View Full Version : big plea to novaload, please read

karl Rowntree
22-08-03, 07:20 PM
Hi guys

One of my best mates phoned me today, he told me about his cousin, who i havnt met. The lad is 16 years old and has had cancer now for some time, but things have got alot worse and hes only been given 3 weeks to live. Hes really into modified cars but has never had the chance to go in one or go to any shows.

What im asking is, would any of you guys be intrested in spending a morning cheering the lad up? My friend wants me to go and take him out in my car and i thought it would be a bit more special if i could turn up with a load of cars and really make his day.

He lives in chester, just a trip up the m6 from birmingham for me.

Hope you guys can help me, think its the least we can do to try and make the time he has left, as good as possible.

Will be going up next saturday morning.

Thanks for reading. Karl


22-08-03, 07:47 PM
Would love to help Karl but in the U.S
very sorry to hear.
im certain you will get good support on here.

Adam Moran
22-08-03, 07:50 PM
I'll ring you tomorrow Karl, but u can count me in.


22-08-03, 07:52 PM
sounds like a good cause, Wish i could help but the car isnt worth leaving outside my house lol

I recon some of the norven peeps could help out though

22-08-03, 07:54 PM
hi mate, id luv to go, where abouts is chesire to derby ? thanks.

pm me if like, and wanna sort sumert

Rick Draper
22-08-03, 08:50 PM
Karl i would come along if only my nova was on the road but its still in bits and i am still recovering from a minor operation. Sorry to here about your friends cousin. Rick

22-08-03, 09:12 PM
If my car also wasnt in bits i would have came over for the weekend for this! I have a contact in the boats now who can get me cheaper fairs.

Really saddens me to hear about that young fella. My auntie died of cancer and before she died we got a signed photo from normal wisdom sent directly from him to her! She was really touched and it made her feel at peace!

I think this is a real great thing your organiseing for him karl. Hope he has a day he will remember!

22-08-03, 09:38 PM
posted on mig, dont live far away at all.

made sticky too.

Ben (lurk75)
22-08-03, 09:40 PM
Will see what i can do, am meant to be going away for the weekend with my girlfriend but may convince her chester is where its at :!:

22-08-03, 10:52 PM
I'd love to help out - Scotlands a little far though
its a shame he couldnt make trax - that would have been absolute heaven for the guy!


23-08-03, 09:02 AM
I may have a spare ticket for trax if u like!

23-08-03, 09:21 AM
Id love to but short on funds atm. Sorry

23-08-03, 01:03 PM
As said on Migweb mate, would love to help so count me in.

karl Rowntree
23-08-03, 09:16 PM
Cheers for all the replys guys, it means alot.

Will let you all no the details when i have them tomorrow. Will send everone thats intrested a pm if thats ok.

Thanks again. karl

23-08-03, 11:22 PM
drop me a mail karl.

ill see what i can do in and around my work situation.

as you said it would be such a nice gesture to see a convoy of cars outside!

24-08-03, 01:39 PM

As I do not have a car at the mo (well apart from the punto which my dadf uses) so i cant really take him out, but i can organise some lads to come down (200 cars hopefully) but i can not promise anything as these lads can be very busy !!! I need road directions and the place we are meeting and the day, email me on GirlracerUk37@aol.com with these questions

cheers xx

24-08-03, 02:27 PM
could possibly make it if welcome!



karl Rowntree
24-08-03, 03:54 PM
Thanks guys, cant believe how many people are willing to help! it really does mean alot to me and i ow you all big time!

Due to the amount of people intrested i have asked his mom to find a decent car park for us, so when i have the details i will post on here or mig if thats ok. Plus if anyone has put a link on another web site could you let intrested people no the details. To many people have mailed me to keep track of who i have told and who havnt!

Speak to you all soon and many thanks, wish i could afford to buy you all a drink.


24-08-03, 10:33 PM
wish i could afford to buy you all a drink.


:lol: find a car park in a park with a water fountain :wink:

24-08-03, 11:59 PM
:( got to work on saturday. sorry cus chester is only a few miles from here

karl Rowntree
25-08-03, 01:33 AM
Hi guys, had to change the day to sunday because of the amount of cars involved (atleast 300 now i think) if we went down saturday we would not be able to find a carpark big enough!

We have set up a forum purely for this subject now so please find the link on www.migweb.co.uk, follow the link and please post if you are coming, just so i no who to expect.

Will post all the details of the venue and time on there if thats ok.

Many thanks. karl

karl Rowntree
25-08-03, 12:44 PM
Sorry for the delay, but we now have a confirmed date and venue. Thank you to the guys that have been doing there research into chester, this would not be going ahead without you. Details below:

Location and date confirmation

The date is Sunday 31 August
The time is 12 noon
The location is Broughton Retail Park (CH4 0DP) off the A55 near Broughton

The family have asked me to pass on their gratitude to everyone who is going to attend
but stress that this is a 'static' meet and don't want it ruined by a small minority and
to remember why we are doing this.

Meaning this is not meant to be a cruise, by all means enjoy the day but please i stress no burnouts or racing in the area. I dont want to give the police a single reason to brake the day up.

Look forward to seeing you all there, and again i would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has been intouch and planning to come. Words cannot explain how gratefull we are for your support.

For any info you need now either pm me, or use the forum we have set up,http://www.cljf.com/xxgcab/forum . Directions will be posted on there.

Many thanks. Karl

26-08-03, 11:56 AM
i'll add to that about racing etc, the police are nasty round there, and with it being mid day there are lots of shoppers there, who are likley to call the police!, i'd love to turn up but cars still in the garage :(

26-08-03, 02:15 PM
sunday is my 21st birthday and also my sister is getting married. i think that rules me out lol

30-08-03, 09:08 PM
cant seem to find the directions anywhere, i'll be coming from derby, anyone else coming from derby i could meet up with??

cheers guys

31-08-03, 06:06 PM
It was today...

So how did it go? Hope to see some pictures from it soon... Any mag's/news papers show up?

And the main thing.. did he enjoy it?


31-08-03, 06:15 PM
Yes i went, I heard he enjoyed it he went out for a spin in clio v6 and enjoyed it, and a fair few cars turned up noble m12, some nice tvrs, loads of scoobys, elises etc etc turned up

01-09-03, 11:55 AM
Good good.. glad to hear he enjoyed it..

Karl, i take my hat off to you for having the balls to organise something like that!
