View Full Version : My Nova & I are going to be in a TV show!

30-11-12, 09:45 PM
As the title says, me and the Nova are going to be in a TV sit-com called Big Bad World which will be aired some time in 2013 on Comedy Central. It features Blake Harrison (Neil from The Inbetweeners), David Fynn (Wolfie from the work experience episode of The Inbetweeners), the comedian Seann Walsh and a few others.

I was at the bloke who painted my car's workshop doing a bit of work when he got a phone call from his sister asking if he knew of a "boy racer" that would like to star in a TV Show. He said no at first but when he had got off the phone he asked me if I would be interested and I instantly said yes. :cool:

All the information I knew at the time was that it was a comedy sit-com that was being filmed at Herne Bay which involved me driving along in the Nova and shouting abuse at a couple of the actors.

I got a phone call Wednesday afternoon asking if I was OK for to do some filming Thursday (yesterday) which I was.... sort of lol. When I took the phone call, the starter motor had just been removed as it had packed up so I had to quickly rush around to try and find another one. I had also had a problem with the engine hesitating in 2nd gear but that was solved with a clean of the fuel filter... A starter motor was sourced and the car was all washed and ready for filming.

I then got a phone call Wednesday evening asking if I could bring a mate to be a passenger in the car. As it was such short notice the only person that was available was my dad lol.

Anyway, we arrived at the car park were the film crew where set up at 7:30am ready for filming which we thought would only take an hour or so! We were greeted by one of the main guys who told us to get some breakfast (full English and all for FREE) and wait for further instructions. 8:30am came and we were on the move to the filming area (Herne Bay seafront). We thought that we would be doing our scene and then going home but ohhh no... It was FREEEEEZZZZING cold with the sea breeze and we were standing around for a good 3 hours whilst they were filming just one 30 second scene all at differant angles!

Finally, we were told that our scene was up next and the nerves then kicked in lol. It was at this point we were told what we had to do. My dad would be driving the Nova whilst I would be hanging out of the window shouting "go for it grandma" whilst driving past David who is in his 20's snogging a 50 year old woman! After a couple of rehearsals we started filming and we had to drive past and do the same thing around 10-12 times all at different angles etc, in the FREEEEZZING cold with both windows down! lol It got to 2:00pm and they still hadn't finished but they decided to stop for lunch. It was back into to the car and back to "base".

All I can say is these actors never go hungry! For lunch there was either lasagne, chicken and ham pie or salmon. And then there was pudding which was either sticky toffee pudding or chocolate cake. (Note that throughout the day, at every hour someone would come around with sandwiches, cakes, sweets etc! lol)

As I sat down to eat my lunch Blake, David and Seann casually sat at the table next to me and we had a good old chat...

After lunch is was back to filming and after another 5-6 drive-by's we were done. We expected to be told to go home then but no, they wanted us to be passer by's in the FREEEEZZZING cold!!!!! After filming 4-5 scenes with us being passer-by's it got to 7pm and we were told that they had gone slightly overtime and that they still needed to do a couple more scenes... Finally, at 7:45pm filming was finished and we could go home and get warm after spending all day in the FREEEZZZING cold!

We then had to go back to "base" to sign our contract and collect our money. For just over 12 hours of filming in the FREEEZZZING cold we were thinking that we would have got around £200 but no, £50 each! (That's £4.16 an hour, less than the minimum wage)

We never really complained as it was more of an experience and I only really did it to get the Nova on TV lol. We were then told that our scene was very, very good and everyone said that it was perfect. They said that the car looked great on film and the noise of the car was perfect sound wise. All of this put a great big smile on my face and made it all worth it.

Now I just can't wait to see the show and see the Nova but i'm not quite looking forward to seeing me shouting out of the window lol.

Sorry for the long story but I'm hoping it may interest someone....

paul james
30-11-12, 09:57 PM
Sounds like they spend all their money on food instead of on the extras! Bet you can't wait to see it, awesome stuff :)

30-11-12, 10:07 PM
And here are just a few pictures I managed to take:


30-11-12, 10:09 PM
Good on you mate, what a great experience!

30-11-12, 10:22 PM
Well done :thumb: sounds like you were paid in food though lol

30-11-12, 10:32 PM
I'd love to do that lol, saw the photos on facebook but enjoyed reading that! bet you can't wait to see it on TV and i'll defo be checking it out. :)

30-11-12, 10:51 PM
nice one

30-11-12, 11:13 PM
I saw the photos on the book of face and wondered what they were all about. Nice one!!

01-12-12, 07:16 AM
Sounds like you've had fun and plenty of food lol

The worry is the "chav tag" richter scale will have shot back up for Novas... good work in making them famous again lol

01-12-12, 10:50 AM
Well done and good for you. Make sure and post again just before it's aired to remind everyone to watch it!

03-12-12, 09:17 PM
awesome! you will have to let us no a exact time its on!

03-12-12, 10:36 PM
A nova on the tv.... Good work :)

03-12-12, 10:42 PM
"Go for it grandma". Quality

03-12-12, 11:29 PM
Well done mate, sounded like a good laugh. Make sure and remind us when its on, love a nova on tv lol

04-12-12, 01:45 AM
my nova was used in a training video in the summer. i got a phone call asking if i knew anyone with a modified car and was told the older the better. when telling him i had a modified nova with performance mods but not many visual mods he said it was perfect and told me to be at the set the next day, nothing was said about what the video was about. in my head i pictured me ragging my nova around against a scooby or something like that. but no.... the video was about reliability and my car was there to represent the unreliable :( i wanted to get back in my very reliable xe nova and drive off but i had already agreed to it and the rest of the set and cast were ready so had to do it really. anyway i got free pizza pop and £150 for my troubles so not all bad i suppose

05-12-12, 02:42 PM
Nice one mate :thumb: Im going to keep a look out for this

05-12-12, 08:16 PM
Good work! Make sure you remind us when it is on tv!!!

31-07-13, 11:30 PM
Right then, update time!

I've just seen that the TV show has now been confirmed on the Comedy Central website. The series will start on the 21st August and I will try and find out what episode the Nova will be in. If you would like to view the start of the first episode you can here:


01-08-13, 07:54 AM
That's very cool.

27-09-13, 12:53 PM
Well, did anybody see us on Wednesday? I forgot to watch the show but got told about it afterwards. Luckily, I had the series on record so straight away got the TV on and watched it over and over. Today, I managed to get a video online so downloaded it, trimmed it down and uploaded it to YouTube.

It's amazing though how without a stereo/speakers or a working horn, music was being played from the car and the horn beeped at the end lollol!!!

It's not too bad, I look and sound like a bit of a dick lol but oh well, at least we made it onto TV!! The car has changed a bit since then as well so it's good to have some history as such!


lee 16v
27-09-13, 01:05 PM
Pmsl. Nice one.

Simon 1867
27-09-13, 03:36 PM
Well done mate. Top work.

27-09-13, 07:35 PM
lol what did you shout?

27-09-13, 07:40 PM
nice one grandma!!! lol lol lol