View Full Version : wot color

18-08-03, 09:06 PM
hi evri1 want ur opinions on wot color i should spray my nova from, petrol blue, midnight blue and a really deep shiny black (can't remember it's name


18-08-03, 09:19 PM
Black, definately Black!!

19-08-03, 03:42 PM
There is nothing worse than a poorly finished car,
Black is the best colour for showing up imperfections in the bodywork,
every dent & ripple will be visible clearly, not so much on lighter coloured cars.

If your bodyshop dude is supremo, I'd say Black !!!

19-08-03, 03:51 PM
i totally agree with aamirzahid, my mate had his done black and you could see loadsa marks etc, since he's buffed it, it aint too bad but make sure its a pro job if your havin it black.

After his had been done, it looked like someone had got a rough rag and gone over it, looked tacky.

Like i say, since buffed up dont look too bad but still not perfect.

19-08-03, 06:45 PM
im the bodyshop guy sprayin it myself, painted a few different things quite good but my 1st black job oh er, im favourin black but evritime i see a midnight blue nova i can't decide