View Full Version : Role gage

11-08-03, 07:44 PM
Im after a shity role cage thats cheap but looks smart anyone know good sites to look on ?

11-08-03, 08:00 PM
Check this out.

11-08-03, 09:15 PM
:s ally cage

Id rather take my chances in an AX lol

11-08-03, 10:20 PM
Come on Cambridge it's the look most are looking for. Afterall I don't intend putting mine on a track or sticking it in a ditch. Therefore an ally cage is still better than nothing if you're unlucky enough to roll it. They are clearly stated as "Street" use only. Coded welders as well making them so good quality.

11-08-03, 10:48 PM
Cambridge, he asked for cheap shit that looks good. That's waht the link takes you to. Persnally wouldn't put anything but FIA approved in my car.

11-08-03, 11:30 PM
is it easy to make your own cage? it's just my project im goin for touring car style got an ally tank goin in the looks the nuts post pics soon.

11-08-03, 11:52 PM

heard of a cosmetic cage buckling in a roll over crash once.. it folded itself up and speared the passenger seat...

god knows what would of happened if it had been occupied with a person :S


12-08-03, 07:54 AM
There are horror stories with everything in this world, I heard of a FIA cage snapping during a crash and the door bar virtually ripping the drivers legs off.

Ben (lurk75)
12-08-03, 09:56 AM
you can get a safety devices rear cage for ?100.

12-08-03, 05:56 PM
Afterall I don't intend putting mine on a track or sticking it in a ditch.

im sure no one intends on putting a car in a ditch, but it happens lol

and ally isnt the most ductile material going, so a steel cage, yeah its heavyier but much more suited to saving your life :)

Ben (lurk75)
12-08-03, 06:14 PM
got to agree with cambridge, if its in there it might as well do some good. Rather than endangering life.

12-08-03, 10:00 PM
I think we all agree, if you going to put one in, put the best you can afford in.

13-08-03, 02:40 AM
Im after a s**t role cage thats cheap but looks smart anyone know good sites to look on ?

Which is it then that you want, a shit cage or a smart cage!?

And peeple that cant spel do my heed in.

15-08-03, 06:13 PM
A shit cage that looks smart

Ben (lurk75)
15-08-03, 06:17 PM
That still makes no sense, do you mean a cheap cage that looks smart?

There are mainly two types of cage...

1. competition use, wich arent exactly pretty but very usefull.

2. A show cage, wich look nice and shiney but will cause more harm than good in the event of an accident.

The compettion ones are cheaper than the show ones.

15-08-03, 06:19 PM
one that is cheap and looks smart