View Full Version : Any truck drivers on here?

26-04-13, 07:36 PM
I have been asked if i could drive a 7.5 tonne truck for a friend to collect some pallet racking.I have what they call i think grandad rights on my license which will allow me to drive one.My question is how easy are they to drive? I have driven large vans and box type vans before but nothing this big.
Any hints are advice would be greatly received. :)

26-04-13, 07:50 PM
you want to ask mowgli he will know :)

26-04-13, 07:54 PM
If you sat a theory test to pass your car liecence you won't be able to drive 7.5t
Pre 1997 your fine,

7.5t isn't really a truck, just a bigger van lol,

26-04-13, 08:04 PM
just a bigger van lol,

Bit like what you drive a Baziligo... :wisewood:

26-04-13, 08:04 PM
If you sat a theory test to pass your car liecence you won't be able to drive 7.5t
Pre 1997 your fine,

7.5t isn't really a truck, just a bigger van lol,

LOL Its the crappy narrow roads where i live and where i have to go that are going to be the most fun.

26-04-13, 08:06 PM
You'll be fine, the bigger they get, the higher you sit, the easier they are to drive. :)

26-04-13, 08:13 PM
This sounds basic but know the height of the vehicle your driving,

Hobbit, size means nothing, it still has a full size bunk and a night heater lol, THE 2 most important things IMO

26-04-13, 08:14 PM
If you passed your car driving test pre 1st Jan 1997 you will have C1 on your licence i.e. up to 7.5T, check to be sure.

Easy enough to drive, but allow for the weight, most pre 97 7.5 t drivers haven't a clue and drive like they are in a car, i.e. sh*te drivers.

26-04-13, 08:14 PM
You'll be fine, the bigger they get, the higher you sit, the easier they are to drive. :)

Cheers, Is there a a limit on how many hours i can drive for as i have to go from North Yorkshire to Newcastle then down to Newbury.

26-04-13, 08:16 PM
If it's private no, but be sensible!

If it is fairly new it will be limited to 56mph

26-04-13, 08:21 PM
As Royston says you can do what you like if its private use. But an hour break after 4 hours driving is sensible.

Also its pretty easy to overload a 7.5t so be careful what they load you up with. ;)

26-04-13, 08:25 PM
Cheers guys,
Been told its about 1200kg of chipboard and around 500kg of pallet racking.
Last question how much fuel do they use as i will be doing around 650 miles.

26-04-13, 08:29 PM
12 mpg Ish I would've thought.

26-04-13, 08:42 PM
12 mpg Ish I would've thought.


26-04-13, 09:55 PM
Hobbit, size means nothing, it still has a full size bunk and a night heater lol, THE 2 most important things IMO



I'd be lost without my sleeper cab.

26-04-13, 10:50 PM
Awe mine will be fine when it grows up lol


27-04-13, 04:58 PM
If it's private no, but be sensible!

I thought you still had to abide by the 4.5 hour rule, even if it is private??

27-04-13, 05:32 PM
what age 7.5 tonner is it? later ones are limited to 56mph, but older ones are not, so can legally do 70.
ok, what sort of tacho has it got? .
if driving with a tacho chart, you must fill in your full name, initials & surname won't do.
you should stick to the 4.5 hrs of driving, (set it on the steering wheel logo)
then 45mins break(little bed logo) then another 4.5hrs driving. then another 45mins break. then you can do another hour. then its 9hrs minimum rest...

the main thing is to get your seating position sorted out before you start. then get all your mirrors set.

motorway is the most dangerous, as you are approaching slow wagons, trying to pass them & also avoid cars.. indicate earlier, and pull out sooner... the most important thing with the big wagons is they will flash you in when you are safely past.. to thank them, you indicate left, pull in, & then indicate right for 2 flashes, then left for 2 flashes... or they will think you are amateur scum lol lol

driving down country roads is a doddle. the gears are usually stiff for the 1st couple of miles, then get easy. change gear slowly, it ain't a car. as for braking, they are really sharp.. its probably the biggest culture shock for a car driver. so brake earlier, and start off gently, and push more as you need it. standing on them will cause your mate to hit the screen. driving them like a car will drink the juice, you are limited to 50mph on single carriageway roads (60 on dual carriageway a roads), use momentum, look 400yds down the road all the time, it will come to you. also, you need to turn really late at junctions cos you are in front of the wheels.

now, running at 60mph empty, you should be doing more than 20mpg.

i get 243 miles each way from richmond to newbury. obviously you need to go down the m1. exit at j15a & follow the A43 past silverstone, then follow the m40/a34 to newbury. if the wagon does 70mph then it should be do-able in 10 hrs driving, which you can do in 15hrs from start to finish according to tacho laws

oh, and buy some yorkie bars & wear a check shirt

27-04-13, 09:58 PM
what age 7.5 tonner is it? later ones are limited to 56mph, but older ones are not, so can legally do 70.
ok, what sort of tacho has it got? .
if driving with a tacho chart, you must fill in your full name, initials & surname won't do.
you should stick to the 4.5 hrs of driving, (set it on the steering wheel logo)
then 45mins break(little bed logo) then another 4.5hrs driving. then another 45mins break. then you can do another hour. then its 9hrs minimum rest...

