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16-08-03, 09:27 PM
im gonna fit some sr clocks in to my 1.2 but the only thing is that i dont no wot will or wont work :(

can any 1 tell me
thanks peeps .nam.

16-08-03, 09:32 PM
Have you got the clocks yet?

17-08-03, 05:15 PM
nope not yet hopefully this week i wil be gettin them but i just wonted to no wot dose or dosnt work on them :!:

thanks .nam.

17-08-03, 07:14 PM
Think the main thing that wont work will be the tacometer (revs) but I beleive all you need to do is run a wire from the possative of your coil the the back of the dials. Oil pressure dial prob wont work and I don't think there's alot you can do about that unless your Nova has an oil pressure sensor. Like the revs u can run another possotive wire from the possotive ignition to the back of the battery voltmeter to get the battery dial to work - Good luck mate.

17-08-03, 09:07 PM
ok nice 1 lads :rainbowa: