View Full Version : oil slick

13-08-03, 11:41 PM
i reluctantly bought castrol magnatec 4.5l of oil as my car was well in need of an oil change which i had been putting off for ages...
left halfords after putting the what i thought was sealed oil container on the back seat...drove home,looked round to see the whole bottle of oil had spilt on the back seats - not one drop left in the bottle.damage casued-top and bottom rear seats need replacing along with all rear seat belts and carpet and left an unpleasant smell and thick sludge every where! and to top it off i had to spend another ?20 on new bottle of oil (which was transported safely)

o well thats life eh...

13-08-03, 11:55 PM
i did that :oops: don't suffer alone!
put the oil behind my seat an drove home took a round about a bit quick an oil went everywhere used kitty litter to soak it up then had some upholstery cleaner so chucked that at it :lol:

14-08-03, 08:01 AM
Unlucky!! :o :(

14-08-03, 09:48 AM
i did the oil behind seat thing, and i know giggler did the same lol
only a litre or so but took me months to get rid of it!!

14-08-03, 12:42 PM
oh dear oh dear