the bloke with blood on his hands trying to justify it, i was livid. he kept saying things like:

'in our country british soldiers are doing this to our people'....

he is british with nigerian heritage ffs..
Just goes to show people like that are only really brits when they need to be.truly theyre wherever the came from.

23-05-13, 10:23 PM
So as far as I'm concerned with a mentality like that he shouldn't be living here...oh and what a surprise he was already known to security forces. Why not ban such people from the country instead of 'having them on the radar'

23-05-13, 10:24 PM
he was trying to get into somalia to join some deranged militia a few years ago, and the british govt stopped him.. i think they might have cocked up a little

23-05-13, 10:25 PM
stop him they should have paid him too.like the rest of the known extremists.They serve fukk all place in our society.

23-05-13, 10:27 PM
there is a very good reason all these radical religious nuts are living here...... if they set foot in their country of origin, they would be jailed or shot within days, and the european treaty on human rights means there is very little we can do about it.

23-05-13, 10:28 PM
See theres the problem right there,bollocks to the European sh1t.Fukk the eurotrash

23-05-13, 10:32 PM
we need a Europe referendum to sack of all that human rights crap

23-05-13, 10:33 PM
makes me sick that happen to the poor fella, and the +unts cutting his head off, these people don't get the punishment they deserve, if a some one from here done that in there countries you be shot dead on the spot

23-05-13, 10:35 PM
Funny that a "member" of the edl went into a mosque with a Molotov and a knife and within seconds police were there......
20 mins them ars3holes were parading around before the police bothered to attend.Skagheads get nicked quicker for stealing razor blades ffs

23-05-13, 10:36 PM
Just goes to show people like that are only really brits when they need to be.truly theyre wherever the came from.

so if the geeza was born in Hendon hospital, where are you going to send him?

how far back are you going to trace peoples origin's?

what if someones is of mixed origin's you going to battle axe them in half?

I understand the 'if you want to live under a Islamic state then go live in one' point, but the go back where you come from one is ****ing stupid!

23-05-13, 10:38 PM
Fair comment kbnova but shooting them is what they wanted.
they would have become "martyrs" that's why they ran at the police.
Cowards really
Guarantee he's not even been to "our country"
Probs not even been out of Britain on his British passport

23-05-13, 10:38 PM
Send them to the place theyre being extreme about.Quite simple really.

23-05-13, 10:40 PM
If you ain't born here clear off somewhere else and pull up the drawbridge is better than **** off back to where you come from lol

23-05-13, 10:41 PM
It is edd but that idiot was born in london

23-05-13, 10:41 PM
as for the EDL are as bad as the extremist, fixating on angry young men with no real focus in life, that back in the 70's/80's/early 90's ect would have been smashing up town centers after a football match and jumping around on each other heads, they are effectively brainwashing the stupid, ill informed morons this country is producing by the millions

maybe they would have more focus in life is the majority of them wasn't sitting around claiming of the social.

23-05-13, 10:42 PM
Way I see it is this,In the wars we battled off invasion by a fukkin lunatic intent on causing misery.
These days we welcome these bastads with open arms.
Abu qatada etc?? why the fukk is that cunnt even still breathing?

23-05-13, 10:43 PM
as for the EDL are as bad as the extremist, fixating on angry young men with no real focus in life, that back in the 70's/80's/early 90's ect would have been smashing up town centers after a football match and jumping around on each other heads, they are effectively brainwashing the stupid, ill informed morons this country is producing by the millions

maybe they would have more focus in life is the majority of them wasn't sitting around claiming of the social.
And if previous governments hadn't destroyed the country's industry they wouldn't be needing to?

23-05-13, 10:43 PM
Is this the same EDL who marched in Dewsbury a few weeks ago and would have been the target of an absolutely horrific attack involving shotguns, knives and nailbombs...if only the attackers had they arrived at 2pm instead if 4pm. Ironically they were also Muslim extremists but its only a small minority so its ok...:mad:

23-05-13, 10:44 PM
Way I see it is this,In the wars we battled off invasion by a fukkin lunatic intent on causing misery.
These days we welcome these bastads with open arms.
Abu qatada etc?? why the fukk is that cunnt even still breathing?

Yeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! totally agree mate

23-05-13, 10:51 PM
And if previous governments hadn't destroyed the country's industry they wouldn't be needing to?

you mean when the government stopped throwing money at a dying industry, when would you have cut out the cancer after it spread to the heart of this country's wealth

23-05-13, 10:54 PM
you mean when the government stopped throwing money at a dying industry, when would you have cut out the cancer after it spread to the heart of this country's wealth

Cos its highly economical looking after them all on the social...

23-05-13, 10:59 PM
you think subsidising company's making no profit is cheaper?

people could move on and stop being stuck in the past, ive met 30 odd year olds in coalville that still winge like they ever worked in a ****ing mine!

23-05-13, 11:01 PM
Way I see it is this,In the wars we battled off invasion by a fukkin lunatic intent on causing misery.
Only in WW2, and he wasn't really a lunatic. Mind you, he would have sorted out people like this lol

Fair comment kbnova but shooting them is what they wanted.
they would have become "martyrs" that's why they ran at the police.
Exactly. They wanted an audience where they would get their 15 minutes of fame, which is what they got. No doubt the media will continue to give them the attention they crave over the coming months.

23-05-13, 11:03 PM
you mean when the government stopped throwing money at a dying industry, when would you have cut out the cancer after it spread to the heart of this country's wealth
Coal? Hardly a dying industry really

23-05-13, 11:09 PM
Coal? Hardly a dying industry really

it is if you aint digging up anything of anyworth

23-05-13, 11:39 PM
you think subsidising company's making no profit is cheaper?

Clearly breaking even is better than making a loss (on benefits)

24-05-13, 06:05 AM
And now we have wind power...which is massively subsidised and everything has to be bought off the Germans and Dutch because engineering is another industry we managed to kill off. And produces hardly any electricity either

24-05-13, 07:38 AM
I still don't understand why we haven't invested in tidal power, screw the marine wildlife lol

Yes its expensive (depending on the option - but then nuclear isn't exactly cheap either), but there's British manufacturing out there for it so at least it would be keeping some cash in-country rather than just throwing it all offshore. No pun intended lol

24-05-13, 09:35 AM
My engineering is great and gets sold offshore so I are helping the country :d lol

24-05-13, 11:13 AM
I still don't understand why we haven't invested in tidal power, screw the marine wildlife lol

Yes its expensive (depending on the option - but then nuclear isn't exactly cheap either), but there's British manufacturing out there for it so at least it would be keeping some cash in-country rather than just throwing it all offshore. No pun intended lol

here is the reason jack, not that we are way off topic or anything lol lol

a man called mr salter invented a very clever floating pontoon that managed to make electricity from wave power.. it is known as salters duck [wiki] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salter's_duck)

it was the big new thing in the 70's... then the dept of energy looked at it... some tit put a decimal point in the wrong place & they decided it cost way more than nuclear & that was 'more expensive' than coal... it was a labour govt at the time & the unions were holding us to ransom etc.... and it sadly was swept under the carpet, public funding was slashed & yet another innovation was lost.....

meanwhile, back at the thread... we are a civilised nation. just because some maniac did what he did does not mean that the other 69.999million of us should suddenly chase every single person we don't like the look of into the sea. what will be done is called justice. he will get a life sentence & will be out of circulation for good. he did not become a martyr, which he really wanted to become because whoever was his religious leader told him to do this 'jihad' because he would be in heaven with his 72 virgins & all that goes with it etc.

isn't it odd just how many of these 'terrorists' are actually converts.... i think someone somewhere sees them entering the mosque & thinks 'fresh meat' then comes up with a scheme to sacrifice them asap...

oh & by the way, in case the govt/media are google searching & find this... remember that racists are not only white people.. they come in all shapes & colours

24-05-13, 11:20 AM
Those triangles really really hate the circles.

24-05-13, 11:50 AM
do you know what really makes my blood boil???


[copyright tim vine]

24-05-13, 11:56 AM
he will get a life sentence & will be out of circulation for good. he did not become a martyr, which he really wanted to become
Yeah. If it were up to me, I'd ensure they had a closed trial with minimal press coverage, then are locked up forever and a day in some cell and forgotten about. Rather than the media frenzy giving them and their cause a few thousand hours of free publicity in every home across the nation.