View Full Version : Sr lower vinyl 1 peice only needed!!

10-04-13, 12:55 PM
Long shot I know but just in case anybody else can find it.
I'm after part number 90176743 or 90237495 both are grey lh lower sill to rear quarter.
I can only get a semi decent copy but the rest is original so may not sit right.


10-04-13, 06:03 PM
Email leighmai (he is on an auction website selling Nova reproduction vinyl) and he will sell you a single piece. Quality is very good.

10-04-13, 06:52 PM
Already have, my boot vinyl is from him and he is sending me 2 samples to match against my original. It's just the texture I think will be different

10-04-13, 07:15 PM
Its pretty good for repro and he is an extremely helpful bloke.

Alternatively just simonez underguard it in black to get the texture and overspray it with Rover Hurrican Grey - that was how my red SR replica was done

14-04-13, 10:55 PM