View Full Version : So I own a Nova again.....

04-05-13, 08:02 PM
Yep, after getting rid of my GSi back in '08 I have regretted it ever since. So when I got offered a rolling shell local to me for £100 I decided to buy it and stick it in my lockup until the times right to crack on.

Please excuse the lack of pics, I didnt have time to get any today. Its basically just a rolling shell, but has had a new nearside rear quarter (badly) fitted, a complete front panel, smoothed front chassis legs, a welded in half cage (getting rid of this), and a few other bits and pieces.

I will eventually start a WIP thread, but progress will be very slow for quite a while because of my girlfriend. She was diagnosed with mouth cancer last September, and last week we received the awful news that the treatment hasnt worked and the tumour is too far gone to remove/cure.

This is one of the main reasons for me buying the car, because one day the inevitable will happen, and I feel this car is going to give me something positive to focus on. Right now Im not going to touch the car, all of my time will be spent making the best of the time my girlfriend has left. I will get some pics so you can see what Ive bought though!


Im thinking of making it similar to my last one, white GSi (rep). Maybe the odd bit of smoothing here and there etc, but nothing drastic. Engine wise Im thinking 1600 turbo, but I cant make my mind up whether to go 8v or 16v!

04-05-13, 08:11 PM
I don't know you, but I'm sorry to hear about your girlfriend. But having a project to help take your mind off any stress is always a good plan... Good luck with the project, and I am sure if anyone here can help, they will do :)

04-05-13, 08:29 PM
1.6 16v turbo would be nice. Shell sounds nice.

Sorry to hear of the GF,

04-05-13, 08:33 PM
Awww fcuking hell Adam, thats horrible news, bollocks to a bloody nova mate, you want to be concentrating on her and nothing else at the mo!

Proper feel for you bud :cry:

04-05-13, 08:48 PM
Aye thats what i am doing mate, nova can wait, its not in the way and can sit there for years if need be.

04-05-13, 10:50 PM
aww man :(

05-05-13, 04:54 AM
Really sorry to hear about your gf , I'm gutted for you mate.

05-05-13, 07:07 AM
Awful news, a project would definitely take your mind off things. All the best

05-05-13, 12:29 PM
Iam really sorry to hear the bad news about your girlfriend mate, I really feel for you and her, I hope you make the most of the time you will have left mate, nova sounds like a good long term project thou.


05-05-13, 12:32 PM
thats not very nice news matey :( Just make sure you make many memories to remember her by,

nice to see you have another nova mind

05-05-13, 12:33 PM
sorry to hear that news, prayers are with with you both now

05-05-13, 04:42 PM
Everytime i read your first post again, i fill up mate, properly gutted for you, youre a mint lad, no-one deserves the evil that is cancer, and ive not even met your lass yet mate!

If you find yourself with some free time anytime soon, ill come say hello if you want, maybe take you both out in my nova?

05-05-13, 07:17 PM
Just read that first post stagg and im gutted man.
Absolutely awful mate,i dunno what to say sorry

05-05-13, 07:24 PM
Aw cheers spud that means a lot. Il bear that in mind mate, although i wont have much free time for a while due to spending time with cath. Not sure taking her out in the nova would be a good idea tbh mate but its a lovely idea. This is certainly not what you expect at 25 years old, even the doctors etc cant believe it! Apparently its such a rare case to see in such a young person. We had only been together 2 months when she started complaining of what we thought was a mouth ulcer, and it took until september to be diagnosed. Im trying not to think about it and just enjoy our time together buck fcuk me its hard to do.

Anyway......i took some pics of the nova today as we were on our way past. I shall get them uploaded later on hopefully, so you can all laugh at what ive bought!!

05-05-13, 07:25 PM
Just read that first post stagg and im gutted man.
Absolutely awful mate,i dunno what to say sorry

Dont worry mate nobody knows what to say, me included!

Thanks for all the comments guys, it means a lot.

05-05-13, 07:25 PM
Thoughts with you both mate x

05-05-13, 08:26 PM
Yeah i understand, even if its just a potter about or something, give her an insight into your odd love with these old cars?

Id like to meet her before, well you know mate...

Sorry, its just hard to put into words given the situation!

05-05-13, 09:40 PM
I dont think you will get to meet her mate, she not so keen on meeting people due to the fact she can barely speak. Anyways, im not gonna go into too much detail on here, cath wouldnt like it. Feel free to message me on facebook if ya like though mate.

Few pics....







So as you can see, requires a LOT of work.....unlike my last one, i intend to try and do pretty much everything except paint it myself. So it will be a learning curve!! Im just gonna slowly accumulate parts until the time is right to start work on it, so look out for any wanted posts!! Lol

06-05-13, 10:23 AM
Aye thats fair enough mate!

Looks like the shell isnt too bad in fairness, whats the plans, or is it too early to be thinking about the eventual look of it ?

06-05-13, 11:50 AM
Think im gonna make it look very similar to the last one tbh. Whenever i see a white gsi i start pining after my old one lol. Not sure what to do with the interior though, cos the cage is welded in so i might end up leaving that in. Probably gonna look a changing the roof skin, its got one of them ghey aftermarket sunroofs which i never actually realised until id bought it!

06-05-13, 11:52 AM
If the cage is in properly, then that cant be too much of a bad thing tbf!

Aftermarket sunroofs are crap, tilt/slide is where its at :cool:

06-05-13, 12:25 PM
I know, but im guessing a new roof is gonna cost a fair slice, thats if i can find one!