View Full Version : C20XE Nova loon Uni project - chassis torsional stiffness

29-01-13, 05:45 PM
Hey all i am looking for some help, for my university project i am looking into improving the chassis torsional stiffness of my C20XE Nova loon.

I am going to install a roll cage ofcourse but i am meant to make it myself, i was wondering if any of you could suggest someone or somewhere i can get the main roll hoop and the a pillar bars that come from the main roll hoop to the front of the car. the rest i will be able to weld in myself... i am on a student budget as well which makes it a bit harder...

Also i am looking for some technical info on the original chassis torsional stiffness of a nova if any of you could help with that also would be great!!!!

I was also thinking about seam welding if any of you have any experience with this that would great as well.


29-01-13, 05:50 PM
this is interesting,

so what are you actually doing for your Uni project?

29-01-13, 05:51 PM
I have to prove that i have improved the chassis torsional stiffness of my car....

29-01-13, 05:54 PM
how is this change measured? is it by calculation or deflection testing?

29-01-13, 05:59 PM
Going to be doing some deflection testing using strain gauges... but would be good to do some calculations as well, just trying to figure out what exactly i need to do :S

29-01-13, 06:02 PM
http://www.tubecraft.co.uk/ can be quite friendly.

Your thinking is correct about stitch welding too; anything outside of the cage will be the first thing to flop about. If you're aiming for that first, then get on the lathe & make yourself a swaging tool like those here http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/6-HOLE-SWAGER-SET-FLARING-TOOLS-HOT-ROD-STOCK-CAR-/110996478228?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item19d7e7d914

running pressed holes into just 1MM sheet steel welded to A & B pilars as stiffening gussets makes a huge difference too & should give the professional appearance they'll be looking for.

If I were you, I'd get a roll over jig made up asap, the nova totally stripped down to a bare shell and put on it.

29-01-13, 06:05 PM
Brilliant cheers mate :) will contact them tomorrow. if anybody knows anybody in the midlands area or that already have made nova cages as i cant get the car out of the workshop atm...

29-01-13, 06:06 PM
Oh and thanks for the advice on making the swaging tool wanted to do this but couldnt with the budget, didnt even think about making a tool!

29-01-13, 06:10 PM
If you can turn a bit of steel then it could well be worth the bonus marks tutors will be looking for.