View Full Version : dvla stripe up YET again!!!

Alex J
28-03-13, 06:45 PM
ok, taxed the nova today, once handing the money over the lady says the car wasnt sorn and to expect a fine!!
as far as i knew it is sorn untill september next year, and have this on paper, so i get on the blower to the ****s, and according to them the sorn was cancelled when i gained ownership of it in september last year.
they then told me thats what happens, you cannot assume the sorn is carried over, and have to re do it:roll:
i have NO letter saying that it gets cancelled , and also i did go ont he dvlas website to check it was sorn around december, but couldnt re do it as it wass already sorn:tard::tard::tard:
WTF are you surposed to do?? i now have a fine in the post or they will try and claw the tax back of witch i will tell them to report directly to ****, and join the que!!
what can i do??

28-03-13, 06:59 PM
Technically they are correct,

Once you sign a V5 into your name it's your responsibly to ensure its all legit IN YOUR NAME not the previous owners, and to ensure you are not keeping an untaxed car on a public road now that you own it.

The sorn decloration may still be showing on the database for the car but you have not declared it under your name.

Pretty **** to be honest, how much is the fine? My last one was for £80

Alex J
28-03-13, 07:06 PM
not sure on the fine price yet, i did check it was sorn untill sept 2013, and it was!, nothing mentions it wasnt , it said it was! i ****ING hate the dvla,

28-03-13, 07:07 PM
Surely they should fine you immediately rather than waiting till you goto tax it again... I mean it could be years ffs.

28-03-13, 07:09 PM
It's simply the fact that the sorn wasn't in your name mate,

If you have pictures of the car in storage off the road then you can argue against paying back the tax.

28-03-13, 07:12 PM
The dvla computer isn't how the advert used to indicate lol and it has been a well known fact changing owners cancels is as only the registered owner is liable for the sorn

Alex J
28-03-13, 07:17 PM
were dose it say it gets canceled?? i never got a letter with the new owners logbook, it dont say anywere on ANY paper work i have?

28-03-13, 07:20 PM
You might not get a fine

I had the Sport a year and never pit it on SORN

I also had another car I didn't bother to do for years the scrapped it

Never heard anything back

Alex J
28-03-13, 07:26 PM
You might not get a fine

I had the Sport a year and never pit it on SORN

I also had another car I didn't bother to do for years the scrapped it

Never heard anything backhope so!! after the agro of getting my licence back (18 ****ing months) they are not my favorite company to deal with!!

28-03-13, 07:26 PM
Nothing much to moan about tbh, thats the norm lol.

But i seriously doubt you'll hear anything back. My brother had his old car off the road (not sorned though), for about a year and heard nothing back.

28-03-13, 08:02 PM

Vehicle enquiry

The enquiry is complete.

The vehicle details for*UJN 879Y*are:
Date of Liability01 05 2012
Date of First Registration 02 06 1983
Year of Manufacture 1983
Cylinder Capacity (cc)1597cc
CO2 Emissions Not Available
Fuel Type PETROL
Export MarkerN
Vehicle StatusUnlicensed
Vehicle Colour BLACK
Vehicle Type Approval Not Available
Vehicle Excise Duty rate for vehicle 6 Months Rate £121.00 12 Months Rate £220.00

I bought this in October. I meant to check that it was declared SORN, and forgot - first time I have ever forgot.

As of next year, when SORN becomes a rolling system, I bet a lot more get caught out.

28-03-13, 08:40 PM
Yeah, SORN doesn't transfer if the car sells. People pay tax, not cars, hence why it doesn't transfer.

28-03-13, 08:58 PM
my astra has been off the road for nearly 5 years now yet i have only declared it sorn once and i have moved house 3 times and had nothing from them hopefully get it back on the road soon though :)

28-03-13, 11:54 PM
On the plus side in this years budget it was announced sorns will be indefinite so no more forgetting :) hand with 6 cars

29-03-13, 01:19 AM
Now if only the Tories will reintroduce the tax exemption status.
I know they have currently increased it to include 1973, but that's not what we wqnt.

29-03-13, 01:22 AM
according to them the sorn was cancelled when i gained ownership of it in september last year

^ didn't know that....
.. so if you buy a car that's sorn, make sure you sorn it again :thumb:

Alex J
29-03-13, 07:08 AM
Yeah, SORN doesn't transfer if the car sells. People pay tax, not cars, hence why it doesn't transfer.if thats the case, if you buy a car with tax it should be canceled then lol

29-03-13, 10:53 AM
hey this is dvla logic we are on about lol

29-03-13, 11:09 AM
Yep this is how it is now.spud got caught out the same and got fined £80.
Joke really as ved transfers over so why shouldnt a sorn ffs

29-03-13, 11:22 AM
they got me aswell i sorned the nova online, but didn't realize you had to get a conformation email couple months later they sent out the fine!

29-03-13, 02:58 PM
I got stung with the £80 fine on the first nova I bought, thought the sorn carried over and wasn't till I re-sold the car that I had a letter asking me to dig into my pockets. Good'old DVLA....

29-03-13, 08:51 PM
As Andy says, tossers did it to me, i knew Andy had put it on sorn before i bought the antibes, and since tax transfers i just assumed it stayed on sorn as you would, got to past when i remembered it shouldve been redeclared and id not had a reminder letter for it, i looked it up online and found it was unlicenced, i was like wtf and rang them straight away, declared it sorn there and then and they told me in no uncertain terms that i was liable so i hung up!

Looked a bit more into it and found i was liable, rang up to pay the fine, then checked a couple of weeks afterwards to be sure, and found it was STILL showing as unlicenced, i rang up again told them to get to fcuk as id declared it on the phone with the unhelpful mug id spoken to, they were adamant that id said nothing like that so i told them to listen to the call, and to update it there and then while i refreshed the details on the site to double check, they reckoned i still owed them another fine as it was still undeclared after id paid the first fine, so i asked how it would be, that they knew and i knew it was off the road, and that id rung them to pay the fine, and that id not declared it at the same time, i waited while they checked the original call, it then got sorn'd and the second fine was waived, cnuts!

29-03-13, 09:03 PM
yeah they sent debt collectors after me....didn't even bother entertaining it lol

29-03-13, 10:25 PM
SORN doesn't carry over to a new owner. That's how its always been.

Alex J
30-03-13, 08:00 AM
SORN doesn't carry over to a new owner. That's how its always been.thats all good, but were dose it say that!!

30-03-13, 10:47 AM
thats all good, but were dose it say that!!

My point exactly.it doesnt say it at all,anywhere.

30-03-13, 02:16 PM
SORN doesn't carry over to a new owner. That's how its always been.

But why, tax transfers, so why the funk does a sorn declaration get removed when a vehicle is transferred, and trust me, this is not written on the v5 ANYWHERE, i even got one of the mugs at dvla to admit this on the phone, to which my reply was, "well how the fcuk do you expect us to know, and declare it correctly once the logbook has come back in our name, oh, thats right, you dont, because it would kill your little money earner wouldnt it you robbing cnuts"

At which point i hung up in disgust!

30-03-13, 05:12 PM
if thats the case, if you buy a car with tax it should be canceled then lol
Well yeah lol but what I meant was the SORN is a statement by the current owner that the car is to be kept off road. So when the ownership transfers, the next person has to either tax the vehicle or make the same statement. Most (normal lol) people seem to think that when you buy a car, the intention is to use it I guess

Alex J
30-03-13, 06:28 PM
http://memecrunch.com/meme/9ZHX/up-yours/image.png DVLA!!