View Full Version : primer

08-05-13, 04:55 PM
as you've probably seen, i've been fretting about sealer. well now its time to blag you all about primer. I've found THIS, (http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JOTUN-PENGUARD-HB-GRP-ALLOY-EPOXY-PRIMER-PAINT-5L-GREY-WHITE-/221204354907?pt=UK_DIY_Material_Paint_Varnish_MJ&var=&hash=item3380ce975b#ht_1050wt_1027) it seems nice and cheap which is a bonus. will this be ok for under the gravitex, and use with basecoat paints when I come to paint the car?

cheers guys

08-05-13, 07:48 PM
.... Also, would this need thinners for this or do I just mix primer and hardener?

08-05-13, 09:06 PM
boat paint???? surely this should only be used on calibras & other ocean going vessels?? lol lol

it might not be compatible with your top coat, but it sure would keep the rust away.. it might not have a very smooth finish though

08-05-13, 09:45 PM
It's not just boat paint lol lol I've done a bit of googling since and a few people use it on cars. It's just an epoxy primer that doesn't let moisture through, apparently It can't be used as a primer for base coats though... It's just a 'moisture barrier' primer.

10-05-13, 08:38 PM
Depending on what primer you youse it will have it's general mixing ratios written on the side of the container . If it requires hardener at a ratio of say green ti filler primer which is a favourite of mine it's 5 parts primer to one part hardener and then you pour in 10 percent thinners of what you've just mixed up but the thining down bit is mainly down to operators discretion

10-05-13, 09:04 PM
Cheers buddy, been looking at an epoxy kit that comes with 5 litres of primer, 5 litres of thinner an 1 litre of hardener.... Always handy to have thinners in the garage if it's not used.

11-05-13, 03:38 PM
Just don't tel that to whoever sorts your home insurance lol

11-05-13, 03:46 PM
about the thinners? lol I've got a cossh stores lol