View Full Version : is this the most shocking newspaper story of the year??

29-04-13, 09:36 PM
clicky (http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/apr/28/girl-forced-pregnant-donor-semen)

i really thought i'd seen the depths of human depravity until i read this story today. it was one of those rare times where i was lost for words.

29-04-13, 10:04 PM
i too,are remarkably lost for words

29-04-13, 10:06 PM
that is just sick

29-04-13, 10:10 PM
I sold a load of used johnnies on the internet. I made a fortune. That must have been where they went. Iam so disgusted by this i will leave some negative feedback Mowgli, dont worry about that!

to be fair, she was lucky she didnt end up with the sperm from some internet weirdo!

29-04-13, 10:12 PM
5 years, bloody joke.

29-04-13, 10:36 PM
I cant think of anything to say in response to that.......

29-04-13, 11:07 PM
I'm disgusted

30-04-13, 09:03 AM

30-04-13, 10:52 AM
Should've just sent her down the park. Same outcome.

camels toe
30-04-13, 07:19 PM
Doesnt suprise me one bit. My g.f works in psychology and theres far far worst things happening all around you. Theres a hell of alot of all kinds of abuse going on even in what you think are respectable families. With the nhs spending cuts its now severly understaffed in departments like psycology and these kinds of things are only going to happen more often.

30-04-13, 08:06 PM
hmmm. the crap that takes place in counselling sessions leaves a lot to be desired... a friends daughter is a mentor in her school year. she is 14. she sat in on a session where 2 girls had been self harming. the counsellor was explaining to them how best to do it!!!! ffs.... not confronting the underlying problems, like the school thought was going on, but actually telling them what things to do for the best effect!!!!! hopefully the counsellor is getting sacked & struck off whatever professional register they are on...

30-04-13, 08:21 PM
Should have sent her my way...

In all seriousness that is low, the girl could have ended up with HIV, herpes or any horrible std, is a weird scary world.

30-04-13, 08:25 PM
Very sad story, at least the Mum got found out although I guess now the daughter has a child, that she doesn't really want... This world is proper sh!t sometimes!

Thank god for cars!

30-04-13, 09:28 PM
She already had adopted (bought was somewhat implied in the article) several children and it appears this is a woman who will have her way no matter what the consequences to anyone else. The upbringng already sounds like it is really to have control over the kids she already has.

So cruel, those kids are probably pretty messed up already without even mentioning the poor girl.