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11-08-03, 09:59 AM
anyone else got one? They are quite interesting to listern too.

yesterday i was listerning to coppers chasing joyriders round town

was quality :D

Ben (lurk75)
11-08-03, 10:01 AM
My neighbour used to have one, get in serious trouble if you get cuaght with one, they do you for all manner of things.

11-08-03, 10:02 AM
i thought you would only get done if you were found on their frequency

Chris LR
11-08-03, 11:06 AM
Once listened to a chase on the M6 at 1am.

Ambulance Service is a good listen too.

11-08-03, 12:19 PM
yea my dad gave me one on my like 14th birthday was fukkin class me n my lot av got bout 3 btween us, good shit to listen to

11-08-03, 12:56 PM
would have been interesting in stoke last night at 10:45 pm when 5 pigs were chassing a 500bhp cosie <LMFAO , even the T70 was miles behind after a matter of seconds.

we called the guy 10mins later when the police were searching round for him, about 10cars by now, and he was at home infront of the tv with a beer incase they turned up at his house (incase they got the reg he wasnt sure)

11-08-03, 07:08 PM
do u no where i can get 1 from and how much??? lmk pleez guys or gals

11-08-03, 07:52 PM
it is not illegal 2 listen 2 a scanner, its is illegal 2 act upon the information you hear....

few years back they caught a few people out.....said on scanner there was UFO sighting...loads of people turned up got busted

11-08-03, 07:57 PM
Ha Ha, way to catch people out. lol

11-08-03, 09:13 PM
soon the current scanners will be useless for listening to the cars as the Tetra system will be activeated properly.

with some cunning electronics you can have a device work out how far away and what direction they are travelling ;) handy lol

respect the law, it will only come back and bite you in the ass

12-08-03, 11:16 AM
the police going all digital soon, so no scanners....

remember when mobile phones were analouge....before all this sms sh

be sat at traffic lights and someone pull up next 2 me, i quickly do a scan and find the people talkin on phone next 2 me

always got a scanner on me, some of the stuff...still pick up cordless house phones on there tho but mobile's were the best ;)

Chris LR
12-08-03, 09:16 PM
Tried to get mine working tonight, with no luck.

From the looks of it theres been a fatal 400 yrds from my front door.

13-08-03, 02:02 AM

13-08-03, 02:37 AM
i find them boring.

and due to all the reality tv shows, there isn't anything that i would find interesting/shocking anyway.

13-08-03, 07:51 AM
speaking of shocking anyone else see that absolutley bizarre thing on Bravo last night called the worlds most shocking medical videos!

OMG - 1/2 woman gives birth to baby - man has toe sewed on for a thumb and mexico man has a tumor the sie of his head growing out the side of his head
