View Full Version : B+e anyone done it?

20-11-12, 08:24 AM
Well since I've allegedly become a pikey (bought a big twin a le caravan) I need to do my b+e anyone done it? What's involved and how difficult is it?

20-11-12, 09:30 AM
I for b and e, and a few e's but mainly my school grades spelt fudge

20-11-12, 09:59 AM
Im looking at doing mine aswell i know that you have to be a le to bitch it on to your car and be able to reverse round corners and i a strait line. Ive towed alsorts of big trailers with cars on and even had vosa follow me for 20 miles on the m62 and was never stopped so its never realy worried me

20-11-12, 05:34 PM
I'm getting out of touch a little now, but it is a full. Driving test as per LGV, I'm sure the details will be available from the dvla. Uncouple and recouple reverse manouver and road test.
I've never done it as I'm too old, I have c +e though.

chris gsi
20-11-12, 08:09 PM
I looked into it a few years ago and as said you have to show you can hitch and unhitch and drive around some cones and reverse around a few cones and then reverse in to a space and then a drive on the road like a normal driving test but I think it was a few hundred pounds for the course

20-11-12, 08:28 PM
You need to use a trailer with high sides (eg NOT a car trailer). And lots of mincing.

I'll be looking to do mine in the new year for no other reason than it might be handy.

20-11-12, 08:33 PM
tbh, a high sided trailer is easier to reverse with a large car/small 4x4 as you can see the sides well enough to aim the manoeuvre. you simply wouldn't see the corners on a flat car trailer. i passed my test long before the 97 cutoff though..

20-11-12, 08:51 PM
*runs off to check when I passed my test*

20-11-12, 08:52 PM
What is the gross weight of the caravan, and your tow vehicle? you may not need to do it, depending on what you tow with.
When towing on a B licence, the gross train weight, cannot exceed 3500kg, and the trailer cannot weigh more than either the tow vehicle kerb weight, or it's gross towing weight, whichever is lesser.
so for example, behind my 1800kg trooper, I can tow a 1700kg trailer

20-11-12, 09:06 PM
My total weight will be about 4100kg I defiantly need it got away with just under 3500kg with existing 12 foot one but the new one is 26foot long and weighs over double the existing one, with my occupation it's not worth risking getting 9 points and a massive fine (3 for driving other wise in accordance to licence and 6 for no insurance as licence isn't valid so insurance void) I wouldn't be a driving instructor long with that on there

20-11-12, 09:10 PM
What is the gross weight of the caravan, and your tow vehicle? you may not need to do it, depending on what you tow with.
When towing on a B licence, the gross train weight, cannot exceed 3500kg, and the trailer cannot weigh more than either the tow vehicle kerb weight, or it's gross towing weight, whichever is lesser.
so for example, behind my 1800kg trooper, I can tow a 1700kg trailer
No you carnt as the total weight can not exceed 3500 and it maximum permisible weight so your trooper with a kurb weight of 1800kgs probably has a max weight of 2400 so you can tow 1100kg trailer

My cars has max weight of 2257 and caravan 1765kg max weight

20-11-12, 10:49 PM
Thats not strictly true. Its the unladen weight of the towing vehicle added to the plated weight of the trailer.

Then a combined maximum of 3,5t. So the trooper @ 1.8t and trailer at 1.7t would be fine with no driver, fuel or spares package, but as soon as you exceed the 3.5t it becomes an illegal train.

Not to mention making the trailer heavier than the towing vehicle, which is also illegal on a Cat B license.

20-11-12, 10:54 PM
The licence is based on max permissible weights though not actual weights so if curb weight is 1800kg and max permisible is 2400kg can only exer tow a trailer weighted at 1100kg if the trailer weighed 1000kg unlaidend but had a max weight of 2000kg then it's illegal also it goes on plate weight not actual so it's check able at the road side hence my example which is correct I've looked into this a lot to see if I could avoid doing the licence in any way

20-11-12, 11:02 PM
The rule is trailer can not exceed unlaidend weight of car but trailer plus laiden weight of car can not exceed 3500kg

20-11-12, 11:16 PM
Considered doing your C+E? Bit more expensive but would be handy to fall back on, or become in instructor in a few years time?

20-11-12, 11:26 PM
Would c+e give you b+e by default?

20-11-12, 11:29 PM
Im sure it does stuart as thats the route i was looking at going, i have to have L plates on my van when im towing my stockcar and my mum sitting in with me, not the best solution but saves me doing the trailer test for now

21-11-12, 10:39 AM
Yeah Stuart, you automatically have b & e if you complete c & e.
I did my c & e earlier this year and asked my examiner when I passed my test.

21-11-12, 10:44 AM
What kinda cost in time and money is involved with a C&E?

21-11-12, 11:18 AM
C+e cost me around £1600 from starting from just a car licence to having it all..... I believe it's a lot more expensive over on the mainland though.

Edit that was 2 5 day courses with the test on each Friday. Can take a while to get theorys and medical etc booked.

21-11-12, 12:49 PM
The licence is based on max permissible weights though not actual weights

Thats really good info, I always wondered what the MAM had to do with it.

Luckily im fine then. 2200kg MAM Transit connect lwb means i can tow my Nova on a light trailer plated to 1300kg. (unladen kerb weight 1400kg).

21-11-12, 05:58 PM
as said C+E automaticaly gives you B+E and C1+E (7.5t and trailer) need to do a medical, then theory, then 5 day course including test for the C part, then another 5 days for the +E.

Costs would be around 2k, bit expensive but I've made about that in overtime alone this month. ;)

21-11-12, 07:05 PM
ivi done my b+e and it was just like re taking my driving test tbh, i have had loads of experience with trailers from a young age so it wasnt too bad but could be quite hard for someone with no experience

i also thought if you didnt have the b+e you were restricted to a trailer of 750kg max gross regardless what your vehicle weighs etc

21-11-12, 07:18 PM
ivi done my b+e and it was just like re taking my driving test tbh, i have had loads of experience with trailers from a young age so it wasnt too bad but could be quite hard for someone with no experience

i also thought if you didnt have the b+e you were restricted to a trailer of 750kg max gross regardless what your vehicle weighs etc
the 750kg trailer thing is a bit of a red herring... its actually the max weight for an unbraked trailer, and nowt to do with licences.

the above info on towing weights is correct