View Full Version : Bad week :(

24-08-03, 11:30 PM
Car failed MOT on saturday
gota send head unit back for repair
Laptop has given up on me today

ne body else had a shite week..

24-08-03, 11:31 PM
Nope pretty good thanks.

25-08-03, 02:54 AM
not a bad week a fucking awefull day though :( , what was supposed to be a broken rocker has ended up being a snapped valve :( which menas more money i will have to borrow :? ah same sh!t diff day :lol:

25-08-03, 02:47 PM
Lol! Bad week! Bad 6.5 years for me! Finally had enough of throwing money at the Nova, going to look at getting a new car this week, cant be doing with it anymore! :bad-word: :evil:

25-08-03, 03:00 PM
your car gonna be for sale then cheese? if so any pics?

25-08-03, 03:25 PM
I am having a bad day...

Recently been getting REALLY bad headaches out of nowhere.
Had one last night and had to take a couple of paracetamol and go to sleep to get rid of it.

At work on a bank holiday monday my headache has returned, no paracetamol to relieve the pain. Loads of work to do - and the warehosue is running behind due to the half dozen agency workers we have that are [plodding laong slowly as they are on double time today and dont care how long it takes as they are getting ten quid an hour instead of their usual pitiful ?5 per hour.

No idea what time i am going to get home tonight > probably quite late - which means i wont get to spend much time with the missus and she is away for the rest of the week.


27-08-03, 11:43 PM
In the state its in now, believe me you wouldn't want it! I dont want it! I'm only fixing the engine this time because ill need it for the next week or so, if i could get away with it, it would already be in the back of the garage, until i find the motivation (if ever!), to do anything with it! Hate the sight of it at the moment! :evil: