View Full Version : MUST READ THIS, if your intrested i need to sort it out ASAP

22-08-03, 11:06 AM
CHROME ENGINE BAY PRODUCTS - all made from stainless steel, low maintenance and supeior shine

I have seen them and have a couple of pics, they certainly are the closest thing to bailey I have personally seen.

If i get an order of five people together (or more!) chances are we can have them for DIRT cheap.

The following prices can come down CONSIDERABLY if i get five or more of us together for any of the items. Even the "one-off" prices I have been quoted are cheaper than buying new!

Chrome Header Tank - Bailey Design. ?65 including postage (Compared to Bailey price ?117.50 PLUS postage)
Chrome Oil Catch Tank - Bailey Design. ?65 including postage (Compared to Bailey price ?117.50 PLUS postage)
Entire Bulkhead To Scuttle Panel / Battery / Wiper Linkage Cover - ?35 including postage.

Header Tank ?65 CHEAPER depending on amount of people

Oil Catch Tank?65 CHEAPER depending on amount of people

DIG DEEP GUYS :D more people we get together, cheaper they become

im trying to sort this out BEFORE trax! so even if you a late payer :evil: i think im going to order 5 and sell them at trax if i have to! so c'mon guys - any intrest?

Ben (lurk75)
22-08-03, 11:24 AM

22-08-03, 11:29 AM
i would but ill never see my money or wot i paid for........

22-08-03, 11:33 AM
i would but ill never see my money or wot i paid for........
money what money!? :lol:

I have explained to you my situation Will - dont panic anyway, and please dont go bad mouthing me on my thread (i know your not but it might end up that way and locked and abandoned in muppet corner!!!!!)


you will have your chokes, AND alternator bracket at trax - if you want cos your such a moaning sod :lol: you can have the bracket. OK? now can we let bygones be bygones?

and now know1 will think im realiable and buy any stuff :( thanks will

22-08-03, 11:35 AM
EVEN ian has shown an "intrest" so it cant be that bad

22-08-03, 11:43 AM
wasnt making any specific comment mike, after all its only been a month, doesn matter, im not going to trax, dont worry abt it m8 whenever ur ready.

p.s. not a moaning sod but wont carry on because as i said to every1 else

"i cant be arsed :D"


22-08-03, 11:50 AM
wasnt making any specific comment mike, after all its only been a month, doesn matter, im not going to trax, dont worry abt it m8 whenever ur ready.

p.s. not a moaning sod but wont carry on because as i said to every1 else

"i cant be arsed :D"


will mate ive just PM you. i just dont understand why u cum on my thread, said those comments, and really you dont wanna buy anything. first comment was just sarcastic you aint intrested in buying nothing so why post? im not having a go mate but this thread is ruined now. and i had to nag ian for a good five mins to turn it into a sticky also :cry:

suppose i deserve it, but you are being a bit harsh

22-08-03, 11:52 AM
ill leave now *closes door*

any takers or am i asting my time as per usual?

22-08-03, 11:55 AM
ADMIN / IAN: delete the not relevant posts...........??

22-08-03, 11:58 AM
or to show the world you DO trust me, and to baclup everything YOU do say, why not BUY SOMETHING................?

Ben (lurk75)
22-08-03, 12:33 PM
What the hells been going on :o

You can edit posts you know, it dosent have to be down to Admin to sort out stupid posts, if you want them to delelye your posts why write them in the first place?


I still want one Mike :!:

22-08-03, 12:35 PM
:lol: if he buys something all will be forgiven (no pun intended using the word will :lol: )

22-08-03, 12:57 PM
I'd be intrested in the header tank and oil catch tank.


22-08-03, 01:26 PM
To be fair I'd be pretty pissed aswell if I was in Wills situation but nevermind...

Interested in scuttle panel cover

22-08-03, 01:50 PM
To be fair I'd be pretty p**s aswell if I was in Wills situation but nevermind...

Interested in scuttle panel cover

dont know if you knew the full story? well anyway here and now is not the time or place. basically will has been explained everything. and although seems perfectly fine with me in person and pms, he is totally difrent with everyone else and posting random comments on the internet.

nevermind anyway. as far as im concerned its water under the bridge, and repeatdily thats the impression will gives me. so i dont see why all this fuss is repeated time and time again.

and regards to this being deleted by admin, i dont mind if it stays, i have nothing to be ashamed of and havent done anything wrong other than annoy someone. in fact i dont want it deleted because then it appears your hiding something. i have nothing to hide and i am a reliable person contrary to belief. i even put a post in general did i not? explaing my situation BEFORE any of this happened, saying why i had been away from internet etc etc.

ANYWAY :lol:

jim and breeny mate are you both definites? not being rude, just have to check you know because otherwise id be left with a big debt and loads of tanks.

22-08-03, 02:49 PM
I have to stick with mick on this one He did put a post up apologising for the fact that he has been delayed for a number of reasons.
1) being hes just started his own buisness (or there abouts)

Just cause its not available when u click your fingers
had this out on msn 1-2 wekks ago and its still being brought up .

come on lads stop being petty and be patient. Im sure hes doin u a favour in the long run.

22-08-03, 03:10 PM
please can anyone who has shown an intrest or placed an order, send me a blank email to mikeo@totalwebsystems.co.uk

so i can keep in contact with you all please.


22-08-03, 03:11 PM
after all its only been a month, doesn matter, im not going to trax, dont worry abt it m8 whenever ur ready.

that will be why you never bothered sending money for your trax tickets then when offered spares. ok consider them sold elsewhere now then.

22-08-03, 03:15 PM
i passed the msg on to breeny ian, was up to him if he wanted to get them, his turn....... sorry to muck u abt :oops:

*ducks under cover from missles being thrown*

22-08-03, 03:36 PM
im going 2 be getting some stuff this week 4 the car, so i wont have ne money!
Maybe next time!

22-08-03, 06:06 PM
Mike i would like to order all 3 items please.... need to know when you need the money buy.... my mates just got a PACE header tank for his Sierra Cossy and it looks mad

22-08-03, 06:08 PM
your lucky mate email me becos


i have to say that everything is going to be on first come first served basis and unless you have already contacted me, and i have sent you the email, i CANNOT GARUNTEE it will be done for trax.

the response has been overwhelming and im not sure if the fabricator will be able to do everything in time for trax, so those of you who I have spoken to before now, your garunteed, but anything


im afraid i cannot garuntee - oh you will get it, just not before sept 7th probly. hope you understand this. theres a good chance you CAN have it for trax, BUT i cannot promise

again it is all dependant upon people and there deposits, EMAIL me for more information. mikeo@totalwebsystems.co.uk


22-08-03, 06:26 PM
after tonight i wont be taking any more orders for this first batch.

im sorry but with tight deadlines for trax and numbers involved its not humanly possible

Today is the 22nd of August, so ALL deposits will need to be in for 29th of August, THERE IS NO EXTENSIONS - i cannot stress that enough. This gives you a week.

I may do this again after the 7th september if people miss out, but im doing all this in time for trax (7th september), and 29th august is the absolute deadline its impossible otherwise.

cut off point for inquiries tonight is 7 oclock its just not possible to accept any more and to fit them in for trax. AFTER trax - we can have round two! or even at trax come and find me on the novaload stand - ill be selling all the peoples ones who drop out.

i hope you understand this. at the price they are advertised though you can see why its been so hectic

22-08-03, 11:13 PM
Mike - if you have any spare at trax (any backers out) I'll have a catch tank...