the main thing is to get your seating position sorted out before you start. then get all your mirrors set.

motorway is the most dangerous, as you are approaching slow wagons, trying to pass them & also avoid cars.. indicate earlier, and pull out sooner... the most important thing with the big wagons is they will flash you in when you are safely past.. to thank them, you indicate left, pull in, & then indicate right for 2 flashes, then left for 2 flashes... or they will think you are amateur scum lol lol

driving down country roads is a doddle. the gears are usually stiff for the 1st couple of miles, then get easy. change gear slowly, it ain't a car. as for braking, they are really sharp.. its probably the biggest culture shock for a car driver. so brake earlier, and start off gently, and push more as you need it. standing on them will cause your mate to hit the screen. driving them like a car will drink the juice, you are limited to 50mph on single carriageway roads (60 on dual carriageway a roads), use momentum, look 400yds down the road all the time, it will come to you. also, you need to turn really late at junctions cos you are in front of the wheels.

now, running at 60mph empty, you should be doing more than 20mpg.

i get 243 miles each way from richmond to newbury. obviously you need to go down the m1. exit at j15a & follow the A43 past silverstone, then follow the m40/a34 to newbury. if the wagon does 70mph then it should be do-able in 10 hrs driving, which you can do in 15hrs from start to finish according to tacho laws

oh, and buy some yorkie bars & wear a check shirt
thanks very much for the information,it beats driving the forklift truck lol

ste porter
02-05-13, 11:18 PM
Are you are aware that its now changed? Before taking to the wheel anybody using old timers rights must complete the cpc as do all freshly passed drivers before they are allowed to take to the wheel and anybody who passed before Christmas time 2010 (cant remember exact date) also has to complete so many hours cpc training over every 5 year period.
I need to do mine before feb next year as after that I have had mine 5 years and will no longer be legal to drive.
To be honest though if you don't drive for a living and on the very rare chance you get a tug you may get away with pleading ignorant and at worst you will end up having the truck proabitioned until someone with a suitable licence can collect it

just something worth thinking about and to be fair it hasn't effevted me as such yet so im not to sure of all the ins and outs of it but I have a friend and my brother in law that have recently passed there class 1 hgv and both have had to complete there cps trainging before taking to the wheel and will have to again every 5 years not 100% though if that applys to private vehicals

02-05-13, 11:24 PM
How is your cpc running out next year? It doesn't come into affect for existing drivers till September 2014. I've had mine over a year but doesn't expire till September 2019.

02-05-13, 11:25 PM
September 2014 is when the deadline is to complete your 35 hours of CPC training,

I passed my HGV test in 2007 and can still drive until sep 2014

Some employers are enforcing their own deadlines sooner to make sure all their drivers are upto date.

02-05-13, 11:29 PM
Didn't know that it held its renewal date till 2019 hobbit, that's spot on!

02-05-13, 11:35 PM
Just checked and that only applies for us pre 2009 drivers. Everyone else needs to do it when they pass then it runs out after 5 years from then.

Also says private use is exempt so does not apply to op.

02-05-13, 11:38 PM
Gained March 2012, expires September 2019. (5 years from deadline for us old timers.)


02-05-13, 11:44 PM
Minted, our gaffers were flapping and trying to get us all to finish it in August next year lol,

They are doing the training in house so costing me nothing bar 7 hours on the odd Saturday morning,

02-05-13, 11:46 PM
Have you completed the first 35 hours? I have that's why I've got till 2019

02-05-13, 11:49 PM
Ah em no lol,

Done 1 module lol

02-05-13, 11:53 PM
Your gaffer is right to be flapping, you're well behind. Should be on 3/4 by now really.

02-05-13, 11:55 PM
lol, yeah they are doing sessions almost each weekend just now, think we only have about 60 drivers anyway so we should get through it in time,

03-05-13, 07:07 AM
some idiot convinced my brother that the deadline was sep 2013, & i had to point out that we aren't bus drivers.......

one of our staff had to do a module when he passed his test & spent a whole day learning how to be pleasant & courteous, followed by knowing how to spot illegal immigrants hidden on his load.... he did tell them he was planning to drive a 12.5 tonner with a 12' flat bed, carrying brick packs, so he really wouldn't need to go looking for them after every break... lol, he got told off.

03-05-13, 07:49 AM
One module we did was spent watching YouTube clips of truck crashes...

03-05-13, 11:45 PM
are you confident that you'll be able to crash your wagon properly now??